So Everyone Is Whipped

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*You wake up to Bucky kissing your head and holding one of the girls, you think it's Jonnie

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*You wake up to Bucky kissing your head and holding one of the girls, you think it's Jonnie.*
Y/N- Hey, is she hungry?
Bucky- No, she just wanted to be held. *He puts her back in her bassinet and she just stares up at him.* how are you feeling??
Y/N- my stomach hurts but I'm okay. *You rub your breast.* they hurt so bad. *Bucky rubs your shoulders*
Bucky- you want to take a break from nursing? Maybe pump or give them formula?
Y/N- No, I'll just nurse them. I need to push through.
Bucky- you need to take a break for just a moment and breath. *You look at Bucky and gently smile.*
Y/N- well, let's get this introduction out of the way, call in the troops. *Bucky laughs and kisses your head.*
Bucky- okay, give me a moment. *He leaves and you sit back on the couch, you look at your babies and your heart feels like it could burst with love. Bucky walks downstairs and Grant looks over and squeals.*
Grant- Dada!! Mama?!? *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- love you too Little Wolf *Bucky teases*
Winnie- Dada!!! Dada!!! Uddles, Uddles!!!
*Bucky laughs and picks Winnie up, she snuggles into his arms and Bucky hears her sigh, he chuckles and kisses her head*
Bucky- I'd love to give you cuddles Winnie boo. Hey Grant? You wanna go see mama and sissy's?!
Grant- yay!!!
*Bucky heads up the stairs and Grant slips past him down the hall, he puts Winnie down and she takes off too. You hear little giggling and tiny feet running down the hall.*
Grant- mama mama mama!!!
*Bucky yells from behind*
Bucky- careful and quiet Grant!
*Grant jumps on the couch and he snuggles up next to you.*
Grant- luv ouuu mama!
Y/N- I love you too Grant.
*Bucky comes in behind Winnie, she squeals and runs over. She puts her arms in the air and whines for you to hold her.*
Y/N- I can't hold you baby, I'm sorry. But Daddy will give you all the cuddles he can. *Winnie whines, Bucky goes to pick her up and she pushes his hands away.*
Bucky- oh Winnie, don't do that. *She cries and pulls on your pants. Bucky is scared you're gonna snap any minute so he scoops Winnie up and holds her tight. He rocks her and bounces her and she quickly falls asleep. He lays her down and then comes back out to see you and Grant "holding" Odette. You are really holding her and Grant has his arms around her.*
Y/N- be gentle, look she's smiling at you. *Grant smiles and gives her a kiss on her little cap she's wearing.*
Grant- lov ouuu ett.
*You put her down and let him "hold Elizabeth and Jonnie. He kisses them and then you. He then hops down and goes to take his nap. Bucky gets Grant downs and then comes back out, he sees you already nursing Odette and Jonnie.*
Bucky- hey you need another pillow, support those girls. *You give him a look and he blushes* I meant the actual girls, not your- *He shakes his head and leans down to kiss you. He gets you another pillow and you continue nursing. You then nurse Elizabeth and then get them all changed, they are happy and full.*
Y/N- okay, time for everyone else.

*Everyone else sneaks into the room, quietly ooing and awing.*
Peter- they are so little!
Kate- wow, three at one time.
Sam- so cute!
Yelena- well behaved.
Clint- how many hours have you slept?
Tony- they look like Barnes!
Pepper- so so so sweet!
Bruce- so fragile
Thor- I bet Grant and Winnie love them already!
*You smile and watch as they all hold the girls and just love on them and you and Bucky. They end up leaving except for Steve and Nat, Peter and Thor*
Peter- so Thor had a little freak out.
*Thor hits Peter and he laughs*
Y/N- what happened??
Thor- I was charged with taking care of Winnie while y'all were occupied. It had a rough start, she has quiet the attitude!
*You and Bucky laugh and nod, On cue Winnie calls for you and Bucky.*
Winnie- Dada!? Uddles! Elp!!
Bucky- I'm coming Winnie!
*Thor laughs and Bucky pats his back as he walks into Winnie's room, he picks her up and brings her out into the living room. She sees Thor and smiles, she waves and then snuggles into Bucky.*
Bucky- yeah, she's pretty spoiled.
Y/N- all because of this one *You point to Bucky and he smiles*
Bucky- I just want to make it super hard on anyone who dares to win her heart to compare to me, her first love! *Bucky acts all high and snooty. You and Steve laugh, thor rolls his eyes and smiles*
Bucky- you okay Winnie boo?
Winnie- I ungry, ooorrr, anana!
*Thor sighs and stands up, Bucky laughs and looks at you*
Bucky- he's already whipped!
*You pat his face and smile*
Y/N- go get me a snack please. *You kiss him and he hops up to do it. Steve laughs and looks at Nat, she gives him the same look. He nods and leaves to get her some food as well.*
Peter- so everyone is whipped.
*You and Nat laugh, Winnie smiles and then looks at her sisters, they all smile up at her.*

‼️Sorry it's so short!! I had a crazy day, I'll get my act together soon! 😅❤️‼️

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