Betty x Edgar

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Requested by: BeanBoo_

Betty POV:

I got out of my car and arrived at the old Sisters of Quiet Mercy building.

I went around the back and walked to Edgar's office. He's my boyfriend.

He's 20 years older then me, making him 38.

I love the dominance he takes over me but yet he's still so soft and sweet.

I arrived at his office and knocked on the door, incase he had a patient in there.

I heard him yell for me to come in, so I do.

I push open the door and see that he is with a patient. She looked up to me with a smile as she greeted me with a warm hello.

Since dating Edgar, I've kinda became really popular amongst the people who attend the farm.

Edgar patted his lap, gesturing for me to come over.

I walked over to him and sat on his lap. He placed a kiss on my cheek as he went back to his session.

I didn't pay much attention as I rested my head on his shoulder and admired the beautiful man before me.

His session soon ended and the lady left, finally leaving me alone with my boyfriend.

Edgar: hey hunny, how was your day? He asked as he placed a kiss on my lips.
Betty: it was good, how about yours? I asked.
Edgar: pretty good. He said.

We began talking for a little while about our days and sharing funny things that had happened.

Betty: what are we doing tonight? I asked as we got up and walked to our cars.
Edgar: well I was thinking of a romantic meal and then we can do whatever you want? He asked and I nodded my head.
Betty: and with that romantic meal, are you cooking or buying take away? I asked while raising an eyebrow. He let out a chuckle.
Edgar: what would you prefer love? He asked as he opened my car door for me.
Betty: for you to cook. I said with puppy eyes. He smiled and nodded his head.
Edgar: whatever you want. He said with a smile.

I got into my car as he went to his.

We both began driving to his house which I stayed at most nights.

Within 10 minutes we arrived at his house and went inside.

I sat in the kitchen as I watched him make dinner for us both. I love how hot he looks when he's concentrating. He's so hot, and somehow he's all mine.

Edgar: what are you staring at? He asked with a grin. I blushed.
Betty: oh nothing, just my delicious looking boyfriend. I said making us both smirk.

He walked over to me and placed a hot and passionate kiss against my lips. The roughness of the kiss made me want all of him.

He slowly leaned out from the kiss as my lips followed his for a little, before deciding to completely end the kiss.

Edgar: so pretty. He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

He soon had dinner ready and we ate in a peaceful silence. Every now and then he'd catch me staring at him, instantly making me blush as a smirk rose to his face.

We soon finished dinner and we ended the night cuddling on the couch as he ran his hand through my hair.

I let myself fall asleep against my love, he really does make me the happiest.

No matter what anyone says about him, he's always going to look after me. They just can't see that.

I have no idea what to say 😂

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