You've Got A Village

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*Bucky walks back inside and closes the door. Grant presses his face against it and watches the jet disappear... he hits the glass and cries*
Grant- Mama mama mama!! *Bucky puts Winnie in her bouncer and goes to pick Grant up. He cries and looks at Bucky*
Bucky- I know Grant but she will be back. Mama always comes back. Okay?!? Okay!! *Grant lays his head on Bucky's chest and pops his thumb in his mouth* it's okay Grant, you can cry, just know she will be back. *Bucky looks out the window* I promise. *He kisses Grant and sets him down but Grant just clings to Bucky's leg*
Bucky- okay, Little Wolf. We can do this. *He picks him up and grabs Winnie. He sits down with them as they both snuggle up to him. Steve walks in with Sarah and sits next to him*
Steve- we'll be okay. *Bucky nods and Steve pats Bucky's shoulder and looks down at Sarah and she smiles... Grant lifts his head and looks at her and smiles. Winnie coos and Grant giggles. Bucky and Steve look down at them*
Bucky- we're we just bamboozled
Steve- Ha! They seem fine now!
*Bucky laughs and sets Grant down and Grant runs off to play with his toys. Tony comes walking in*
Tony- hey so we are making blue prints for the expansion today. I need to know would y'all like little suits for your families or have it set up like we have it over here??
*Bucky and Steve look at one another*
Bucky- what do you mean?? Like we would have our own living rooms and kitchens and stuff??
Tony- if y'all want, just let me know! *He walks away*
Steve- so we'd have our own apartments within the compound??
Bucky- sounds like it...
Steve- I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Bucky- yeah... I know what y/n's gonna say.

Y/N- well I think the idea of our own living room would be great!! *You talk to Bucky on the phone as you are making camp.* but I don't think we need a kitchen, we can use the one that's already there. Unless he's getting rid of that one.
Nat- who's getting rid of what??
Y/N- Tony's getting rid of the kitchen and we will all have our own apartments within the compound.
Bucky- what?! No y/n that's not-
Nat- what?!? No! I'll never see any of you! He's turning it into an apartment building?!
Y/N- sounds like it!
Bucky- No! Y/n, Nat, that's not- he wants to know if that's what we want- he's just drawing up plans!
Y/N- okay well tell him that's not happening.
Bucky- it's not- *Theres a huge crash and screaming in the background* oh babe I've got to go!
Y/N- wait?! Bucky?!? What-
*He hangs up*
Nat- I know that face, just trust that he got it. He will call if it was anything.
*You take a deep breath and nod*

*Bucky rubs into the main room and see Morgan's toy kitchen on the floor and Grant is nowhere to be found. Bucky panics and runs over, he throws the kitchen in the air and with all his strength it ended up going through the window, glass everywhere. Grant was not under the kitchen. He hears his little feet come running around the corner.*
Grant- Dada dada dada!!
Bucky- oh thank god... *He takes a deep breath* come here Grant. *He picks him up and holds him tight. Steve and Tony come walking in the room*
Steve- ummm everything okay??
*Bucky nods*
Tony- is that my daughters toy kitchen on the back lawn??
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- Umm yeah, sorry. I heard a crash and screaming and when I walked in I saw it on the ground and i couldn't find Grant, I thought- *Tony nods and walks over to Bucky. He pats his shoulder*
Tony- I get it. I'll get the bots to clean this up.
Bucky- thanks Tony... *Bucky holds Grant and then Winnie wakes up screaming.*
Bucky- shit-
Steve- hey I've got him. Sarah's sleeping, I've got him. *Bucky hands him Grant and runs back to get Winnie*
Bucky- hey Winnie boo... what's going on girly?? You had another nightmare??
*Winnie reaches for him and whines. He picks her up and Carry's her out to the main room where all the glass is already cleaned up and the kitchen is back inside. Tony is on the phone with someone to replace the window today.*
Bucky- Umm thanks guys. Thank you.
*Tony and Steve nod and smile. Steve plays with Grant and Tony continues making calls*

*The rest of the day is uneventful, the kids are down and Bucky sits at the table with a beer. Tony and Steve join him*
Tony- well you two survived your first day as single dads! *Steve and Bucky laugh and finish their beers. Bucky grabs them both another one.*
Tony- I wanna know what he did to knock over the toy kitchen... I mean is the serum that strong already in your toddler?!? *Bucky laughs and shrugs* I mean I had it anchored to the wall!
Steve- he probably climbed on top of it and the jumped off and it was yanked off the wall. *Steve jokes*
Bucky- yeah, probably did a back flip too... I mean that kid is nuts.
Steve- he's you! But with the serum and absolutely no concept of fear, like at all.
*Bucky nods and just chuckles*
Tony- well let's go see what he did...
*They all look at each other and head back to the security room. Tony finds the room and the time it happened. He plays it back*

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