Betty × Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

It was one cold July night, me and my boyfriend Jughead, went out to the local diner together, Pop's.

For a couple weeks now he's been acting weird, I think he's going to break up with me, so I've been preparing myself.

When he invited me out with him, his voice and emotions towards me were different. I knew he would break up with me on this night, I was just waiting for it.

He didn't even make small talk. He got straight to the point and broke up with me. He showed no sign of remorse or sorrow. He just up and left.

I wasn't too hurt. I mean it did hurt a little but the way he had been acting towards me recently, ditching me, blowing me off, starting random fights with me. I knew it was coming.

There's just one problem I have now. I like my best friend, as in like like. His name is Sweet Pea and we're both Serpents, that's how we meet. We've been apart of the Serpents since we were 4.

I've been friends with him for about 14 years now. Over these past couple days I've noticed that I don't only like him as a friend, I've actually developed feelings for him. But he's my best friend, he wouldn't feel the same way. I don't want to ruin my friendship with him, he means to much to me to lose over a stupid little crush.

I decided to head to The Whyte Wyrm. I get on my bike and head there. I knew Sweet Pea and Toni, one of my other best friends who would be there.

I arrive and see Toni serving out drinks at the bar and Sweet Pea playing pool with some of the other guys. Sweet Pea noticed me and gave me a sweet smile while I took a seat at the bar so I could talk to Toni. She's one of the people I always rant to about my love life.

Toni: Hey Betts, where's your... charming boyfriend. She says with a fake smile.

Both Sweet Pea and Toni dislike Jughead. They act like they like him in front of him but only because he's Fp's son. Fp is the leader and himself and his family must be showen respect.

Betty: we broke up. I shrug.
Toni: oh, I'm sorry. She says genuinely.
Betty: it's ok, I just have one problem. I say nervously.

I feel comfortable telling her about my crush on Sweet Pea. She only wants the best for me.

Toni: you're pregnant? She blurts out.
Betty: No! I yell at her.
Toni: thank god. What is it then? She questions me. I lean in closer.
Betty: I like Sweet Pea. I say and she squeals with excitement.
Betty: no, this isn't good. He's my best friend. He doesn't like me in that way. I groan. She laughs.
Toni: tell him. She says with a grin.

Sweet Pea: tell who what? He says while taking a seat next to me. I feel my face go pale. I think I'm going to faint.
Betty: nothing. I say glaring at Toni.
Sweet Pea: Betts come on. He says giving me puppy dog eyes.

His eyes made my heart melt. This is exactly why I can't tell him I like him.

Toni: Betts do it! She says.
Betty: I can't do this. I say walking out of the Wyrm.

Sweet Pea follows me outside and gently grabs my wrist, pulling me closer to him. Sweet Pea is a strong guy so there was no way I could escape him.

Sweet Pea: what's up Betty, are you ok? He asked me protectively.
Betty: I'm fine, now let me go. I say trying to sound mad at him. I can't. I need to hide my feelings for him. He doesn't deserve this.

Sweet Pea: not until you tell me what's going on. He says raising an eyebrow.
Betty: ireallylikeyouok? ( I really like you ok? ) Ididntwanttoruinourfriendshipbutijudtdid. ( I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I just did ). I blurt out. I honestly just wanted to cry. I've ruined everything.

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