Jackson And Charlie

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*Another week goes by the kids are out of school for the summer and Ben is loving the 24/7 attention

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*Another week goes by the kids are out of school for the summer and Ben is loving the 24/7 attention. Sam and Yelena are finally able to bring their baby boy home. Everyone is waiting and ready to meet him.*
Y/N- what happened with the little boy they told us about at thanksgiving? The one who was three months old and his parents passed in a car accident?
Nat- oh you didn't hear?
Y/N - I've been kinda busy as of late.
*you motion to Ben and Nat laughs and nods.*
Nat- they are still wanting to adopt him but the paperwork has been stalled for some reason. He is still with his foster family and they both go to visit once a week.
Y/N- so how are they getting this baby?
Nat- technically their names were still on the list so they were called. When they heard the moms story and how she just wanted a good life for her boy they just jumped at it.
Y/N- so the one they are bringing home is the new one?
Nat- yes
Y/N- and the one we already knew about is the older one from thanksgiving.
Nat- yes
Y/N- okay
*Steve and Bucky walk up*
Steve- they here yet?
Nat- No, she said they would be home at 2
*A car pulls up and Nat almost screams*
Nat- they're here!!
*She holds Samuel as she walks out to meet them.*
Yelena- hey!
Nat- oh where is he?!
Yelena- well both boys are in the back of course. Safety first!
*Nat doesn't register what she said but you did*
Y/N- wait?!? Both?!
*Yelena nods and Sam opens the door. You see a cute little 10 month old peaking over the edge of his car seat and then a squishy little newborn all sleepy and hungry on the other side.*
Y/N- oh my god! Both!
*Yelena laughs and Nat just stands there stunned. Her jaw drops and Samuel looks at her and smiles. He about sticks his hand in her mouth but Nat catches him before he does.*
Nat- okay, thank you Sammy. Steve take your son, just like you.
*You and Bucky look at one another and shrug. Then Bucky gets it and laughs*
Bucky- cause he's always trying to put something in her mouth. *He winks and you laugh. Nat looks back at both of you and you just smile*
Yelena- wanna help get them inside?
*Nat nods and helps with the bags and stuff as Yelena grabs the newborn and Sam grabs the older boy.*

Winnie- what's their names?
Sam- well, this little guy's parents has named him Jackson. We decided to keep it and so now his name is Jackson Andrew Wilson. *You all smile and say hi. He gets shy and hide his face in Sam's shoulder. Then he smiles and laughs.*
Yelena- and this little one we decided to name Charles Samuel Wilson. *You all look on and just ooh and aww*
Y/N- they are both so cute!
Yelena- thank you *She looks down at Charles and kisses his head* I will need a ll the help I can get!
*She laughs and looks up*
Nat- well you've got a lot of experienced helpers here. *You smile and nod*
Y/N- I can lend my knowledge, only because my very limited energy is spent on this one. *You motion to Ben. Sam laughs and jokes*
Sam- definitely thought you were gonna point to Bucky!
*You laugh and Bucky just shakes his head and smiles*
Bucky- laugh all you want! My kid actually sleeps through the night and only wakes to nurse and then goes right back down... tell jokes at 3 am *He pats his back and everyone laughs*
Yelena- wait.. even if I'm not nursing him he will still wake up?
*You, Nat, Wanda, and Pepper all share a look*
Y/N- y-yeah sweetie.
Yelena- I thought the bottles filled them up more. Like the woke up because they were nursed and they weren't full. I was always so confused as to why you would use a bottle.
*You whispers so only Nat and Bucky hear you*
Y/N- oh honey
*Nat takes your hand and squeezes it, like she's agreeing with your statement.*
Nat- Umm n-No, you have to feed him every 3 to 4 hours. When was the last time he ate?
Sam- at 9 when we left the hospital.
*You and Nat look at the time and see it's been almost 5 hours. Pepper slowly gets up and head around the kitchen. She start to make a bottle of formula.*
Yelena- Jackson won't wake up that much right? Just Charlie?
Y/N- yeah, he should be sleeping through the night and doesn't need a feed during the night. But Charlie will need one through the night up until about 6 months old maybe sooner if his weight is up. *Yelena nods and looks at Sam. They both start to laugh*
Sam- sorry, we had to play some kind of prank.
Yelena- we aren't that stupid. We know all about that, we've done our research. I promise. We just had to pull your legs a bit. Should have seen your faces!
*You give a nervous laugh and Bucky just shakes his head. Nat sighs and Steve rubs her back. The kids all laugh*
Pepper- well he is a bottle anyway.
Yelena- thank you, that is one thing we did mess up on a little. We planned to be home earlier but then our surprise of Jackson came up so we stopped by to get him and it just took a little longer than expected. *You all nod, Ben starts to cry so you hop up to go feed him. Bucky follows and rubs your back*
Bucky- I really thought we were about to be raising another newborn along with ours!
Y/N- me too!!
*He kisses your head and walks to the room with you. The kids play with Jackson and Samuel as Yelena and Sam get Charlie settled. Nat helps get things ready and Steve is putting together one crib while Nate gets sheets on the other.*
Yelena- Natasha? Would you like to hold him?
*She nods and sits down with Charlie*
Nat- hey little one, oh you're so cute! And so lucky. We all love you so much. *She rocks him as Yelena gets his all the bags unpacked. Nat sheds some tears at the moment. Steve does too, both knowing they may never have a moment like this of their own.*
Steve- hey Tasha? *She looks up and sees him a little teary eyed. He takes her hand and she squeezes it* I love you.
Nat- I love you too, Steve.
*Yelena and Sam give them a moment as they finish getting their room ready.*

*You nurse Ben and then put him down for nap, you pass out on the bed as Bucky lovingly does the laundry for you. And that, that makes you want him right then and there. He sees this and decides to pull out all the stops. This last week is gonna be torture.*

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