Mommy Needs To Rest

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*The days goes on and everything is pretty mild

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*The days goes on and everything is pretty mild. The kids are super helpful and they want to just stay with you and cuddle. You love it because you've missed them so much, also Bucky can't do his normal teasing. Anytime he gets close or tries Winnie looks at him and says*
Winnie- Mommy needs to rest!
*What almost made you die from embarrassment and laughter was what Odette says.*
Odette- Daddy, mommy can't special wrestle with you anymore. *Bucky chokes on his water.*
Y/N- what?! Grant- Umm where-
Odette- Because of your leg, you can't wrestle. It will hurt.
Bucky- Umm Odette where did you hear that? Who told you about Mommy and Daddy wrestling?!
Odette- Grant did. He said you and Mommy special wrestle all the time, that its your favorite. At least that's what you told him, so I was just saying you can't anymore while mommy is hurt.
*She goes back to playing and Bucky is just stunned. You laugh and pat his chest.*
Y/N- you heard her, no wrestling. *You shrug and smirk.* on a side note, why did you tell Grant that?!
Bucky- he kept asking about it, so I just said it's something we do and we really love it. Like how he loves playing with his toys.
Y/N- you equated our sex life *you whisper* with Grant playing with his toys?!? *Bucky smirks*
Bucky- well in a way it is the same, *He pulls you close and palms a your ass.* I like to play with my toys too *He winks and scoff and then you smirk. You then feel someone slap your butt, really Bucky hand on your butt. You turn around and see Winnie.*
Winnie- hey! I said mommy needs rest and you're bothering her! *She crosses her arms and stomps her foot as she stares him down. Bucky pulls back and stares down Winnie. She gets even more intense and then Bucky kneels down on her level to look right in her eyes. Neither one is giving in, you shake your head and use your crutches to walk away.*
Y/N- stubborn little children.
*They both yell after you*
Bucky/Winnie- I heard that!
*You laugh and keep heading to the bedroom.*

*The rest of the day Bucky and Winnie are at a stand off. He has to sneak around to see you and Winnie tries to keep him away, thinking you need all your rest. You laying in bed watching tv as Bucky quickly sneaks into the room and closes and locks the door behind him. He looks at you and puts his finger up to his lips as he shushes you.*
Bucky- I think I lost her
*He comes over and smirks as he gets closer. You giggle and just put your good leg up and push your foot against his chest, keeping him from getting closer.*
Y/N- are you giving in? Do you lose?? *You smirk as you slowly drag your hand up your bare thigh. He watches your hand and licks his lips, he meets your gaze and shakes his head No.*
Bucky- not a chance Baby girl, I just came to tease you a little, make you break. But now I think I may just dote on you, that okay?? *He smiles and you nod. He massages up your leg as it still sits against his chest. You slowly lower it and he sits down as he keeps massaging your leg. Up your thigh as he ghosts over your center. You quiet your moans so he doesn't hear you. You try to keep your face unchanged but Bucky knows you too well. He decides to go the extra mile*
Bucky- you want me to help release some of this... *He licks his lips and presses his fingers against your clit.* tension. *You smirk and nod*
Y/N- yeah baby, do your best.
*Bucky helps you lay on your belly as he rubs your back. He keeps to your back and just gets the tension out of your shoulders and your back. That is until he sees you finally relax, then he gets handsy. He rubs down your ass and moves your shorts and underwear to the side. You just smirk and let him do whatever he's gonna do. You feel something warm and wet slip between your legs and through your folds. You bite the mattress so you don't moan, he teases your clit and then pulls away. You moan and Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- you want more baby??
*Your eyes shoot open, realizing what's happening.*
Y/N- n- No, nope! I'm okay, help me up please?
*Bucky laughs and agrees.*
Bucky- well then I'm glad to have been of service to you. I could give you and even better release-
Y/N- I'm good, now go before Winnie finds you. *You smirk and spanks him. He laughs and nods. As he leaves you hear Winnie yell and chase him. You just laugh and turn your tv back on.*

