Betty x Sweet Pea

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I'll say it again, they own my heart and should own yours.
Requested by: skyewhite528

Betty POV:

It had been a long day of school and dealing with the Serpents. I was ready to just go to bed and sleep. All I need is sleep.

I'm Betty Jones, Princess of the Serpents, a family like gang ran by the most amazing man, my father, Fp Jones. I look up to him and he truly is my inspiration. I can't wait for the day he retires as King so I can take over his legacy and make him proud.

Dad had to unfortunately stay back late at the Wyrm which meant I had to make dinner for myself. and by make dinner, I mean I'm going to order Pops. Its just dad and I at the house, my so called mother left dad and I as soon as I was born. I'm more than happy to only have a dad. He's supported and looked after me perfectly on his own. My mum didn't want me and I never needed her. 

I left the Wyrm as I sped to Pops. I was craving a burger and a chocolate milkshake.

I arrived at the retro styled diner and walked up to Pop, he greeted me with his usual happy and handsome smile.

I ordered my usual and waited in one of the iconic red booths as I waited for my to go bag. I'd usually stay and eat but I'm exhausted. I'm sure if I closed my eyes for even just a minute I'd fall asleep.

My food soon arrived and I thanked Pop. I walked to the door when someone accidently bumped into me. It was only a small bump so thankfully nothing dropped.

Sweet Pea: I am so sorry. He said with fear in his eyes. He must have noticed my Serpents jacket.
Betty: don't worry about it handsome. I said.

He truly was handsome, I had never seen someone as naturally beautiful as he was. He had mesmerising brown eyes, fluffy black hair and a jawline carved by god.

Betty: what's your name? I questioned as I looked at the clearly obvious North Sider.
Sweet Pea: if I tell you, are you going to get some Serpents to kill me? He asked nervously although I could see he was trying to act calm.
Betty: nope, I could kill you on my own if I wanted. I hummed with a smirk. He looked to me with the most mortified expression.
Betty: what's your name? I asked him again.
Sweet Pea: Sweet Pea. He said.
Betty: odd name but it's cute like you. I'm Betty Cooper. I said with a smirk as I scanned his body and walked out.

I want him, it's a shame that he's a North Sider and the chances of me ever seeing him again are very low.

I got on my bike and quickly headed home. I ate my food and went to bed.

The next day was pretty similar. A long day of school and my father needing to stay back late.

This time instead of going home, I decided to stay back at the Wyrm with my friends and hangout.

I was sitting next to Jughead and Fangs as Toni served us our drinks and tried to chat with us while the rush was quite.

It was about 9:25 pm when Jughead turned to me with a confused look on his face.

Jughead: why's a North Sider here? He questioned.

I turned around to see Sweet Pea, he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all the Serpents.   

Betty: no idea. I said as I stood up and walked over to him.

I got up to him and took his hand, leading him outside so the attention wouldn't be too much on him.

Betty: what are you doing here? I questioned him.

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