I Have Bested Steve Rogers

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*When Anthony wakes up you and Nat make your way down to the lake with him

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*When Anthony wakes up you and Nat make your way down to the lake with him. He's all ready to go swimming, he's got his puddle jumper on and his little hat to protect his little face.*
Nat- Steve did you put sunscreen on James??
Steve- yes and Sarah *He smiles and Anthony runs over to him and climbs in his lap.*
Anthony- dada! Wimm!!
Steve- you wanna swim?! Okay, let's go!
*You help Nat sit down so her feet can hang in the water. You see Bucky playing with the kids, there is a big water mat tied to the dock that stretches out into the water and they are playing kind of the hill. Bucky is currently on the mat and just shoving and throwing kids off into the water. The triplets have their puddle jumpers on and for that you are thankful as you see Bucky just tossing them in the air into the water. You laugh as Grant sneaks up behind him but Bucky hears him and just grabs him and flips him over his shoulder and into the water. You look at Nat and Steve and laugh.*
Y/N- maybe we should give him some real competition.
*Steve laughs and agrees. You get Peter, Yelena, Sam, and Tony, you all swim out and join in the fun.*
Bucky- Whoa, wait a min- oh! *Steve slips behind him and catches his arm. He fights Steve and manages to get the best of him and throw him off the mat. Peter and Yelena gang up on him but he tosses Peter away like a rag doll and Yelena ends up slipping and falling off the mat. Tony tries to fight him but he's honestly no match against Bucky without his suit. Morgan laughs and swims over to him and they just float and talk. You try your luck, as Steve is fighting him again you slip behind Bucky and jump on his back. He throws Steve off and flips you around. You smile and fight him to the edge of the mat, Steve comes from unfolded the water and grabs his foot and pulls him off. He hits the mat and grabs the edges, trying to stay on. He his laughing and trying to fight off Steve and the kids who have now joined in again. You need down and grab his hands.*
Y/N- "Long live the king!" *You toss him off, Steve laughs and the kids are slightly traumatized by your reenactment of The Lion King but then they laugh too. You do a little victory dance and the kids cheer but very quickly Steve and Bucky are both on the mat and they dethrone you together and then they have it out. You just watch and laugh as the girls swim around you and Grant tries to join in and fight Steve and Bucky. He gets the better of Steve and shoves him off but then Bucky just picks him up and throws him into the water. You swim back over to the dock and climb out, you sit next to Nat and soak in the sun for a bit, just listening to the kids play and laugh.*
Tony- Alright, who wants a boat ride??
*All the kids cheer and scream.* okay, load up!

*they all load on the boat, well it's really more of a yacht. Bucky and Steve go with them as well as Peter and Sam. The women stay back and get the party ready.*
Y/N- okay, what all needs to be done??
Pepper- well all the food has been prepped and is ready to go on the grill when they get back.
Nat- The cake is in the freezer, we need to get it out now.
Y/N- okay, I'll grab it.
*Kate sets out the snacks and Yelena sets up the drinks. They get back and Bucky carries up a sleeping Elizabeth and Odette while Peter carries up a sleeping Jonnie. Winnie, Sarah, and Grant run up and are ready for a snack. Steve walks up with James and Anthony asleep in his arms.*
Pepper- what did Tony do play some slow jazz??
Morgan- No, they all just got tired after playing all morning. The minute they got still they feel asleep.
*You and Nat laugh and help the guys get the kids down for a little bit. Bucky pulls you away for a moment and corners you in the bathroom.*
Bucky- hey, you okay??
Y/N- yeah baby! Why??
Bucky- we just kinda blew past our news this morning. We didn't really get a chance to sit with it before the kids found out.
Y/N- I'm okay, I mean we knew it was going to happen but I was still surprised when it did.
Bucky- but you're really okay with this? You're happy?? *Bucky looks nervous, it breaks your heart because you know it's because of your reaction this morning. You take his face in your hands and kiss him.*
Y/N- I am beyond happy baby. I can't wait to hold our little one. A new little addition to our crazy zoo.
*Bucky laughs and kisses you. You walk out of the bathroom together and run right into Steve. He sees the look on your face and he then looks at Bucky.*
Steve- What we're you two up too?? Do I need to sanitize the bathroom before anyone else uses it? *You laugh and take Steve's arm and walk away with him. Bucky watches you and just smiles.*

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