Betty x Sweet Pea

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I don't really have a sense of direction in where this is heading, so lets find out together lol.

Sweet Pea POV:

I woke up to the sun glaring in my eyes. A great way to start the day.

I opened my eyes and nearly jumped out of bed. The person besides me was definitely not my girlfriend Betty. It's a literal child.

Sweet Pea: you're not Betty. I said in shock.
Bella: I'm Bella. She smiled.
Sweet Pea: who are you? I asked.
Bella: Bella? She said.

As she said that, Betty walked into the room.

Betty: Bella I told you not to come in here. She said.
Bella: but we always cuddle in the mornings on weekends. She pouted.
Betty: yes, when people aren't here. She said.
Sweet Pea: who is this child? I asked as I sat up.
Bella: I told you I'm Bella. She said with a huff.
Betty: she's my niece. She smiled as she took a seat next to me.

This is the first night that I've ever slept over at Betty's. Definitely isn't turning out how I expected.

Bella: we can cuddle and he can watch. She said as she climbed over me and sat in Betty's lap.
Sweet Pea: why would I have to watch? I asked.
Bella: stranger danger. She said.

Fair point.

Betty: you're going to annoy your mum and dad while we eat breakfast. She said.
Bella: I want breakfast, last time I woke mummy and daddy up they put me in time out. She said.
Sweet Pea: you know what you do? Just do a pouty face and parents always fall for that. I said.
Betty: Sweet Pea. She warned sternly.

Sorry I'm trying to help out a child.

We all walked downstairs and Betty turned on some cartoons to keep Bella distracted.

She took my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. I really wanted to watch the cartoons though.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her forehead.

Betty: I am so sorry about that. She said guilty.
Sweet Pea: don't worry about it. I laughed as I held her tighter.
Sweet Pea: you're so pretty. I smiled.
Betty: shut up, you just want breakfast. She said making us laugh.
Sweet Pea: you know me so well. I winked.

She made breakfast and I helped out too. I don't want to be completely useless.

Three plates of food had been made. Bella ate on the couch while Betty and I talked and ate at the kitchen table.

Once Bella was done. She put her plate in the sink and made her way into Betty's lap.

Bella: when are mummy and daddy going to wake up? She asked Betty.
Betty: soon. She smiled.

Bella: can I watch more tv? She asked Betty and she nodded her head.

Betty and I had cleaned up the mess we had made.

We stayed in the lounge with Bella, Betty wanted to make sure she wouldn't do anything she's not allowed to.

Betty's sister Polly and her boyfriend Moose woke up and we left them to deal with Bella.

I couldn't imagine living with a small kid. They're too loud, annoying, messy and can't do anything by themselves.

Betty: she's a handful. She chuckled as I took a seat on the bed and she sat in my lap.

I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder.

Betty: wanna watch Netflix? She smiled.
Sweet Pea: and chill? I smirked.
Betty: exactly what I want, someone in this house walking in on us. She joked.
Sweet Pea: lets give them a show. I smirked as I flipped her over.

I was now hovering over her as her back was to the bed.

Betty: you start anything and we're not having sex for a week. She warned me. I let out a chuckle and laid down beside her.

She rested her head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

Sweet Pea: you're so perfect. I smiled, making her blush.

We soon put on some show on Netflix and cuddled as we watched the movie in somewhat of a peaceful silence. We were able to hear Bella yelling and squealing half the time.

We spent majrioty of the day together in her bed as we watched tv, cuddled and talking.

We usually don't get to do this during the week as we're both busy with college.

This is what I like doing the most, spending time with my cuddly angel and forgetting about school work and all the assessments we have to do.

I hope this was cute and funny for you guys x

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