End Up Here

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‼️Sorry I went MIA for two days! 😅 Tuesday was my birthday so I took the day off and then yesterday was my first day at my new job so I just didn't have time to write! 🥺 I'm back now! 🥰‼️

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‼️Sorry I went MIA for two days! 😅 Tuesday was my birthday so I took the day off and then yesterday was my first day at my new job so I just didn't have time to write! 🥺 I'm back now! 🥰‼️

*You take picture after picture. Bucky with Steve, then Bucky with the kids all together, then with each one individually, then just the girls, then just the boys. Then you get pictures with Steve and Bucky. By the time it's your turn for a picture Bucky is grumpy and just wants to get it over with.*
Bucky- oh my god?! How many more?!
*You give him a look and he sighs. You settle next to him and lay your hand on his chest as you pose. He barely smiles, you whisper in his ear.*
Y/N- smile or else you'll wear the cage till Ben is born and there will be no leniency. *You squeeze his ass and he instantly smiles. You laugh*
Bucky- Cheese!
*You whisper*
Y/N- good boy. You may even get a treat tonight if you deal with all my craziness today.
*Bucky smirks and plays it up.*
Bucky- get my good side! *You smiles and pulls you close. You laugh and kiss his cheek. The kids all laugh and scream.*
Grant- Eww!
*Bucky laughs and kisses you.*
Bucky- okay, are we done? Cause at this point we may miss the ceremony. *You hit his stomach and he laughs, he pulls you in and kisses your cheek and then slaps your ass.*
Bucky- alright let's go!
*You gather the kids and get them in the car. You wait and Bucky comes over and helps you in. You kiss him and then pull back to look at him. He smiles and you kiss him again. You wipe the lip gloss off his lips and he rubs your leg as he hands you your seatbelt and shuts the door. He pulls away, Nat and Steve get the kids in their car and head off. Everyone else crams in their cars and follows.*

*The kids are all talking and giggling.*
Odette- Daddy's gonna wear a dress!
*The other girls giggle and Grants shakes his head.*
Bucky- hey! *He pretends to be offended.* it's not a dress, it's a gown!
*The girls laugh and you take his hand in yours.*

*Steve and Nat's car ride is less happy.*
Sarah- mommy!! Sam-Sam made a mess!
Nat- what?? *She turns around* oh crap.
Steve- what?!
Nat- he spit up everywhere and he's had a blow out.
Steve- okay, I'll pull off.
Nat- No just keep driving. *She climbs in the back seat.*
James- mommy!?! You have to stay in your seat!
Anthony- you could get hurt!!
James- what if the car flipped!
Sarah- again!
*Steve laughs and looks back at Nat, she laughs and agrees.*
Nat- I know, thank you for trying to keep me safe but I will be okay.
Steve- yeah as long as Uncle Bucky doesn't pop out in front of us again.
Sarah- again?
*Steve and Nat look at each other.*
Nat- Umm well
James- does Uncle Bucky jump in front of cars?? That's weird!
*Steve laughs*
Steve- yeah, it is!
*Steve pulls in the slow lane and Nat gets Samuel out of his seat. She cleans him up in record time and changed his clothes. She buckles him in and climbs back up front.*
Steve- good job babe *He pats her ass as she climbs over. She laughs and kisses him once she sits down.*
Nat- good driving

*When you get there Bucky helps you get the kids inside and sitting down. Everyone else gets in and sits around y'all. Since of the "high profile" of your group you have a special section. Nat settles beside you with Samuel and the kids. It's time for them to go line up.*
Y/N- okay, walk well! *You give him a little peck* Do your sexy strut! *Bucky smirks and gives his ass a little shake for you as he walks away. You laugh*
Nat- yeah Steve, you too! *She winks and Steve smirks.*

