New Little Brother

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*You hold him close and enjoy just being with your little one

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*You hold him close and enjoy just being with your little one. As much as you hated the idea of starting all over, you wouldn't trade this for the world.*
Y/N- hey *Bucky looks at you* change me. I want Odette to meet him. *Bucky gently smiles and kisses your forehead. He whispers your word and you enter the training room in your mind.*

Odette- Is it time?!!
*You nod, you take her hands and lean your forehead against hers.*
Y/N- enjoy this moment. *She opens her eyes and  she's in bed with Bucky, a sweet little baby in her arms. She looks down at him and starts to tear up.*
Odette- oh hi! Hello sweet boy! *You kiss his head and he makes a little grunting noise. You laugh and look at Bucky. He smiles down at you and kisses you*
Bucky- Odette? Meet Benjamin
Odette- hi Benjamin, oh my goodness. *You hold him close* this is everything, what I never knew I always wanted. *Bucky smiles and tears up a little. He kisses your head and holds you close*
Bucky- do you remember how it happened?
*You nod*
Odette- yeah and you were amazing. *You smile and lay your head on his shoulder.*
Bucky- well you were a rockstar. You continue to amaze me. *You blush and look down at Ben.*
Odette- do you think I can feed him?
*Bucky rubs his head*
Bucky- y/n hasn't yet and I know that's something she'd want to do first. But I'm sure once he's done it once she will let you do it. *You nod and look down at Ben. He is sound asleep*
Odette- he's so peaceful, not a care in the world.
Bucky- yeah, oh to be him!
*You laugh and Bucky rubs your arm. He sees you looking at Ben and his heart is full. All the pain of the years melt away as you look into the eyes of your son, your little baby. You kiss his nose and his little face twitches up in a smile. You wipe a tear and look up at Bucky.*
Bucky- go ahead Odette, turn me so Winter can meet his son. *He smiles and she kisses him* I love you.
Odette- I love you too. *She says his words and he enters the black room*

Winter- why are you back so soon?
Bucky- Ben's been born. We want you to meet him. *Winter smiles and hugs Bucky. He opens his eyes and sees Ben in your arms. He looks down at you and sees in your eyes that it's Odette*
Odette- I know you were probably wanting to see y/n but- *He kisses you*
Winter- I'm glad it's you, I want to experience this with you first. *He lowers his forehead against yours and you smile.*
Odette- look at him Winter, he's so cute.
Winter- he looks like you!
*You laugh and nod*
Odette- finally! All the others look just like you!
*Winter laughs. You just listen to the beautiful sound.*
Winter- can I hold him? *You nod and hand him Ben. He's a natural and holds him just right. He tears up and kisses his head* I never even dreamed of this and yet here I am. How did I get so lucky? *He looks at You and smiles. You kiss him*
Odette- you are a natural and you look pretty good with a baby!
*Winter laughs and looks down at Ben. You whisper in his ear and he nods*
Winter- I love you, Odette.
Odette- I love you too, Winter.
*He says your word and you change back*

Odette- thank you for that. It means the world to me.
*You smile and hug her. You open your eyes and see Winter. You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- hey
Winter- hey
Y/N- he really likes you, When Bucky takes him he cries.
*Winter laughs and kisses you*
Winter- thank you, y/n.
Y/N- for what?
Winter- for making me a father
*You rub his arm and kiss him. You two sit there like that for awhile. You notice the time and that you need to feed him*
Y/N- I need to feed him
Winter- okay, *he hands Ben back to you. He kisses his head and whispers* I love you bud and I'll see you soon. *You kiss him and he leans his forehead against yours.* I love you, y/n
Y/N- I love you too, Winter.
*You change him back*

Winter- I'm gonna be better, for him. For all of them. I want them to be proud of me.
*He looks at Bucky who nods and gives him a hug*
Bucky- they are proud *He pats his back and opens his eyes. He sees you and pulls you close*

Bucky- I think they really needed that.
*You nod. You get ready to nurse.*
Y/N- I feel bad that Odette didn't get to do this but thank you for letting me have the first time.
Bucky- of course baby, I did say that you'd let her have a chance though. *You nod and agree. You get Ben ready and he starts to nurse. You lay back  in Bucky's arms and look down at Ben as he figures out nursing. It's kinda funny as he just moves around and makes faces at the new skill he is learning. You and Bucky just smile and watch. He gets the hang of it and nurses quickly.*
Y/N- all done bubba?
*He grunts and you laugh as you get dressed*
Bucky- none of the others were this noisy *He laughs* it's funny!
Y/N- let's just hope he doesn't grunt this much in his sleep. I'll never be able to rest if I hear him grunting all night. *Bucky laughs and kisses your head. You burp Ben and then get ready for visitors.*

