No More Nerf

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*Grants birthday comes and you have a big party for him

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*Grants birthday comes and you have a big party for him. Your little 8 year old, you can't help but wish he was still that cute little chubby cheeked baby.*
Y/N- did you enjoy your Nerf themed birthday?? *You ask as you tuck Grant into bed. He smile and looks up at you*
Grant- I loved it! Especially all the new Nerf guns I got!!
*You laugh and shake your head.*
Y/N- I know but remember-
Grant- I know, I won't shoot it at anyone who isn't ready. *He pouts a little and you give him a kiss.*
Y/N- Goodnight, my little wolf *You get up and walk to the door*
Grant- mommy??
Y/N- yeah baby?
Grant- I'm sorry that I hurt people today.
*You gently smile and walk back over*
Y/N- they all know you didn't mean to sweetie and not a single one of them is mad at you. In fact I heard them talking about playing with you tomorrow with all your new guns. Okay?!
*He smiles and hugs you, he then lays down and you walk out of his room, closing the door behind you.*

*Bucky lays on the couch with a crying Jonnie. She had an ice pack on her nose and eye as she curls up with Bucky. Bucky has an ice pack on his crotch. Steve lays on the other couch and has an ice pack on his crotch. Nat has and ice pack on her boobs and Peter lays on the floor with and ice pack on his butt. You try not to laugh*
Y/N- you are the one who bought him the big shock, mega "tranquilizer" bullets.
*Bucky shoots you a scowl*
Bucky- I didn't know he was going to go deliverance on my balls!
Steve- yeah!
Peter- he was a few inches away from this thing being up my ass! *He throws a nerf bullet*
Nat- I think I may have a cyst developing! *She holds her breast*
Jonnie- my eye and nose!!! *She cries*
*You take Jonnie and hold her in your arms*
Y/N- I know baby, I'm sorry and so is Grant. *Jonnie just cries. Thankfully it missed her eye and only hit her nose, but still he may have broken her nose.* can I look at your nose baby?
*Jonnie sniffles and sits up, you see a little crooked spot where it wasn't crooked before. The blood has finally stopped. You look at Bucky and he sits up*
Bucky- do we need to go??
Y/N- yeah, it's definitely broken. She needs to get it reset.
Bucky- poor baby *She looks at Bucky and reaches her arms out. He takes her and holds her close.*
Y/N- my baby is going to start kindergarten with two black eyes! *Your eyes start to well up and Bucky just shakes his head.*
Bucky- hey, hey look at me *You do* it's okay. *He nods down to Jonnie and you nods. You know you can't cry because then Jonnie will cry even more and since she can't breath through her nose she really needs to calm down to get big deep breaths through her mouth.*
Y/N- okay *You wipe your eyes and Jonnie looks at you, you smile and kiss her forehead*
Okay baby, we are gonna go to the doctor, okay?!
Jonnie- I'm scared mommy!
Y/N- no need to be scared baby, let's go get your shoes okay?!
*She nods and stands up. You look at everyone and can't help but tear up*
Y/N- he really is sorry, I'm sorry-
*Steve and Nat sit up and reassure you*
Steve- y/n we are okay.
Nat- yeah, just yesterday James punch Steve in the junk and while I was nursing Samuel he almost ripped off my nipple with his latch. This was just another day in parenting. *You laughs a little and wipe the tears away. Peter sits up*
Peter- as long as he doesn't sodomize me with a nerf bullet *Bucky gives him a shove and he laughs* it's okay y/n. He still a kid and I gave him the nerf bullets as well. I also came up with the idea for a war, I brought this upon all of us. *He shrugs and you smile and nod*
Bucky- Peter would you mind staying here while we take Jonnie to the children's hospital? You can ice you ass in our tub as a sorry and thank you.
*Peter jumps up and you laugh*
Peter- don't have to tell me twice!
*He runs off to get a change of clothes and stuff. You get Jonnie ready and grab your stuff*
Jonnie- mommy my nose hurts
Y/N- I know baby, come here *You pick her up and carry her. Bucky comes up behind you and takes her*
Bucky- you don't need any extra stress, let me carry her.
Y/N- I'm fine-
Bucky- y/n, please
*You sigh and look down at Jonnie, she is looking up at you and Bucky. You kiss her head and hand her to Bucky. She wraps her arms around his neck and he walks out to the car with her. You sit in the back with her.*
Jonnie- can I watch a show?
Y/N- yeah baby *You let her watch octonauts on your phone the whole way. You lean up and pat Bucky's shoulder and he rubs your hand with his real one. He kisses it and just sits there holding your hand.*

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