Betty x Sweet Pea x Jughead // sister and brothers relationship ( friendship )

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A little short one ❤️ Please make sure to vote and comment.
Decided to post this a day early!
I wanna dedicate this one shot to bugheadlover101 and OLIVIASBABY
Thank you both for the constant support. I appreciate it beyond words xx

Betty POV:

I woke up at about 9 am with a cough. All night I had been coughing. I only got about 4 hours of sleep and I was exhausted.

As I yawned I saw dad walk into my room and take a seat on my bed.

Fp: are you okay Princess? I heard you coughing all night. He said with an empathetic voice.
Betty: I'm sick. I say with a cough. He felt my forehead and sighed.
Fp: I'll get you some medicine and you can rest for the rest of the day, okay? I nodded my head and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

As dad went to get me some medicine, my older brothers Jughead and Sweet Pea entered my room. They had smiles on their faces until they saw how I looked. Their faces instantly softened.

Sweet Pea: you okay Betts? He asked. I shook my head.
Jughead: what's wrong? He asked softly.
Betty: I'm sick. I say with a pout.

Their looks softened even more. As they did that, dad walked back into my room and gave me my medicine.

Fp: do you want me to stay home and look after you? He asked caringly.
Betty: it's fine daddy. I said.
Jughead: we'll look after her. He hummed.
Fp: good luck. He whispered to me with a wink. I giggled.
Fp: anyway, I have to go. All of you behave and make sure you get a lot of rest. He said directing the last part at me. I nod my head.
Betty: bye dad. I said.
Fp: bye Princess. He said as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

Dad said goodbye to the boys and headed out to his bike.

Betty: Juggie, Sweets, cuddle. I said demandingly. They smiled and walked over to either side of me.

When ever I'm sick, bored, feeling down, well really anything, Jughead, Sweet Pea and I will cuddle. I'm always in the middle as they keep me close to one another. They're the best and the biggest softies for me.

Do I use their softness to get my ways some times? Yes. Am I proud of it? Still deciding.

I just like being close and spending time with my big brothers. I love them.

I was cuddled in their arms as I fell asleep with my head resting on Jughead.

I woke up 2 hours later with a cough that sounded like death.

Sweet Pea: you hungry Betts? He asked while playing with my hair. I nodded my head.

Both Jughead and Sweet Pea unwrapped their arms from around me and went into the kitchen. I pray that when they're heating up left overs that they don't kill us all. But it does sound like a big ask from them.

They soon came back and I didn't spell a fire.

Betty: good job boys. I said with a cough. They smiled, actually feeling proud of themselves.

They handed me my food and sat at the end of the bed as we all talked.

I finished up my food and we began watching a movie, that I obviously chose. I made them watch some romantic movie. They hated it but put up with it.

As the day went on the boys continued to take care of me and give me lots of cuddles.

Dad soon came home and saw us all sitting on my bed.

Fp: you feeling any better baby? He asked.
Betty: a little. As I said that Jughead and Sweet Pea began to cough.

Dad looked at me and sighed.

Fp: just what I wanted, three sick kids. He said with a sigh. We all laughed at him.

Something a lil cute for you all ❤️🥰

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