What The Hell Happened

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*Bucky has other ideas though, the minute the door shuts you are pulled back into his arms

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*Bucky has other ideas though, the minute the door shuts you are pulled back into his arms. You giggle and he shushes you*
Bucky- don't wake the babies!
*He whispers and you smile*
Y/N- speaking of I need to check on my babies and then we can pick up where we left off in the car.
Bucky- Mmhm I like the sound of that *Bucky smirks*
*You slip into Winnie's room and see her sound asleep in her big girl bed, clutching her piglet doll and sucking her thumb. You sigh, she's three so you should probably try to get her to stop doing that but it's just too cute! You walk into grants room and he is asleep and he has his wolf toy Bucky gave him before his first birthday. He is in an actual big boy bed and he looks so small, the toddler bed was too small for all his stuffies so you just got him a a twin sized bed. You slip out and sneak into the triplets room. Odette is asleep on her belly and she has her Paci in and both hands up by her face making fists, ready to fight. Elizabeth is a side sleeper and she holds her ballerina doll clutched to her chest and she has her Paci in. Jonnie is asleep on her belly too but her bottom sticks up in the air and she sucks her thumb like Winnie and Grant did/do. All of your kids are sound asleep and you couldn't be happier, that is until Bucky whispers in your ear what he plans to do to you.*
Bucky- Umm excuse me, miss?  I need you to report to the bedroom immediately and assume the position, because this ass is too fucking good and I need to punish it for teasing me all night long.
*You giggle and slip out of the room. You stay quiet as Bucky chases you and squeezes your ass all the way back to the bedroom. He shuts the door and pulls you into his arms, attacking your neck in kisses.*
Y/N- Ahh *You laugh* Bucky wait! Lock the door, before you forget. The main one and ours!
*Bucky sighs and smiles*
Bucky- As you wish, Doll. *You swoon as he leaves the room real fast, you decide to hide. Really turn this into a fun, crazy night.* oh baby doll where did you go?! *He looks around and he smirks* oh I see, your hiding from me. Wanna se how good my tracking and hunting skills are? Make sure I have gotten rusty, huh?! *He hears you giggle and he walks towards the closet. He sees your jeans on the floor.* I see you pants but no shoes... you still got your heels on sweetness?? *He hears something drop behind him and it's you shirt* oh, now it's just underwear and heels, Mmhmm daddy likes.
*You smile from where you're hiding, trying not to laugh*
Bucky- come out wherever you are. Daddy can't wait to taste you baby girl, sweet little bunny. *You watch as Bucky searches the bathroom, you slip out and drop your bra behind him on the floor and then you hide again.*
Bucky- oh look what we have here?! Mmhmm now your pretty breast are out to play. I can imagine how hard your nipples must be getting, the cool breeze from the fan. Can't wait to suck on them baby. *You have to bite your finger so you don't moan. But he is right, you are a little chilly. You pull on a long lace, see through robe, it does nothing for the cold but you look hot.*
Bucky- can't wait to see you spread out below me, all needy and desperate for me. I know how desperate you get for daddy, you'd sit on the floor and ride my foot and leg if it meant I'd praise you. *God this man knows the hold he has on you, he also knows you too well, but that's what makes the sex So. Fucking. Good! That and all the love, acceptance, and trust you have in one another, but that's all mushy stuff and right now all you want to think about is the raw, dirty, NC-17 level sex you two have. You try to slip off your underwear without making a sound. You are almost successful except for your heels clicking, you wait to see if you've been found but he doesn't find you. You know he knows where you are, that or he really needs to start training again. You throw out the underwear onto the bed and Bucky finds it. You see him pick it up, move the silk between his fingertips, feeling the wet spot from the drive home and then he shoves it in his back pocket.*
Bucky- okay Bunny I give, come show Daddy what's left of your pretty outfit from tonight.
*You giggle and step out of the side of the closet containing all your underwear and lingerie. Bucky smirks when he sees you, you're in nothing but heels and the robe, you twirl the tie around your hand as you walk forward. Bucky pulls you close and moves your hand away, he unties the tie and slowly slips his hand inside the robe. You moan as he ghosts across your clit. He smirks and stands up to kiss you.*
Bucky- Mmhmm lay down baby, I need to get myself ready.
Y/N- can't I undress you daddy?! *You give a pleading look.*
Bucky- sure thing sweetness, I'll be right back. *He winks and walks into the bathroom*

