Blissfull Happiness, Utter Fulfillment, and Kinky Sex

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‼️So I've noted before in a previous chapter that Bucky is growing his hair out

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‼️So I've noted before in a previous chapter that Bucky is growing his hair out. At this point in the story this is about the length it is now!🤤❤️‼️

‼️No real Smut in this chapter! IkIk I'm like the girl who cried Smut! 😅😅 I got caught up in a hole project today and could finish this chapter the way it deserved to be finished! BUT it will be finished and posted tomorrow, just enjoy this chapter of me setting the stage! 😂😅😉😏🤤🥵👅😈❤️‼️

*You laugh and pull Bucky close*
Y/N- we are going to dinner tonight and you mister are going to wear your cage and the remote controlled plug. *You smirk and rub your hand down Bucky's back. He narrows his eyes.*
Bucky- now why would I do that?
*You chuckle and squeeze his ass*
Y/N- because you're mine kitten and that's how I'm choosing to claim you tonight. It's a reward baby, not a punishment, but you better be ready to go by 6 or else.
*Bucky smirks*
Bucky- or else what??
Y/N- you'll spend all night with that cage on hanging from the suspension bar while I have all the fun.
*You walk away and you hear Bucky moan. Mission accomplished. You get Nat set up with the schedule for the girls and you get Peter and Thor Grant and Winnie's schedule.*
Y/N- okay, I will feed them before we leave and then they should sleep till we get back
Nat- okay, relax y/n, I've got this.
Y/N- I know but this is the first time I'm leaving them since they were born.
Nat- I know, it will be okay.
*You nod and hug Nat.*
Y/N- okay Thor, Peter is going to handle bath time and diaper changes and all of that for Winnie.
Thor- good!
Y/N- he will just need your help with her at dinner and then putting them to bed.
Thor- don't worry y/n, I'm happy to help. *you smile and hug Thor. You give him a little kiss on the cheek.*
Y/N- thank you! Peter? Oh you know what to do! *You smile and hug him.*
Y/N- okay, thanks again guys!!

*You get your hair done and put on your make up. This is the first time you actually, truly dressed up in literally months. After the third month with the triplets nothing would fit you so you didn't even try. You zip up your dress and take a look. It's one of Bucky's favorite dresses, it's on the shorter side and black.*
Y/N- Damn, I look hot.
Bucky- I was just about to say that. *Bucky stands in the doorway leaning against the frame. He is in his boxers and nothing else. You look at the time.*
Y/N- Bucky *You say warningly* it's almost 6 and you are no where near ready.
*Bucky smiles and looks over his shoulder to make sure all the babysitters in the other room aren't eavesdropping.*
Bucky- I needed some help with this *He holds up the plug and you chuckle*
Y/N- what? Can't get it in yourself?
*You motion for him to come close and to turn around.*
Bucky- I guess I should have rephrased that. I want some help. I'm all ready to go just wanted you to do the final step, since you're the one claiming me, then claim me. *He smirks as he drops his boxers. You laugh and shake your head. You slap his ass as you push the plug in.*
Y/N- don't tell me what to do. *You kiss his shoulder and spank him again.* go get dressed, now. *Bucky smiles and tries to kiss you* nope, only good boys get kisses and right now you haven't even obeyed my first instructions. Go, then we will see about a kiss.
*Bucky basically pouts as he walks away.*

*Bucky gets dressed in one of his finest suits and walks out of the closet. He sees you sitting in the bed, waiting. He walks over and stands in front of you. You look him up and down.*
Y/N- are you being good?
Bucky- yes ma'am *You smile and stand up. You run your hands along his back and down his ass. You mess with the plug a little and he quiets a moan.*
Y/N- just make sure it's still there baby. *You run your hands along the front of his pants and you feel the cage on his dick. He whimpers when you stroke him, you quiet him with a kiss.*
Y/N- shhh, it's okay. You're doing so well baby.
Bucky- thank you Mistress *You kiss him and he smiles.* so are you driving or am I?
Y/N- I mean I may be in charge tonight but I'm still in a dress, you drive! *You walk away all snooty and Bucky laughs, he pulls you back by your hand and kisses you. You giggle.*
Bucky- I'd love to, I feel like my hand in your lap is the only action I'll be initiating tonight.
*You smile and pat his face*
Y/N- Mmhmm not just a pretty face with muscles. *Bucky laughs and pulls you along.*
Oh wait! *You head back into the bathroom and dig around in the toy drawer, trying to find the right remote. You know you found it when you hear Bucky yell for you.*
Bucky- y/n?! I think we're good!!
*You laugh and head back out.*
Y/N- had to make sure. *You wave it in your hand and tuck it away in your purse. You also grabbed a pair of Bucky's boxers, just in case things got... messy.*

Y/N- okay, bye guys!! Mwwahh love you, be good!!
Steve- I thought Bucky was going with you. *Steve teases at your instruction to be good. You laugh and Bucky rolls his eyes.*
Nat- bye!

