Bring On The Wolves

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*Bucky gets the kids down for their nap time and then comes to help you up*Bucky- you got it??Y/N- yeah, feels good to stand

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*Bucky gets the kids down for their nap time and then comes to help you up*
Bucky- you got it??
Y/N- yeah, feels good to stand. *Bucky chuckles and kisses you*
Bucky- let's go check out our new home
*You walk down the hall holding Bucky's arm. You haven't left your room in over two months, doctors orders. You could go from bed to the bathroom and that's it, so when you see that the hallway is extended and finished you're shocked*
Y/N- wow! Tony's really been working huh?!
Bucky- yeah he has! He said he wanted it done before we brought the triplets home.
*You smile and you walk towards your new little family suit, you pass by Nat and Steve's room*
Y/N- Hey!
Nat- Hey Prego!! Look at you up and walking around! *You laugh and she walks out of the room* You two on your way to look at the room?
Bucky- Yup! And she's got to be laying back down in about 10 minutes so we've got to go.
*Bucky ushers you away and Nat shakes her head*
Y/N- wait are y'all moving in??
*Steve and Nat look at each other*
Steve- Tony and the crew finished our suit last month, we moved in once we finished painting. *You nod*
Y/N- y'all like it??
Nat- it's really nice, Sarah's Toys stay in our little living room and we are able to have more family time where we are not interrupted by Peter and Kate or Sam and Yelena arguing-
Y/N- or Grant swooning over Sarah? *Nat laughs and Steve nods*
Nat- ehh that we don't mind too much, it's cute!
Steve- we'll when he turns 13 and he's still swooning over her then we will talk. *You and Bucky laugh*
Bucky- alright, let's go see ours, huh?!
*You nod and head to the room next to Nat and Steve's. Bucky opens the door and then turns to face you, he smiles*
Y/N- wha- No, don't even think- *Bucky lifts you into his arms, Bridal style* Bucky no! *you laugh and Bucky holds you with ease. He smiles as he walks through the door. He walks all the way into your new "apartment". He sets you down and wraps his arms around your waist as he stands behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder.*
Bucky- this is all ours babe *He kisses your neck and you giggle*
Y/N- well show me around! *Bucky laughs and stands up straight. He takes your hand and leads you to your new room. It's huge, and on the back wall in the middle of the room sits a brand new, huge, bed. You smile and look around, the closet has his and her sides and it wraps into the bathroom. The bathroom has huge floor to ceiling windows and is exactly as Tony said it would be. You notice that the shower and tub is in direct view of the bed, you look at Bucky and chuckle*
Y/N- your idea?!
Bucky- oh yeah, that's my favorite part of our room now! We can watch each other from the bed! *He pulls you close and kisses you. You smile and nod*
Y/N- alright let's see the kids rooms.

*He takes you into Grants room and it's already decorated with all his stuff*
Y/N- wait?!? When you put Grant down at night is he-
Bucky- No! His bed is still in the room next to ours but all his stuff has already been moved.
Y/N- and Winnie??
Bucky- the same, her crib is still there but that's it. Their clothes are even over here, I've been doing a lot of laundry to keep from having to walk all the way over here. *You laugh*
Y/N- who helped you??
Bucky- Steve and Thor *You nod and smile*
Y/N- have y'all decorated the triplets room yet??
Bucky- No, I knew not to take that from you.
*You smile*
Y/N- thank you baby. *You kiss him*

*You walk into the room for the triplets and see three White cribs, you turn and look at Bucky*
Bucky- I did go ahead and buy their cribs though. Didn't want to get caught without them.
*You chuckle and hold Bucky close*
Y/N- I think their room should be floral, cute little flowers and stuff but not bright, muted watercolor type flowers.
*Bucky nods and looks at you*
Bucky- I have no idea what any of that means but okay. *You laugh and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- I appreciate y'all moving and decorating Grant and Winnie's rooms but-
Bucky- but you want to change them.. *You give him a toothy smile*
Y/N- just to make it a little less Babyish. They will always be my babies but we could do something that's a little more mature, something that they will like as they get older.  *Bucky nods*
Bucky- so like what??
Y/N- Well Grant could still have his Woodsy themed room and Winnie's could be more Floral.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- okay, you tell Nat, Wanda and Pepper what you want and I'll buy it, do it, and like it. *He smiles and you laugh and kiss him*
Y/N- you wanna decorate our room??
Bucky- Nah, you've lived in our room that I decorated for myself for the last 4 years and never tried to change it once. You go ahead and make our room whatever you want.
*You hold him close and one of the girls kicks against your stomach*
Bucky- oh! I felt that!
Y/N- so did I! Ouch, I need to get back.
*Bucky nods and walks you back... you slow down a bit*
Bucky- You feeling okay??
Y/N- yeah, I'm just really sore. *Bucky moves behind you and rubs your shoulders*
Bucky- you want to take a bath?? Warm water and my hands massaging your body... huh?! *He kisses your neck and then nibble on your ear. You smirk and reach back to touch Bucky*
Y/N- that sounds amazing, do we have time before-
Grant- Mommy??!
Winnie- Dada dada!! *You turn around in his arms and rest your forehead on his chest.*
Y/N- guess that's a no... *Bucky laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- tonight, can you hang in there till tonight??  *You nod* it's another date. *He rubs your arms and then helps you get in bed* Alright, you ready for the gremlins??
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- bring on the Wolves!

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