Doing The Work

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*The clock ticks by and Nat just looks out the window

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*The clock ticks by and Nat just looks out the window.*
Everly- Natasha? Our times almost up, is there anything on your mind that you'd like to share?
*Nat looks at her.*
Nat- No *She says quietly and then looks back out the window. The therapist puts her book down and leans forward.*
Everly- Natasha we've been at this for weeks now, eventually you will have to talk. I know it's scary to voice the thoughts in your mind but maybe that's exactly what you need to do so they don't have power over you anymore.
*Nat wipes a tear.*
Nat- I'm just so angry.
Everly- okay, tell me more. Why? At who or what?
Nat- at everything and everyone. I was dealt a shitty hand. *Nat explains everything, literally everything.* now I'm finally able to have children and that is taken from me, yet again, against my will. Then I'm turned into a super soldier, something I never wanted to be. *She wipes more tears and takes a deep breath* My husband wanted more kids and can't have more yet my best friend's husband looks at her and she gets pregnant. Steve is stuck with someone who can't give him the future he wanted. And the funny thing is if I had just stayed away and left him alone he would be married to her right now.
Everly- who?
Nat- my best friend, y/n. The one who gets pregnant with ease. Well she's more like my sister honestly. They would be married and he would be the father of those 6 kids.
Everly- you don't know that, she could have still ended up with her Husband *She looks at her notes* Bucky.
Nat- Nope, because if I had stayed away he wouldn't even be in existence. *The therapist looks at her* he was snapped. If I hadn't of sacrificed myself he would still be a pile of ash and Steve would be happy and unburdened with my problems.
Everly- but you're too good and kind to have let that happen. *Nat gently smiles and looks out the window again* plus you wouldn't have your kids or your wonderful husband if you had stayed away. And you don't know that he would be happy. Tell me about them, your kids and your husband.
*Nat sighs and then smiles*
Nat- Sarah is the sweetest. She takes after Steve and just wants to help everyone. She will jump to bring me a bottle or a diaper. She's always asking to hold her brother. She is the sweetest. James is tough, rough and tumble. He will take out your ankles and not think twice about it. But he just wants to make you proud. Anthony just wants snuggles all the time. He is my gentle one who is always content just playing on his own. And Samuel, well I don't know how he will be but as of right now he just goes with flow and loves it when Steve of I hold him. *Nat smiles and wipes a tear.* he is the calm that I needed in this crazy life.
Everly- and Steve?
Nat- Steve is- he's- *Nat cries* He's too good, he loves me when I am unlovable. He would burn down the world to protect me and our family. He loves me so much and even when I told him to move on he couldn't. He is the love of my life and I will never find anyone who loves me like he does.
*The therapist nods and smiles*
Everly- so what is some of the good that came out of these horrible things that happened??
Nat- well I met y/n and Bucky in Hydra. And because of that I got involved with shield and met Steve and Tony. I met the rest of my family. Dying made me realize I loved Steve and then dying again made me realize I couldn't wait anymore, that I needed to marry that man. Losing the ability to have children made me appreciate even more the ones I have. The serum now allows me to age with my husband and children, they won't have to say goodbye to me before they are even close to the "big goodbye" themselves.
Everly- so when you stop and refocus you realize how each situation brought you greater joy even though the situation itself was painful or hard.
*Nat gently smiles and nods*
Nat- yeah, I guess so. *She smiles and so does the therapist.*
Everly- it is okay to be angry at our circumstances but it's how we live after that. Don't let that anger have control, you are stronger than that.
*Nat wipes a tear and nods. They finish up and she heads back home. Steve meets her at the door.*
Steve- hey, how was it?
Nat- good, I actually talked this time.
*Steve smiles and kisses her*
Steve- good, I'm glad it's helping. *Nat smiles and takes his face in her hands*
Nat- Steve I am so sorry for how I've treated you. I don't know how I can ever make it up to you.*
Steve- keep doing the work *She nods* keep healing. *He wraps her up in his arms and takes her inside.*

*You sit on the bed as Bucky walks in*
Bucky- the kids are at school and we now have a full day to ourselves, what should we do first??
*You laugh and put your phone on the bedside table*
Y/N- I have some ideas *You smirk and Bucky rubs over and jumps on the bed.*
Bucky- do tell!
Y/N- how about I show you *Bucky kisses you and you hum and moan* Mmhmm Bucky
Bucky- I've got you, y/n *He kisses you and it's like a dream. He's definitely been holding out on you*

‼️Short and emotional! 😭🥺❤️‼️

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