*it takes a while for everything to start and the kids are about to go crazy.*
Grant- I just want to run!
Y/N- I know bud, just do some jumping jacks.
*He does*
Nat- he okay?
Y/N- yeah, he just gets the wiggles sometimes and needs to get them out. I think the serum is starting to make it to where he needs to be more active.
Nat- yeah, I understand that. Sarah has that a little. James is about to drive me crazy with it. He goes a million miles a minute sometimes.
*You laugh and nod.*
Thor- are all ceremonies as boring as this??
Peter- pretty much
*He sighs and sinks in his chair.*
Tony- you know Morgan will be-
Pepper- don't! I can't handle that.
*He laughs and kisses her cheek.*
Sam- can I hold my nephew? *He looks at Nat*
Nat- Umm sure *She was a little caught off guard. She hands Samuel to Sam. He holds him and Samuel smiles and giggles. Yelena watches Sam and smiles. You look at Nat and give her a nudge.*
Y/N- they are gonna be great.
Nat- yeah, they will.
*Sam gives him back to Nat when he starts to get fussy. He nuzzles to Nat and starts to try and nurse.*
Nat- I forgot my cover *She sighs and starts to get up to go to the bathroom.*
Y/N- No no, sit. *You look at Thor* hey Thor, give me your cape.
Thor- you think I just have may cape on me??
Y/N- use your god power and make your cape alway and then give it to me.
*He sighs and does as you asked*
Y/N- thanks! Nat and Baby Samuel thank you!
*He laughs and sits back down. You cover Nat as she gets settled and then she kinda just drapes it over her, slightly covering herself but also letting Samuel get some airflow. Some lady turn around and sees Nat, you get ready to combat her words. She just smiles*
Women- you're doing great, mama. *Nat smiles and thanks her. You smile, hope in humanity restored. A man sitting a few rows back and right behind Nat just groans. And mumbles under his breath.*
Man- disgusting, shouldn't be showing your tits.
*You are enraged, you start to turn around when Peter, Thor, Tony, and Sam stop you. They turn around and look at him.*
Peter- you have a problem with a women feeding her baby?!
Man- she should go somewhere private!
Thor- just doing her best!
Tony- she's even wearing a cover!
Sam- what's your problem man?!
Peter- it's literally what they're for!
*The man gets up and leaves.*
Tony- good riddance!

*Nat just sits there and tries to not cry. A special day basically ruined by an idiot. She just wants to enjoy every moment she has with Samuel because he is the last. She just looks at him and kisses his hand as he looks up at her. His smile is all that matters. His sweet, little smile.*
Nat- hey sweet boy, just ignore the idiots. *She smiles again and Nat kisses his hand and holds it. He finishes up and she burps him.*
Nat- hey buddy, you gonna go to sleep now? Huh?!
*She snuggles up to her and Nat rocks him to sleep.*

*Steve and Bucky are waiting to walk in.*
Bucky- Y/N said I should just continue and get my doctorate.
*Steve laughs*
Steve- it's for the role play that would come with the new title, isn't it?
*Bucky laughs and shoves Steve, then he nods and agrees.*
Bucky- Yep!
Steve- well I'm done after this!
*Bucky laughs and pats his back*
Bucky- you look great in your dress *Bucky teases and Steve laughs.*
Steve- you too! Oh by the way the kids thing you jump in front of cars for fun.
*Bucky shrugs and nods*
Bucky- sounds about right
*They both laugh*

*The ceremony starts and you see Bucky and Steve walk in. They have their fancy capes and hats on. The kids point and smile.*
Winnie- look it's Daddy!!
Sarah- my Daddy too!!
*They wave and cheer. Bucky and Steve look up and smile. They wave and sit down.*
Bucky- who would of thought we'd be here.
Steve- yeah! I thought we'd definitely be dead by now.
*Bucky laughs and looks back at you. You wave and instinctively hold your belly. He smiles and looks at Steve.*
Bucky- thank god we're not
Steve- I hear that *He looks back at Nat and she smiles and waves. He sees a sleeping Samuel and the kids jumping around. He laughs and winks at her. She smiles.*
Steve- we are some lucky bastards
Bucky- hell yeah
*They head two people behind them whisper*
Student 1- Can Captain America say that?
Student 2- I don't know, it feels un-American
Student 3- Nah, that feels very American
*Bucky laughs and Steve sighs. He turns around.*
Steve- I was a soldier and grew up in Brooklyn during the 20's and 30's. I've said far worse.
*They laugh and Steve shakes their hands and makes small talk for a moment. Before turning around.*

*You look at Nat. You two see the guys laughing and talking. Looking happy and also slightly out of place.*
Y/N- who ever thought we'd end up here?!
Nat- not me! But I'm glad we did *She kisses Samuels head and looks over at the kids. They are all so happy, seeing their dads accomplish something so big. They all look so proud.*

‼️Also, thank you so much for the support for submitting Winter's Widow for a watty!! I started the process and realized that if I ended up winning I would be required by Wattpad to take my story off of Tiktok for a year. They want to go be solely found on Wattpad alone if it were to win. As much as I'd love to submit it and win, I can't chance having to remove all of that from TT. I worked so hard on it and I get new followers daily from my literal first video. So sadly I won't be able to submit WW. But I may try to do Hydra's Hope and Captain's Cause, make them one book and submit it. Since those aren't on TT then that won't be an issue. We will see! 😬🫣🤷🏼‍♀️❤️🥰‼️

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