Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

It's a Monday morning and I've been throwing up since I woke up at 5 am.

I crawled to one of the draws in my bathroom and pulled out a pregnancy test that I bought yesterday.

I took it out of the box and sat on the toilet.

I did what I needed to do and put the stick on the sink.

The box said I had to wait two minutes so that's what I impatiently did.

I paced around my bathroom. Could I really be pregnant with Jughead's child?

I looked at my phone and saw that it had been two minutes.

I picked up the test and turned it over. It read that I'm pregnant.

Betty: fuck. I yelled out.

Jughead and I never planned this. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even want a child.

I was shaking but I needed to go to school so I could tell him in person. I really hope he doesn't leave me and that he supports this baby and I.

I put on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I thank god for now that I'm not showing.

I put on my Serpents jacket and headed to school.

Once I arrived, I entered the student lounge where I knew he'd be.

I saw him and Fangs talking, probably about some video game.

Jughead: hey baby. He said as he noticed me walk in.
Betty: hey Juggie. Can we talk alone for a minute? I asked. He gave me a confused look.
Jughead: uh yeah sure. He said as he stood up and connected our hands.

He took me to the Blue and Gold office which thankfully no one uses anymore. He sat me down on the couch and looked at me.

Jughead: is everything okay? He asked me.
Betty: well, I don't know. It's up to you. I said.
Jughead: you're worrying me. He said. I placed my hands in his and he held them supportively.
Betty: I'm pregnant. I said.

He looked to me in shock and removed his hands from mine.

Oh no.

Jughead: please tell me this is some sort of sick joke. He said.
Betty: Jughead I didn't ask for this to happen either. I said with fear in my voice.

I'm only seventeen. I'm too young to have a child.

Jughead: well you're not keeping it are you? He asked as my jaw dropped.

How could he ask such a thing? This is my baby and I'm keeping it whether Jughead wants to be a father or not.

Betty: of course I'm keeping it, it's my baby. I said with disgust.
Jughead: no you're not. I'm to young to be a dad. He spat out like venom.
Betty: and I'm not to young to be a mum? I yelled at him.
Jughead: fuck Betty. This is all your fault. He said.
Betty: how the fuck is this my fault? If you fucking wore a condom like I told you too we wouldn't be in this situation. I yelled at him as I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
Jughead: Betty there's no we anymore. We're over, don't ever try speaking to me again. He said as he walked out.

Betty: fuck you Jughead. I whispered through tears.

I stormed out of the blue and gold offices when I accidentally stormed into someone. I looked up and saw that it was Sweet Pea, my best friend.

Sweet Pea: hey what's wrong? He asked as he was about to wrap his arms around me.
Betty: don't touch me. I yelled at him.

I know I'm being such a bitch right now but I'm in such an emotional mess. Everything hurts.

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