Follow Me And Find Out

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*Before you know it, it's Christmas! The kids get way too many gifts, even after you told everyone not to get them anything

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*Before you know it, it's Christmas! The kids get way too many gifts, even after you told everyone not to get them anything.*
Y/N- are all these under the tree for my children?!?
Nat- yeah, we put our kids stuff over there under that tree. *She points to the other side of the room. There is a pile almost as big.*
Y/N- I told them not to go crazy
Nat- Ha! Well looks like they said "to hell with that"
*You nod and sigh*
Jonnie- mama!?! Did Santa come?!?
Y/N- No baby, he won't be here till tonight.
*She sighs and runs away. Grant walks by*
Grant- don't you think she's getting too old to believe in Santa?
*You look at Grant*
Y/N- She can believe for as long as she wants... understand me?! *You give him a look and he nods.*
Winnie- I never believed, it just seems silly.
Sarah- yeah, me either.. *She looks
Down at her feet and walks away and sniffles a bit.*
Nat- oh shit... *She sighs*
Y/N- oh Nat, I'm so sorry!
Nat- it's not your fault... someone at school broke the news to her and it's been a hot button topic since.
Y/N- still, I'm sorry.
*She smiles.*
Nat- thanks y/n

*You are tucking the kids in bed that night*
Odette- mommy?
Y/N- yeah baby?
Odette- can Santa bring me a little brother?
Y/N- ha! We will see. But if he does it won't happen anytime soon.
Elizabeth- then when??
Y/N- April! Now go to sleep so he can bring you your gifts
*They all lay down and pass out.*

*You sit with Bucky on the couch and he takes the plate of Santa cookies and hands them to you.*
Y/N- well thank you!
*He laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- what do you say to taking these sweets back to the bedroom? *He smirks and you giggle. You kiss him and whisper*
Y/N- I say, that you aren't suppose to be cumming at all this months.
Bucky- I've definitely broken that rule *He smirks again*
Y/N- that you have *You tease him through his pants* and to make up for that *You ghost your lips over his* you won't cum till the new year.
*Bucky chuckles and kisses you*
Bucky- oooh what happens if I obey?
Y/N- you get rewarded. *You kiss his neck*
Bucky- and if I disobey?
*You pull back and he loses all contact with you. He whimpers*
Y/N- you'll get nothing. No touching, no kissing, no looking, absolutely nothing until you can be a good boy.
*He bites his lip and looks down at you*
Bucky- Mmhmm deal!
*He kisses you and you giggle against his lips*
Y/N- come on, we've got a big day tomorrow.
Bucky- so was that a No to the bedroom fun tonight? *He tease and you pull him up. You kiss him and then spank him*
Y/N- guess you'll just have to follow me and find out. *You take a bite of a cookie and then walk into the room. He moans and runs after you, closing the door behind him.*

‼️It's so Short that it's embarrassing! 🫣 Time jump coming soon!!❤️‼️

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