Its All A Blur

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*The helicopter takes you home and the whole crew is on the lawn to welcome you back

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*The helicopter takes you home and the whole crew is on the lawn to welcome you back.*
Y/N- hey guys!
*Peter walks up and you give him a hug. Bucky gets Ben out of the helicopter with his carrier and all. He is still not a fan of flying, which you can totally relate to.*
Y/N- I know bud, let's get inside. It's pretty cold out here.
*Bucky carry's him inside and sets him down on the coffee table in the main room. He stares up at everyone from inside his carrier. He looks around and then looks at you. He is taking it all in.*
Bucky- you lookin' around bud?!
*He grunts and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- I'll take that as a yes
*Everyone laughs, you take Ben out of his seat and hold him.*
Tony- oh wow! He is so little, I forgot how little they are!
*Pepper agrees. You look at Peter*
Y/N- would his namesake like to hold him?
*Peter smiles and nods.*
Peter- yeah, Umm let me wash my hands.
Y/N- he was born in a cabin in the woods with the stomach bug raging, he will be fine.
Bucky- ehh he's the youngest!
*Everyone laughs. Peter takes Ben and holds him close. Ben grunts a little, like he can tell this is a new person. He opens his eyes to see Peter and the shuts them again.*
Peter- hey Ben! I'm Peter, I'm kinda part of the family. *You smile and Bucky laughs* I'm always here for you, me and your big brother Grant!
*He wiggles a little and then Peter hands him back to you.*
Y/N- hey little man *You kiss his head and he snuggles close* anyone else wanna hold him?
*They all fight for who's next. They each get a turn, ending with Ben being handed back to Bucky.*
Bucky- oh someone s getting fussy, huh?!
*Ben grunts and wiggles. He rubs his face against Bucky's chest, he realizes it's not you and he gets mad. Bucky kisses his head and then hands him to you.*
Y/N- if anyone needs us, we will be in our room for the foreseeable future.
*Tony and Pepper laugh and nod. They others just smile and help get all the bags upstairs as Bucky helps you up. The kids started to play and then one by one fell asleep.*
Y/N- wow, that never happens!
Bucky- I know!
*you get settled in the bedroom and Bucky makes sure you have everything. He moves Ben's little glider and bassinet in the room*
Y/N- why did you move that in here?
Bucky- because we've always had them in our room for the first 2-3 weeks.
Y/N- yeah, but I figured we'd just put him in there to start.
*Bucky looks kinda sad.*
Bucky- oh, Umm okay. *He starts to move it back and you stop him*
Y/N- you know what? It's fine. Just leave it, he can stay for a bit.
*Bucky smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- I know you only did that for me, thank you. *You laugh*
Y/N- I feel like it normally the dad that wants the kids out as fast as possible. *You tease*
Bucky- yeah well, I wanna keep him close by and then when the time is right I will have no issue kicking him back to his nursery!
*You laugh and he kisses you. Ben makes his hunger known and lets out a loud wail.*
Y/N- I hear ya, I hear ya. Come on. *You start to nurse him and he acts like you haven't fed him all day.* dude, chill! You're gonna rip it off! *He unlatches and just cries.* Oh I'm sorry bud, didn't mean to make you feel bad! *You sing to him and he calms down and goes back to nursing.*
Bucky- okay note to self, he's the sensitive one.
*You agree and laugh. Ben grunts and finishes nursing.*
Bucky- come here bud, let me burp you while mama pumps.
*You hand him over and Bucky has to fight to get him to burp. Ben just screams the whole time.*
Bucky- I know, I'm sorry bud. *Bucky burps him but he is still crying. You finish pumping and take him back. He cries but not as bad and he finally falls asleep. You lay him down and swaddle him.*
Y/N- did the others cry this much?!
Bucky- honestly it's all a blur!
*You laugh and agree.*
Y/N- okay, I'm gonna check in on Nat and then I'm gonna nap too.
Bucky- sounds like a plan! I'm gonna start the laundry and unpack then I'll join you. *He kisses you and walks out of the room. You call Nat*

Nat- hello?
Y/N- hey! How's it going?!
Nat- not great, all the kids are sick and Steve is down for the count which means-
Y/N- he's acting like a big baby
Nat- Yup, hopefully he will feel better by tonight and will actually be of some use to me.
*You laugh*
Nat- Thats mean, he is helping he's just really sick and can't help the way I need because he's sick.
Y/N- well let us know if you need anything! We can send stuff over.
Nat- I will, thanks.
*You hang up and promptly fall asleep.*

‼️Sorry, I know this is basically nothing. 🥲🥺I'm trying to "finish up" this book with Ben being little and the early days. Then the last chapter will be the six weeks!😏😏😏 Then I will have to start a new one! Lol😂  it will be like Winter's widow, a part 1 & 2. Didn't think I'd need one but here we are!! 😅😅😅🥰‼️

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