The Secrets Our Room Holds

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‼️ I want to emphasize that in the last chapter when Bucky slaps us it's not really out of Real anger

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‼️ I want to emphasize that in the last chapter when Bucky slaps us it's not really out of Real anger. It's more of a slap that you would get when you're "in scene" but I get that's not some peoples cup of tea! But that's why I didn't have him feel super bad about it, he's done it before and spoiler- he will do it again. But it is never to actually hurt us, never out of real anger, and it never leaves a mark!!! ❤️ I don't even know how many warnings should be given! 😅 it gets rough and nasty and the next chapter will be nasty as well! 😅😏😉😈🥵🤤👅 enjoy! ‼️

Kate- hey Peter I need you to do something for me?
*Peter smiles*
Peter- Anything!
Kate- give this note to Bucky please.
*Peter gives her a look*
Peter- except that!
Kate- please Peter I need to explain why I did-
Peter- No, you wanna talk to him go talk to him yourself!
Kate- why are you acting like this?!
Peter- like what?!
Kate- like you're jealous or something!
*Peter gets flustered*
Peter- ha! Umm I'm not jealous but I'm not going to help you try and sneak around with my sisters husband!
Kate- She's not your sis-
Peter- maybe not by normal standards but she is to me. So stop trying to get with her husband! Ugh god!
*Peter storms away and Kate just cries. Peter sits at the table until dinner is ready. He was jealous but he couldn't admit that to Kate.*

*You all eat dinner, Kate sits all the way at the other end of the table, no where near you or Bucky. Nat keeps glaring at her and you can't help but laugh a little. Bucky elbows you and you roll your eyes.*
Bucky- behave
Y/N- make me *You shoot back as you take a sip of his wine. You smirk and lean back in your chair. You scoot closer and lay your hand on his thigh. His breath catches and you smirk.*
Nat- So Kate, you ever had a boyfriend?
*Kate almost chokes on her drink. Peter hands her a napkin. Nat just stares straight ahead. Steve shakes his head and goes back to feeding Sarah, not wanting to be a part of what Nat is about to do.*
Kate- Umm I- ye- yeah I have. I don't really like labels though.
Nat- makes sense, you don't respect other peoples labels. *She takes a drink of her wine and sits back in her chair. Kate looks around the table and realizes everyone there knows what she did. She looks at you*
Kate- you told them?!
*You roll your eyes and sit up*
Y/N- yes-
Kate- Why?! What purpose did that serve?!?
Y/N- I don't have to defend my actions Kate! It's you who needs to. Like for starters why did you kiss my husband!?!
*Tony and Thor look up from their plates. Pepper quickly gets up and ushers Morgan out of the room, she takes Grant and Winnie as well. Steve sends Sarah to run after them. Sam looks between Bucky, you, and Kate. Yelena is shocked*
Yelena- you didn't tell me- Kate?!
Kate- Stop okay, I know that what I did was wrong but it wasn't unprovoked!
*You snap your head back at Bucky.*
Y/N- what the hell does that mean?!?
Bucky- how should I know?!?
Kate- Bucky?!? Tell them! Please?
Y/N- tell us what?!? Are you actually insinuating that my husband was carrying on with you behind my back?!
*Kate wipes a tear and looks at Bucky, who is utterly and completely confused. He has no idea what's happening.*
Kate- the notes Bucky, the letters?! I've been getting secret little notes from someone here and I know it's you, I know your handwriting.
*You look at Bucky and see his confused face, you both realize what has happened at the same time. Nat grabs a knife from the table. Yelena pulls a gun out of nowhere. Wanda starts moving her magic around. Steve just sits back in disbelief, he doesn't want to believe it, he can't, there's got to be another explanation. Thor calls Mojlnir. Tony pulls out a blaster. Bucky looks around at everyone, and the only one who seems to still have faith in him is you. He takes your hand and kisses it.*
Bucky- so all of you are just ready to kill me without even knowing the truth?
Tony- we just like to be prepared *He wiggles his fingers*
Steve- there's got to be an explanation that doesn't involve Bucky cheating on y/n.
Bucky- oh there is!! Peter? Do you have something to share with the class before I'm blown away??
*Peter shifts in his seat and turns to Kate.*
Peter- they are from me. Bucky wrote them for me because you'd know my hand writing. Now I see that was a huge mistake.

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