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*Bucky helps you get up and shower, you get dressed for bed, wanting to put on something other than the hospital gown

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*Bucky helps you get up and shower, you get dressed for bed, wanting to put on something other than the hospital gown. You get settled and then you start the night of feedings and diaper changes. The girls did pretty good, it got rough towards the morning when they were all hungry at the same time and you only have two boobs.*
Y/N- Bucky can you-
Bucky- yeah, which one should I-
Y/N- just pick one, I don't care.
*He gets Odette and feeds she the bottle while you nurse the other two. The nurse comes in as you finish up and she has your discharge papers.*
Nurse- your doctor will be in shorty. *About 10 minutes later she comes in.*
Doctor- okay, I'm order for you to heal properly you are districted to only lifting and carrying one of your babies.
Y/N- I can only hold one?!?
Doctor- No, you can hold all three but not at the same time. I don't want you to tandem nurse unless both babies can be completely supported and you're not actually holding them. Make sure to keep your incision clean and dry. You'll see me in a couple weeks and I'll remove your stitches. You know the drill with a vaginal birth, all of that aftercare is the same. *You nod*
Bucky- When can she carry or hold more than the babies?? I ask because I know our other two kids are going to be crawling all over her and wanting to be held.
Doctor- she can't hold them until I clear her after her 6 weeks, maybe more. Until then it will be your job to help keep the other little ones off her. *Bucky nods and sits down beside you.* I know it can be nerve wracking thinking about all of this but you two will be okay, I promise! You will also have some physical therapy to help strengthen your abdominal muscles.
Y/N- so even with the serum I need all of this?
Doctor- yes, mainly because I don't know how your body is going to react. You may wake up two weeks from now and be perfectly healed, but I can't say for sure. So to be on the age side, 6 weeks and once I see you I'll decide if it needs to be eight. *You nod and Bucky rubs your back* okay, a nurse will be by to help you out and then y'all are free to go.

*You get the babies ready and dressed to go home. Bucky helps you up and helps you get dressed and sitting in the wheelchair. Steve comes in the room.*
Steve- hey guys! *He whispers* how are y'all doing?!
Bucky- we're good Steve. You have the car??
Steve- yeah, Nat stayed home with the kids. I've got the seats all set up. *Bucky nods and the nurse walks back in*
Nurse- okay, y'all ready?? I can carry a bag if I need to.
Bucky- thank you, Steve can you take Jonnie while I take Elizabeth?
Steve- yeah, come here sweet girl.
*They walk beside you as the nurse pushes the wheelchair, You hold Odette. Steve hands Bucky Jonnie as he goes to get the car.*
Nurse- you have a really supportive friend!
Y/N- yeah, he's the best. *Bucky smiles down at you and kisses your head.*
*once the car is parked Steve takes Jonnie back as Bucky gets Elizabeth in the middle seat.*
Bucky- okay Jonnie, you're turn! *He gets Jonnie strapped in and then takes Odette from your arms. He walks around to the other
Side of the car and buckled her in her seat.*
Steve- thanks for your help! *He takes the bags from the nurse and open the truck. He puts them in the truck and then climbs over the back seat and sits in the back row. Bucky watches and laughs.*
Bucky- you good Steve?!
Steve- yeah! I have a seat belt. *You laugh and Bucky comes over to help you up. He helps you climb in and Bucky helps you buckle up. He rubs your leg and looks at you*
Bucky- you okay? *You gently smile and nod*
Y/N- I'm okay, thank you Bucky. *He kisses you and then climbs in the drivers side, he places his hand on your thigh and pulls away. He looks in the mirror and sees Steve just staring at the girls, baby fever is hitting him hard. Bucky looks at you to joke around and he sees you're already asleep. Holding onto his hand on your leg.*

*You get home and slowly make your way inside. Bucky asks Steve to message everyone and tell them to clear the way and to let you all get upstairs in your living room before the de end on the babies.*
Bucky- okay, I'll take Odette and Elizabeth upstairs and settled in their bassinets and then I'll come back and get the bags.
Steve- I got it! I'll take Jonnie up and I'll come back. You stay with Y/N.
*Bucky nods and helps you out of the car. Steve hands Bucky Elizabeth after Bucky got Odette settled in his arms. He takes Jonnie and you all head up. You slowly climbs the stairs and walk back to the room. You walk in and the kids aren't in there*
Y/N- where's Grant and Winnie??
Bucky- Nat still has them in their room. I thought that you'd want to get settled before she let them come in here and run around. *You nod and thank him*
Y/N- thank you.
*You sit on the couch and the girls all lay in their bassinets right in front of the couch. You watch them sleep as Bucky moves around the room. Unpacking your bags and making sure all the "stations" are set up. A stash of diapers, tons of onesies. Pacifier and swaddles. He walks into the room and just laughs*
Bucky- Steve??
Steve- yeah??
Bucky- who cleaned our room?
Steve- I had a crime scene team coke in and clean it all. The mattress is good as new and the carpet has been scrubbed. We diffused oils for 3 days straight to get rid of the blood smell that was stuck in the air.
Bucky- thank you Steve. It means a lot, I was expecting to be cleaning it for days.
Steve- we'd never let you guys come home to that. We started cleaning the minute y'all left.
*Bucky hugs Steve and then walks back out to you. He sees that hungry look in your eye.*
Bucky- hey baby? You hungry? Want a protein bar and water?
Y/N- yeah, that'd be great baby, thanks. *He gently kisses you and then heads downstairs. Steve sits next to you and wraps his arm around you.*
Steve- how you feeling??
Y/N- tired, exhausted. *Steve chuckles and nods*
Steve- we can keep the kids tonight if y'all need it.
*You rest your head on his shoulder*
Y/N- thanks Stevie, we may take you up on that. *Steve kisses your head and then sees Bucky walk back in. He smiles at you and Steve, you are starting to fall asleep when Steve slowly lifts your head and Bucky takes his place.*
Bucky- thanks for everything Steve *He whispers, Steve nods and heads out of the room*

Nat- Are they back?!? *Nat asks as Steve walks into their room.*
Steve- yes but y/n and the babies are sleeping, I think they will start taking visitors after she feeds them later. *Nat nods* I offered to keep the kids another night so they could just get settled into their routine at home.
Nat- yeah that's fine, I think Sarah enjoys the company. *She smiles and Steve smirks, he slips behind her and rests his chin on her shoulder as he wraps his arms around her.*
Steve- huh, maybe we could-
Nat- if you want a baby you can hold one of the three next door. *She teases and Steve kisses her neck*
Steve- oh come on, don't you miss it? Their cute little sounds and small hands. The way they just cling to you because your arms are the safest place run them world. That sweet baby smell. *He looks at Nat and Steve can tell she is thinking about it.* Just think about it baby. *Nat looks at him and smiles, she kisses him and hums as he pulls away.*
Nat- I'll think about it baby.
*Steve squeezes her tight and nibbles on her neck.*
Steve- come on, let's get these little ones some lunch.
*Nat smirks and pulls Steve back in her arms*
Nat- you know I'm kinda hungry too *Steve bites his lip and kisses her, she moans*
Steve- well you're just gonna have to fast for the moment. *He winks and walks over to the kids. He picks Sarah and Winnie up and walks back by Nat. She slaps his ass as she walks behind him to the kitchen. He loves every second of it.*

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