*Steve and Nat are getting settled into their room and checking on Sarah, she's sound asleep. Steve is getting ready for bed when Nat walks up behind him and wraps he arms around his waist, kissing his back. He smiles and turns around.*
Steve- tonight was fun, did you have fun?
Nat- yeah I did, it's nice to let off some steam every so often. *Steve nods and kisses her*
Steve- maybe we could do a crazy night out like that once a year, at least till our kids get old enough to know mommy and daddy are getting wasted when they go out, then we may need to cut it out. Don't want to set a bad example. *Nat laughs and shakes her head* and I don't think my liver could handle any more Asgardian liquor through out the year. *Nat smiles and kisses Steve.*
Nat- Well, I had my last hurrah, now Stevie?
Steve- yes Tasha? *She gently smiles and kisses him as she whispers valiant his lips.*
Nat- let's make a baby, what do you say??
*Steve kisses her and lifts her into his arms, he walks her over to the bed and lays her down. He kisses her as he slips off her shorts off and runs his hands up her shirt and lifts it off her. He loses his pants and lays down on her, she smiles and runs her hands along his back. She giggles and caresses his face.*
Nat- I'll take that as a yes!
Steve- one thousand of them *He kisses her and moves down her body. He kisses her hips and moves between her legs. He spends his time making sure she is properly taken care of. She hums and smiles as he kisses up her body and pushes in. He kisses her lips and moans as he starts to move, just taking in this moment; beautiful, sensual, and filled with love.*
Nat- I love you Stevie
Steve- I love you too Tasha
*They make love well into the night and fall asleep in each other's arms.*

*You lay on the bed as Bucky walks back out, he is still dressed from your night out, minus his shoes and socks. You try to figure out what he needed to "get ready" but you have no idea. He smirks and walks over to you, rubbing his hands down your back and squeezing your ass. He hands you a shot and you take it and so does he*
Bucky- so good for me *He studies your face*
What?? Trying to figure out what I did?? *You smile and nod* you'll soon find out sweetness. *He steps back a little* now go on. *You dive towards him, unbuttoning his shirt and running your hands along his abs. You unbuckle his pants and pull them off his body. His boxers tight around his dick and making you drool at how good he look in them. He steps out of them and you run your hands along his thighs, kissing along them. He plays with your hair as you mouth his tip through the fabric.*
Bucky- Mmhmm so good! My pretty girl, so good for me.
Y/N- can I taste you daddy?
*He smiles and nods*
Bucky- go on sweetness
*You pull him out and let his boxers drop to the floor. You tease his tip with your tongue before you slip him in your mouth. He smiles and moans. You smile knowing you are making him feel good*
Y/N- you like this daddy?? *He let's out a breathy laugh and nods*
Bucky- oh yeah baby girl, Mmhmm I love it. *His voice is deep and husky, it just does something to you, needing him even more. You slip your hands around his body and squeeze his ass and that's when you feel the plug. You smile and pull all the way off.*
Y/N- Daddy?! *You tease* are you wearing a plug?? *You rub your thumb over his tip and he gasps and smiles*
Bucky- yeah Bunny, I am. Just wanted some extra sensations when I fuck the living shit out of you. *You smile and give a kitten lick to his tip and some precum drips out. You smirk and  stand up.*
Y/N- then what are we waiting for?!
*You lay down and spread your legs, running your hands along your thighs. He smirks and crawls on the bed. He kisses your inner thighs and then starts to eat you out. Smiling and blissing out at the feeling of his beard brushing against your skin.*
Bucky- Mmhm so good Bunny, Daddy's favorite, Daddy's only Doll *You smile and wiggle your hips, urging him to get on with it. He grabs one last shot for you both, you take it and you feel the effects. *
Bucky- alright Bunny, you ready??
*You nod, he slams into you and you scream out and then everything else is a blur. You know he did what he said because you wake up laying halfway off the bed, the mattress is almost sideways, the sheets are all around the room. Toys are everywhere and the room smells like stale sex, it's not a great smell but you've smelled worse. You rub your face and laugh as you feel Bucky kiss your shoulder.*
Bucky- good morning *His voice is rough and scratchy, it's actually really hot.*
Y/N- what the hell happened?!
Bucky- I think that last shot of Asgardian liquor really did us in. *you laugh and nod* I'm never drinking but again
Y/N- same, I feel like I'm floating still.
Bucky- Thats the 12 orgasms you had
Y/N- 12?!?
Bucky- No not 12
Y/n- good-
Bucky- we stopped counting at 12 you had many, many more.
*you shake your head and laugh*
Y/N- I swear if you got me pregnant-
Bucky what we did last night it would be a miracle if a baby was made, although I wouldn't put it past my sperm * you hit his stomach and he laughs. He pulls you close and kisses you.* we did video it though so if you wanna relive it-
*you laugh and cut him off with a kiss. You hear the triplets wake up and you two get up and start your day.*

‼️should we watch the tape?! 😏😏‼️

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