*Bucky gets the kids first. They all walk in and see Ben in your arms. They are so excited to find out what it is and the name.*
Jonnie- I'm just so excited!!
*You laugh as she crawls in the bed. She sits on the end with the others. You look at Bucky and nod*
Bucky- okay, we want y'all to meet you new little... *He pauses*
Grant- dad!
Winnie- come on!
Elizabeth- the suspense!!
Odette- boy or girl?!
Jonnie- ahhh!!
*You laughs and Bucky looks back at you and winks*
Bucky- your little brother!
*The girls all smile and squeal. Grant does a backflip off the bed and about gives you a heart attack.*
Grant- sorry!! I'm just so happy!! Woohhooo!!
*Ben wakes up and grunts and then starts to cry a little. The noise scared him*
Y/N- it's okay bud, you'll have to get use to that though. It's only gonna get louder!
*He calms down as you hold him close*
Winnie- what's his name?!?
Y/N- well for that we need Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat.
*Grant gets them, they walk in with their kids and gather around the bed. Steve whispers*
Steve- his name is still Ben, right?
*Nat elbows him and he smiles*
Y/N- okay, we'd like everyone to meet Benjamin Nate Barnes. Named after The person who saved him, (Peter) his godmother, (Nat), and his daddy.  *Bucky smiles and Nat tears up a little*
Nat- really?
Y/N- yeah, you've gone through this with me. You're my ride or die and we wanted to honor you.
Nat- I don't know what to say! *She wipes the tears and Steve kisses her head as he wraps his arm around her.*
Y/N- you wanna hold him?
*She nods. You hand him to her and he grunts again and makes little noises. Nat and Steve smile, the kids giggle*
Jonnie- he made a funny noise!
James- sounds silly!
Anthony- lik he bup!
*You laugh*
Y/N- his burps sound more like his daddy's, loud! *Anthony giggles and cover his face.*
*Bucky watches the kids as they watch Ben, each one wanting a turn to hold him. Grant goes first and sits between you and Bucky on the bed. He holds Ben and makes sure to support his head. He smiles down at his little brother. He kisses his head and then looks up at you and Bucky.*
Grant- his head is so soft
Y/N- yeah that's why we have to be extra careful with him *Grant nods*
*Winnie is next and she is practically jumping up and down. She sits and you help her hold him. He wiggles so much and she just laughs.*
Winnie- he's wiggling!
Bucky- yeah, he did that in mommy's belly, you remember? *She nods*
*The triplets hold him one at a time. Odette is serious and makes sure she is super careful. She cracks a smile once she knows she's doing it right. Elizabeth is just glowing, so happy to have a little brother. Jonnie is so excited she never sits down long enough to hold him. She just kisses his head over and over again till he gets fed up and grunts and whines. She giggles and apologizes before hoping down and sitting with the others. Steve holds him and enjoys having a little baby in his arms again. Samuels gotten so big, he's missed this but he will never admit that to Nat, it won't do anyone any good.*
Steve- wow, he's so little. *He holds his little hand and rocks him as he holds him.* he looks just like you y/n.
*You smile*
Y/N- I know, finally!!
*He laughs and kisses him.*
Steve- you are so loved bud. You don't even know it yet.
*He hands him back to you. Sarah and the others wanted to hold him but he was getting fussy and needed to nap for a bit while not being passed around.*
James- why does he cry?
Steve- cause he little, that's how he talks.
*They leave and take the kids with them*
Y/N- I'll see y'all in a bit, okay?! I love you, be good!
*They all smile and blow kisses as they walk out of the room. You sigh and look at Bucky. He is almost passed out on his side of the bed. You lightly laugh and try to doze off a little. Thankfully there is an old pack n play that was left from last summer so you wake Bucky up and he sets it up for Ben. Bucky places it by the bed and you lay him down. He is out and for that you are thankful. You lay down and Bucky lays behind you, holding you close and kissing your shoulders and neck.*
Bucky- I love you y/n
Y/N- I love you too Bucky

*You two gets some sleep before the real work begins.*

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