Betty x Veronica

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I'm trying to do as many requests as possible. I do have a lot though so please bare with me.
requested by: christi_2312

Veronica POV:

I stood in front of my desk as the bell rung.

I'm a teacher at Riverdale high, who also happens to be dating one of my students, Betty Cooper.

She's such a stunning girl who as soon as she walked into my class, I was gone for.

Yes, I know how ethically wrong it is for me to be dating her but how was I supposed to deny my love for her?

Anyway, Betty and I have been dating for the past 4 months and neither of us could be happier.

I watched as my students began flooding into the classroom.

I waited for Betty to arrive but by the second bell had gone, she hadn't arrived. Neither had her friends.

I had no idea where they were but I did have a class to teacher.

I began my lesson as I welcomed them all back from their weekend and began explaining an upcoming assignment they had.

I had gotten half way through explaining it when the door burst open, revealing Archie, Jughead and my beautiful Betty.

Archie and Jughead gave me glares as Betty didn't even make an effort to look at me. From the quick glance I took at her, I could see that Betty's eyes were red, as if she had been crying.

I wonder what's going on?

I kept explaining the assignment and I let them begin.

I went to my desk and pulled out my phone. I went into my messages with Betty and sent her a quick text, asking what was wrong.

I watched as she pulled her phone out and then put it back in her pocket after reading the message.

Seriously, what the hell is going?

I waited anxiously until the end of the lesson. I have no idea if I've done anything to upset her.

The last time I saw her was yesterday. We were hanging out at my apartment and she left with a smile on her face.

The bell had rung after an agonising 50 minutes, I could finally find out what was wrong.

Veronica: Betty can you please stay back? I called out as everyone quickly ran out of class.

Archie and Jughead turned to Betty, giving her a concerned look. She said something to the boys and they nodded their heads. Jughead patted Betty's back as he and Archie walked to the door.

As they walked past me, they sent me another glare.

Betty walked up to me and crossed her arms over her chest.

Veronica: baby what's going on? I asked her. She rolled her eyes.
Betty: don't call me that. She hissed.
Veronica: okay Betty seriously, what is going on? I asked her.
Betty: look, if you didn't want to be with me, doesn't mean you needed to cheat. She said angrily.

I cheated? What? This makes no sense.

Veronica: Betty of course I want to be with you and I didn't cheat. I'd never cheat on you. I said. She let out a laugh.
Betty: sure. She said sarcastically as she walked out of my classroom.

I took a seat in my chair and let out a sigh.

Why all of a sudden does she think I'm cheating on her?

I love that girl more then I've ever loved a person, how could she think that?

I can't loose her.

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