*Nat comes over to visit with Samuel and you get your snuggles in.*
Y/N- he's so cute!!
Nat- yeah *She smiles down at him in your arms.* he is the easiest baby. Seriously, he sleeps, eats, poops, and that's it. He hardly cries and he is just so sweet. He loves his cuddles and all the noise from the other kids doesn't bath over him at all.
*You smile and hold Nat's hand*
Y/N- you needed an easy one.
Nat- oh yeah! So tell me, how are you?
Y/N- good! Almost healed, and going crazy!
Nat- yeah I heard Winnie and Odette explaining to Steve at breakfast that "Mommy and Daddy can't wrestle because she needs her rest." What is that about?! *You laugh and shake your head*
Y/N- Winnie has gone on full cock block mode. But the cute thing is she doesn't even know it. She just thinks Bucky is trying to annoy me or ask me to do "superhero things" and she wants to protect me. *Nat smiles and puts her hand over her heart, just swooning at the weird/cuteness*
Nat- that's actually really funny and cute!
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- that and Bucky and I have made a bet-
Nat- Another one?!
*You laugh*
Y/N- yeah, and it's already getting heated. Usually he kinda eases into it. Gives me a false sense of security but I think because I literally can't run away he's just going all in.
*Nat laughs*
Nat- Not fair that you can get laid and I can't.
Y/N- would you want to right now?!
*Nat laughs and shakes her head no*
Nat- No, but still! *You laugh* although with the drum pumping through my veins I think I've pretty much healed from birth.
Y/N- yeah probably, when do you go to the doctor?
Nat- Tomorrow for my postpartum check up and then the following day for my arm. You?
Y/N- I go tomorrow to get my cast off and then the following day for my 12 week scan.
*Nat smiles and puts her hand on your belly. She smiles and then gets up and you hand her Samuel.*
Nat- well you have some fun! Winning isn't everything *She winks*
Y/N- true but if I win he has to do whatever I want.
Nat- oh! Like whatever-
Y/N- anything I want in the bedroom, he has to do. *You smirk*
Nat- oh, well then. Kick his ass and make him beg for you. *Nat smiles and you laugh*
Y/N- that's the plan!
*Nat leaves and you just hang out alone. It's super boring.*

*Bucky gets the kids to bed and comes to help you get ready for bed. He is super sweet and just dotes on you as he helps. He doesn't try anything and he gently kisses you before he goes to get ready for bed.*
Bucky- you okay? *You nod* okay, I'm gonna go brush me teeth and stuff. Go ahead and go to sleep baby. *You nod and kiss him as you lay down. Even though your day was seemingly uneventful you are extremely tired so you pass out once your head hits the pillow. Bucky showers and just sits in the bathroom for a minute. He looks at you asleep in bed, he takes a deep breath and leans back against the counter. This is the first moment he's really been alone since you all got back home, the first time he's been able to stop and really think about what happened. He feels himself start to get worked up and he starts to cry, he slides down the front of the counter and hangs his head in his hands. Knowing he almost lost you and Benjamin, he can't contain his tears anymore, he sobs all alone in the bathroom.*

*Something wakes you up and you roll over hearing Bucky crying. You can count on one hand the number of times you have heard Bucky sob like this. He cries often but sobbing like this worries you. You throw the covers off and you hobble into the bathroom*
Y/N- h- hey, Bucky baby. Oh- *You get on the ground and just pull him into your arms. He clings to you and you hold him tight.*
Bucky- it all just hit me- *He says through his crying.* I almost lost you, you were so close to- *He holds you closer and you take his face in your hands*
Y/N- look at me, I'm okay. *You kiss him* I am alive and okay. *You kiss him and he just cries as he takes control. He takes your face in his hands and looks into your eyes*
Bucky- I love you so much, I- I don't know what I will do without you!
Y/N- if I have any say you will never have to find out. *You kiss him and hold him tight. Eventually he calms down and helps you up and back to bed. He climbs in next to you and holds you tight. You listen as his breathing and heart calms, you look up and he is asleep. You smile and kiss his chest, he holds you tighter and you drift off to sleep.*

‼️Short and kinda sweet. Once the cast comes off though 😏😏😏😏‼️

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