What dating Sweet Pea would be like

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Idk, I really want to do this. I know it's not a one shot but I've been writing a new chapter for my book 'Am I Even Living?' And that's really time consuming. Equaling me not having enough time to write oneshots.

What dating Sweet Pea would be like.

- Extremely possessive over you
- won't admit it but likes when you play with his hair
- he'll shower you with all his love when you're alone.
- he's has his bad boy act on in public so he isn't as affectionate, but he still kisses your head.
- sometimes can be a little insensitive towards your feelings but immediately apologises and offers you cuddles.
- he loves curling up on the couch with you, watching a movie.
- he loves when you rest your head in his lap.
- Loves you more then he's loved anyone else.
- Can be insecure about you leaving him.
- Completely loyal to you.
- Gets easily jealous when he sees you talking to other guys.
- Brags to his friends about you.
- loves finding your hair ties around his trailer.
- can't help but smile when you sleep in his shirt.
- he loves when you're giggly and happy.
- Sex with him can either be rough and hard, or soft and sweet.
- he always protects you.
- Gets jealously very easily.
- Loves to make you smile.
- Will always be by your side.

This was probably a waste of time but I enjoyed this x ❤️

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