Go On Baby, Ride Me

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*You make some notes and then you make a few that will be a surprise to Bucky

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*You make some notes and then you make a few that will be a surprise to Bucky.*
Y/N- okay, let's get these little wolves and introduce them to Daniel.
Bucky- yeah baby, I'll get the big kids
Y/N- I'll get the Little's
*Bucky gets up and walks into Grants room. You quickly take the arm and put it in your closet. Hiding it away for later. You then wake the triplets up and give them an iPad to watch a show real quick.*
Grant- Wait?!? They don't get in trouble?!
Winnie- Thats not fair!!
Y/N- You two were the ones who threw the shield and arm. Jonnie just wanted to play with it and you took it from her and threw it around.
*Grant and Winnie pout. You get them all downstairs and they see Daniel*
Jonnie- mommy? Who's that man??
Y/N- his name is Daniel, he is an old friend of mine and daddy's.
Winnie- was he in the bad place with you?
*You look at Bucky and Daniel*
Grant- yeah, with Aunt Nat too?
Bucky- Umm yeah. He was, he helped us get out.
*The kids all nod and look at him*
Odette- my middle name is Danielle
Y/N- yeah baby, it is.
*Daniel smiles and looks over at Nat and Steve. He has already met their kids and they sit at the table eating their snacks. He walks towards you and the kids.*
Daniel- hello!
Bucky- Daniel, this is Grant, Winnie, Odette, Elizabeth, and Jonnie. And we are expecting our last one early next year.
*He smile and kneels down.*
Daniel- well it is nice to meet all of you.
*Odette speaks up*
Odette- what was my mommy like in the bad place?
*Daniel looks up at you and Bucky. He gently smiles*
Daniel- she was amazing and I imagine so are you, all of you. *The kids smile and looks at each other. They giggle and then run off. Daniel stands up and looks at you*
Daniel- I'm so happy, for both of you
*You and Bucky smile. He walks over to the table and sits with Nat and Steve. Bucky holds you close and kisses you.*
Bucky- even if our kids can act like feral animals, I wouldn't change it for the world. *You smile and kiss him.*

*The day goes by, Daniel gets settled into a guest room. The kids get bathed and in bed. You see Bucky laying in bed and just staring at the ceiling. You smile and close and lock the door behind you. Bucky hears it but he doesn't really register what you're doing. You slowly climb on the end of the bed and crawl up towards him. You rub up his legs and you hear him laugh under his breath. You keep moving your hands up his body and under his shirt. He smiles at you and you meet his gaze as you straddle his waist.*
Bucky- what are you doing?
Y/N- isn't it obvious? *You tease* I'm trying to turn on my husband. *You grind down a little and he smiles*
Bucky- you never have to try baby. *He smirks up at you* but I don't know if I'm up to it tonight.
Y/N- Mmhmm why's that baby? *You keep rubbing up his chest and he just smiles at the feeling of your hands on his body.*
Bucky- honestly? I don't feel like myself. I can't flip you over and have my way with you with only one hand.
*You smirk and kiss him as you circle your hips.*
Y/N- oh I bet you could baby, I have all faith in you. *Bucky hums and he rubs his hand up your body.* but that's not what's happening tonight. I'm gonna dote on you and make you realize that you are so much more than your arm and that you don't need it to feel like yourself. *You start talking breathy and start to grind even more* that you don't need it to make me feel good. Mmhmm that you are an incredible man and an even more amazing lover and Husband, you don't need a metal arm to get me going baby. *Bucky just listens and lets you dots on him.*
Bucky- Mmhmm baby, show me. *He gently smiles as you kiss him.*
Y/N- I will baby

*You slip your hands under his shirt and slowly lift it up and off. You kiss his chest and kiss his left shoulder, over his scars and down his left side. You then kiss his abs as you massage up his sides. Slowly you sit up to untie his sweats and slips them off, stretching over his thighs and off. You then kiss the edge of his boxers and you hear his breath catch. You smirk and continue on with your teasing.*
Bucky- Mmhmm
Y/N- feelin' good baby?
Bucky- so good but it would be even better if you would put your pretty mouth on me.
Y/N- yeah? *You tease*
Bucky- hell yeah baby!
*You smirk and pull his boxers down his thighs and off. He moans as the cool hits his tip. You smirk and lay between his legs. You lick his tip and he moans, you then put him in your mouth and he throws his head back.*
Bucky- Mmhm just like that baby! Mmhm yes!
*You deep throat him and moan. He whimpers as he grabs the sheets with his hand. You are pulling out all the stops and have him read to cum I'm a matter of minutes.*
Bucky- oh please baby! Mmhmm yes!
*You wet your fingers and push his legs up, you rub his asshole and ever so slightly press your thumb against it and push it in. He moans and he cums in your mouth. You take everything and pull off with a pop and a smile. You kiss him and straddle him again, now that he isn't wearing pants he realizes that you have no pants on either. You took them off as you walked to the bed. He whimpers when he feels how wet you are.*
Y/N- you feel how wet I am baby? *He moans and nods* that's all from your sounds baby, from how you tasted and felt in my mouth. Mmhmm baby, so so good! God I want to ride you so bad-
*Before you know it you are flipped over and Bucky boxes you in. He kisses you and settles between your legs.*
Bucky- that will have to wait, first I need a taste. *He lays between your legs and dives in, you moan and grind against his face.*
Y/N- Mmhm oh yes!! Yes baby!! Mmhmm
*You cum squirting everywhere, Bucky sits up, proud and definitely in a beefed mood than when you started. He wipes his face and then kisses you. He flips you back on top and you are still trying to catch your breath. He smirks and smacks your ass.*
Bucky- go on baby, ride me!

‼️had to share these new photos!‼️

‼️had to share these new photos!‼️

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