Betty x Sweet Pea // bro & sis friendship

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It's short but I hope you enjoy! ❤️
I promise it will get you in the feels.

Betty POV:

I was chilling at home when my twin brother, Sweet Pea, walked into my room.

Sweet Pea: I'm heading to the Wyrm, want to come? He asked.
Betty: sure. I said to my brother who was an hour older then me.

Me and Sweet Pea are extremely close. He looks out for me and I look out for him. We're both extremely protective of each other and everyone knows it.

I picked up a jacket and headed out to Sweet Pea's bike.

We walked into the Wyrm were we caught up with all our friends. The night was going on terrifically and none of us could be more happier. Well that's what I thought.

The doors that entered into the liquor filled bar swung open with a large amount of force. It was the Ghoulies. There were tons of them.

Sweet Pea immediately stood in front of me, protecting me.

Within a second of him moving I heard the sound of a bullet being shot.

The torturers sound of the bullet flying through the air ringed through my ears. That's when the unthinkable happened. Sweet Pea fell to the ground. My brother had been shot.

The Ghoulies all ran out of the bar as I began sobbing.

I don't even know how I got to the hospital. I was just going where ever my feet would take me.

Some people put Sweet Pea on a bed and I instantly tried running after him. They can't take my brother away from me.

I could feel Fangs' and Jughead's grip on my arms, trying to pull me away. It was working a little.

Betty: let me go. I yelled at them as I tried to follow after my brother.

They didn't listen as I continued to yell and sob at them.

Suddenly someone picked me up and carried me over their shoulder. It was Fp. I kicked and yelled at him, telling him to put me down but he didn't listen. He just stayed quiet and walked me outside.

They're taking me away from my brother.

He sat me on a rock and I cried hysterically into my hands. He sat next to me and held me in his arms. I couldn't speak, all I could was cry.

Fp: he'll be okay darling. He said softly.

I only cried into his chest, it's all my body was physically cable of.

We had probably been sitting outside for an hour when I saw dad run up to me.

He wrapped me up in his embrace and tried to comfort me.

Hal: calm down baby, breath. He said softly.

I tried to slow down my breathing but it only made me erupt into more uncontrollable tears.

My big brother who I look up to is dying, I need him. I can't live without him.

Dad soon walked me inside and since there was only one chair left I sat in his lap as I cried into his chest.

It had been six hours in total and I was still crying. No doubt my eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

As I took a shaky breath in, something in me changed. I lost something.

He's dead.

Betty: he's dead. I whispered to myself.
Betty: he's dead. I said louder so they all could here.
Hal: Betty don't say that. He'll be fine. He says as a doctor approaches us.

Dr: are you here for Sweet Pea Cooper? He asked and we nodded our heads.
Dr: I am so sorry to say but he unfortunately didn't make it through surgery. I'm sorry for you lose. He said softly and walked to another patients room.

I was right, he's dead. My twin brother is dead. The guy who I love and look up to with all my heart is fucking dead. He can't leave me, he promised to always protect me. He can't be gone.

Everyone looked to me in shock, all thinking the same thing. How did she know he was dead?

Fp: how did you know he died? He asked.
Betty: because a part of me died too. I said coldly.

Sweet Pea: Betty, Betty wake up. You're safe. I heard as he shaked me awake.

It was a dream, it was all a dream.

Sweet Pea: hey what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream? I nodded my head and jumped into his arms. Keeping him close to me.

Sweet Pea: wanna talk about it? He asked softly while rubbing my back. I shake my head.

We stayed in a calming silence as I held him tight.

Sweet Pea: I was about to go to the Wyrm, wanna come with me? I looked up to him and began sobbing into his chest.

Betty: I'll tell you but please don't go there. I say as I continue sobbing.
Sweet Pea: I won't go, I promise. He said softly while placing a kiss on my head.

I began telling him the full story of the horrible nightmare I had. I told him how he asked me to go to the Wyrm and he ended up getting shot. I explained when he died and that weird feeling I had inside of me. The feeling that I knew he was dead.

The nightmare felt so real.

He held me tight in his arms and continued to place soothing kisses on my head.

Sweet Pea: I'm here, I'm safe. I promise it was only a nightmare. He said soothingly.
Sweet Pea: do you want me to stay with you tonight? He asked.
Betty: yes please. I say while looking up to him. He smiled softly.

Sweet Pea: Betty I promise there is nothing that will keep me from protecting you, okay? I nod my head and try to forget my nightmare.

I really hope you enjoyed this.
When Betty said 'because a part of me died too' I felt that.

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