Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was laying on top of my bed as I scrolled through Instagram, seeing what was new in the world.

I smiled as I liked a picture of Billie Eilish. She's such an amazing and stunning person, I look up to her.

As I was fan girling over Billie, something I did a lot, I received a message from Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea and I are sex buddies. I'm basically his booty call, whenever he calls, I'm there.

We aren't friends and we never have been. The sex is absolutely amazing between us but I have a problem.

When we first started doing this together, we had only one rule: not to fall for each other, and if we do, we need to end it immediately.

I've started to develop a really bad crush on him. This can't happen.

He sleeps with many other girls, everyone knows that.

I need to end things.

I pressed into my messages and found his contact.

( Sweet Pea and Betty's messages )

Hey, are you free rn?

I am, but I think we need to talk....

Um... okay?

I'll be there in 10

( end of messages )

I took a deep breath as I got up off my bed and put on a pair of shoes.

Will he even care that I don't want to be his sex toy anymore? Will he be angry? Will he say no?

I picked up my car keys and got into my car.

I plugged my phone in and began playing some music on my Spotify playlist. The song IDK by Bruce Wiegner began playing. I was vibing to it, it thankfully distracted me from the possible awkward conversation I was about to have in the matter of minutes.

I arrived at his small, yet homely feeling trailer and knocked on the door. Within a minute he opened the door and let me in.

He leant against the kitchen bench as he faced me.

Sweet Pea: so what did you want to talk about? He asked as he ran his hand through his beautiful hair.

I mean if we're being honest, my hands have definitely been in his hair quite a few times.

Betty: this arrangement we have, it needs to end. I said calmly.
Sweet Pea: why? He asked slightly hurt.

I wasn't expecting that reaction from him.

Betty: I'm just done with the casual sex part of my life. I said, not wanting to tell him the truth.

He pushed himself off of the bench and walked up to me. He hovered over me as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

Sweet Pea: you're lying to me gorgeous. He said sternly as he looked deep into my eyes.
Betty: and how did you figure that out? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: a lot of observation. He hummed as I felt his hands resting on my hips. I breathed in sharply.
Sweet Pea: so tell me Princess, why don't you want to do this anymore. He asked.

I looked into his eyes which seemed to make me feel safe and as if I could be honest with him.

Betty: I like you. I said as Iooked down.

His hand instantly raised to my chin and lifted it up so I was looking back into his eyes.

Sweet Pea: don't ever hide that beautiful face from me again, got it? He warned me. I nodded my head.

Sweet Pea: I like you too. He said making me tilt my head in confusion.
Sweet Pea: it's adorable when you do that. He said making me blush. He let out a deep chuckle.
Betty: but we said that if we ever developed feelings for each other, we'll end things straight away. I said to him and he smirked.
Sweet Pea: I've never been good at following rules pet, you should know that. He said seductively.

Betty: so, are we dating? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: if you want. He said and I nodded my head.

Sweet Pea: now from here, we can either cuddle or fuck. Up to you. He said with a wink. I let out a laugh.
Betty: cuddle. I said making him smile down at me.

With his hands still on my hips. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He took me to the couch and sat me in his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around me as I rested my head on his chest.

We began to talk and get to know each other a little bit. We learnt a lot about each other that evening.

We had stopped talking as we took in the amazing moment. I soon lifted my head so I was facing Sweet Pea. I had a smile on my face.

Sweet Pea: what? He asked with a small smile.
Betty: I've just never seen this side to you, I like it. He looked to me with a smile as he leaned down and kissed my head.
Sweet Pea: I care about and protect what is mine. He said dominantly.
Betty: so, am I yours? I asked as I bit my lip.
Sweet Pea: yes, all mine Princess. He said as he began placing kisses that he knew I liked on my neck.

The kisses were soft and slow, making me melt into his touch. Small moans escaped my lips, making him smirk against my skin.

It started to get later in the evening and I just kept cuddling more and more into him.

Sweet Pea: you tired baby girl? He asked me softly as he ran his hand softly through my hair. I nodded my head against his chest.
Sweet Pea: do you want to stay here? He asked.
Betty: if that's okay with you? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: of course. In fact I want to be close to you at all times. Want to move in? He asked with a smirk. I let out a laugh.
Betty: I guess you really are protective. I said as we both stood up and walked to his room.

His room is definitely the most familiar place to me in his trailer.

As we walked into his room it suddenly hit me. He does sleep with other girls. What if he cheats on me? What-

Sweet Pea: here. He said with a soft smile as he placed some of his clothes on the bed for me. I gave him a small smile.

I quickly put the clothes that he had given me on and lay down in bed.

He soon joined me and instantly pulled me closer to him so that we were cuddling.

Betty: Pea? I asked him nervously.
Sweet Pea: mh baby? He asked me softly.
Betty: what's going to uh, uh happen with the other girls? I asked him nervously as I looked away.
Sweet Pea: what have I told you about hiding your face from me? He asked. I looked back up to him and he smiled.
Sweet Pea: better. He said as his hand stroked my cheek.
Sweet Pea: I'll tell them it's over. He said. I smiled and cuddled closer into him.
Sweet Pea: so adorable. He said as he looked into my eyes and placed a soft kiss on my head.

I looked up to him and couldn't believe what I was witnessing. He had always been tough and dominate. Now he's soft and sweet.

I like him being clingy.

Betty: I never thought I'd see this soft and sweet side to you. I said with a smile that held so much admiration for him.
Sweet Pea: only for you. He said with a wink as he kissed me soft and slowly.

My fuck buddy turned lover. That's my story of how I found the love of my life.

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