Betty × Sweet Pea Part 1

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I hope you enjoy this two part series!

Sweet Pea POV:

I had just finished work and I was heading to my sons kindergarten. Lucas is 5.

I'm a single parent which I don't mind, I mean sometimes it gets hard but Lucas and I have always gotten through it.

I have a poor relationship with his mother, well I don't have a relationship with her at all. Unfortunately me and her were only supposed to me a one night stand. Due to both of our carelessness she ended up pregnant. I didn't even know about the baby until nine months after, where she just gave him to me and left. I never got her number or where she lived so there was no way I could contact her.

Although Lucas is considered a mistake by her, I love him to bits. My life was so boring and dull before I had him. He's made my life so much better.

I arrive at the kindergarten and sign him out at the front desk. I walk into his classes play room and spot him with the teacher. She must be new, I've never seen her before. The lady was helping Lucas make some sort of arts and craft.

I walk over to them and as soon as Lucas sees me he smiles.

Lucas: hey dad. Lucas says with a toothy smile.
Sweet Pea: hi Lucas. I say as he turns his head back to sticking things onto the piece of paper.

I look up to the lady and we both exchange a smile.

Sweet Pea: I don't believe we've met. Sweet Pea. I say while extending my hand and getting a full look at her face.

As soon as her eyes landed on mine I was lovestruck. She looks stunning. She had her blond hair in a perfect high ponytail. Her eyes were a mesmerising shade of green. Her lips where a soft pink that had formed into a smile. Everything about her left me star struck. I want her, I want her real bad.

For the past five fears I've held off from dating. I wanted my main priorities to be on Lucas and starting a family with him. Now that he's getting older and maturer, I think it'll be good for him to have a women figure in his life. And having this girl would be amazing.

Betty: hi, I'm Betty Cooper and yeah, I just started here today actually. She says with a sweet smile as she shakes my hand.

I noticed a small smirk form on her lips as she scanned my body, the exact way I did to her earlier. Maybe there's a chance of us actually becoming something.

Lucas: can I take this home Mrs. Cooper? He asked as he broke the stare we were both holding. She looked down at him with a smile.
Betty: of course Lucas. She says sweetly. He smiles back.

Lucas began putting everything away in its respected place, as he did that Betty and I both held eye contact for a little longer.

Sweet Pea: would you like to go out tonight? I asked her.
Betty: I'm sorry. She says guilty.

I felt my heart snap. I thought from all the looks and smirks she gave, we might have  something, I guess not.

Sweet Pea: oh, it's fine. Forget I- she cut me off.
Betty: no I'd love to go out with you, it's just I'm helping my roommate pack tonight. I'm free tomorrow. She says.
Sweet Pea: sounds great. I say to her.

We both exchanged numbers. Lucas had finished packing up and had gotten his bag. He handed me his artwork for me to hold and I hold his hand.

Lucas: bye Mrs. Cooper. He says with a happy smile.
Betty: bye Lucas. She said happily as she moved around the room so she could look after the other kids.

We walked out to my car and I helped him into the car. I soon got into the drivers seat and I had the urge to know more about Betty. I decided to ask my son what he thinks about her. If he doesn't like her that means I would never be able to date her, because I want a person that not only makes me happy but him as well.

Sweet Pea: how was your day? I asked him.
Lucas: it was good. He says cheerfully.
Sweet Pea: what do you think of Mrs. Cooper? I asked him subtly.
Lucas: she's nice, she smells good. He says. I let out a laugh.

I guess it's good to know.

Sweet Pea: do you like her better then your last teacher? I asked. He nods his head.

The last teacher he had was old and never smiled. When ever I came to pick Lucas up after work she looked like she wanted to kill all the kids. I spoke to her a couple times, just a causal conversation while Lucas packed up his stuff and she made no effort to talk back. She was lazy and unprofessional, not only I thought that way of her, so did the other parents. I guess some of them must have complaint, that's why we have Betty. She already seems so much better.

We soon arrived home and I held his bag as he held his artwork. We walked inside and he sat on a bench stool near me as I began to make dinner.

Lucas: do you like this dad? He asked while showing me his artwork.
Sweet Pea: I love it Lucas, did you do it all by yourself? I asked while pulling out a pan.
Lucas: nearly all of it, Mrs. Cooper helped me glue some things on. He says.

I'm glad that he thinks highly of her. I really, really like her. I've never felt this way about a person and it's scary, but it also makes me feel so warm and happy on the inside.

Sweet Pea: Lucas? How would you feel if you saw Mrs. Cooper more often? I asked.
Lucas: that would be cool. He says enthusiastically while jumping off the chair and running into his room.

After Lucas and I ate we watched Cars 2. It was his all time favourite movie as he liked to remind me every time we were at the shops and he sees a toy car.

Half way through the movie I noticed as he had fallen asleep beside me. I scooped up his small body into my arms and carried him to his room.

I tucked him under the blankets and placed a kiss on his head.

Sweet Pea: good night Lucas. I say softly as I walk out of his room.

For the rest of the evening I was looking for a babysitter. I tried ringing people for hours, they were either busy or didn't answer. I guess he's going to be here for our date, I hope Betty doesn't mind.

What are your thoughts so far? Are you enjoying it?
Also I'm pretty sure this book is going to consist of a lot of Swetty stories.

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