*You climb in the car and Bucky gets in and drives away. He places his hand on your thigh and looks over at you. And with a smile on your face you turn on the toy*
Bucky- oh! Oh wow, that- you can't- if you want us to make it there alive you gotta stop that right now.
Y/N- oh come on?! My big strong man can't take a little pleasure while on the road. *You slip your hand on his thigh and he moans.*
Bucky- Nope! No I can not.
*You turn it off and remove your hand from his leg.*
Y/N- fine, that's fine. *You look out the window and cross your arms.*
Bucky- oh come on- are you pouting?!
Y/N- Nope, just thinking about what Shes gonna do to you later.
*Bucky's voice jumped almost an octave*
Bucky- umm what?!
Y/N- you heard me. *You turn and slip you hand between his legs, he moans and you lean in, nibbling on the shell of his ear.* I think it's been too long since Odette had some fun... don't you? *You tease and then back away. Bucky take a big breath and nods*
Bucky- just tell her to be gentle, it's been awhile. *You chuckle*
Y/N- you know gentles not her style. *Bucky whimpers and you chuckle.* but don't worry, sweet cheeks. You still have a whole dinner worth of me and only me. *You tease him through his pants and he groans.* Sweet *You kiss his cheek* kind *You kiss his shoulder* possessive *You take his bulge in your hand and he moans* y/n. *You smile and kiss his cheek as you let go and sit back.*
Bucky- dear lord give me strength *You chuckle*
Y/N- what do you need strength for, baby?
Bucky- to not blow a load in public.
Y/N- oh you will, or at least that's my plan. *You smile and Bucky blows air out of his mouth as he chuckles. You look over at him and see how good he looks.* You look so handsome tonight baby. *Bucky smiles at you.*
Bucky- you said tonight was all about claiming me. I wanted to make sure I was worthy enough to be claimed by you.
*Ugh! Bucky knows how to take a hot, steamy moment and turn it into a swoon fest. You'll have to bring you A game to out for him.*
Y/N- well thank you kitten, for that you deserve a reward. *You smirk and turn on the plug. He moans and moves around in his seat. You rub his shoulder and praise him.*
Y/N- you look so good, all whiney and needy for Mistress. Doing so well, *You lean in close and whisper in his ear.* have you made a mess yet? *Bucky moans and grips the steering wheel. You giggle and kiss his cheek, teasing his ear with your tongue.* I'll take that as a yes. *You sit back and Bucky chuckles and shakes his head. He holds up his fingers and punt he's them together.*
Bucky- just a little one, a tiny mess.
Y/N- we'll just have to try harder then. *You smirk and Bucky chuckles.*
Bucky- oh what did I agree to?! *He shakes his head and sits back as he relaxes, you finally turned off the plug. You lean back over and take his jaw in your hands and turn his face to yours, thankfully you're stopped at the moment.*
Y/N- a lifetime blissful happiness, complete and utter fulfillment, with a sprinkle of kinky sex.
*Bucky smiles and kisses you, deeply and passionately. He pull back and looks into your eyes.*
Bucky- wouldn't have it any other way.
*He rests his forehead against yours and you hum in response. He then looks back up*
Bucky- but a sprinkle my ass! This is straight up hot fudge poured over the whole sundae, just melting everything it touches! *You laugh and nod, kissing Bucky again.*
Y/N- now that! That sounds delicious. *Bucky hums and then kisses you one last time before he turns to face the road in front of you, the light turns green and he pulls away.*

‼️Also, I watched Fresh this morning!! 😱😅😏 wow is all I can say! Sebastian is amazing and it truly is such an amazing performance by him, he deserves an award. I didn't find it scary, it could be gross if you're eating while watching it, so don't do that! Lol but honestly if you've seen Criminal minds, BONES, or American Horror Story, then this is nothing!! So if that's your jam, have fun!! 😏🥰‼️

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