Betty x Sweet Pea // siblings

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I hope you enjoy x 
The editing is probably terrible as I was watching Netflix and editing. A really dumb idea 😂

Betty POV:

I woke up this morning with a huge grin on my face. Today is my brother Sweet Pea's 22nd birthday.

For the past few years it's just been Sweet Pea and I living alone at home.

Our parents didn't want to stay tied down with us so they left. No note, no money.

Sweet Pea is apart of the Serpents and they've helped us out a lot.

Well anyway, for the past 3 years that our parents have been gone, it's kinda like a little tradition that Sweet Pea and I spend the whole day together, not that we don't already.

Sweet Pea is really important to me and he's the only family I have left. I love him.

I got out of bed and walked to Sweet Pea's room.

Like usual on his birthday, I jumped onto his bed and shook him awake.

Sweet Pea: Betty go away. He groaned out. I let out a giggle.
Betty: you need to get up. It's your birthday. I said excitedly.
Sweet Pea: okay cool goodbye. He groaned into his pillow.

He doesn't like waking up early.

Betty: Sweets. I said.
Sweet Pea: Betty get the hell out now. This time he yelled at my angrily.

The smile from my face dropped.

Betty: okay. I whispered as I left his room.

He's never like this. Why is he being so mean?

I sat in my room, feeling upset.

I put in my earphones and went onto TikTok. What's better then drowning your sorrows in the wonderful world of TikTok?

I had only gotten through about five videos went I felt my bed dip.

I turned to my left and saw Sweet Pea. I gave him an angry look and turned back to my phone.

I was about to watch another video when he pulled out one of my earphones.

Sweet Pea: can we talk please? He asked. I let out a sigh.

I turned off my phone and put it on my bedside table.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry about earlier. He said sincerely.
Betty: why were you in such a bad mood? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: me and Emily broke up last night. I looked confusedly at him.
Betty: why didn't you tell me Pea? I asked as I sat up.

Emily was Sweet Pea's girlfriend, they had been together for a year.

She was nice and all, but I didn't like that she was stealing my brother from me.

Sweet Pea: I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet. I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around him.

We layed peacefully in my bed as he soon started to open up about how his feeling.

Betty: we can stay home today. I said with a soft smile.

If my brother needed to stay home and be sad all day, I understood and wasn't going to drag him out just because I wanted too.

Sweet Pea: no, I wanna hang out. He said. I shook my head.
Betty: I understand if you just want to chill at home. I said.
Sweet Pea: I'm not going to let her ruin our little tradition, so I want to spend it with my little sister. He said with a grin as he began tickling my side.

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