Betty x Sweet Pea

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This started off bad so I changed the plot so I could write my original one shot another time 😂.

Sweet Pea POV:

I was standing at the the pool table with a cue stick in my hand. It was just my shot and I had won the game. Fangs let out a groan as he took 20 dollars out of his pocket and placed it in my hand.

Sweet Pea: thank you. I said with a smirk as I put it in my pocket.
Fangs: the only time you use manners is when you're being an asshole. He muttered under his breath. I let out a chuckle.

After he was done whining about loosing, we began to set up another round of pool.

We had everything set up when I saw our king Jughead, walk in with a small blonde girl. She definitely wasn't one of us.

She had light coloured clothes on which didn't really match the Wyrm. The Wyrm is dark colours, leather jackets and Serpent tattoos.

Sweet Pea: what's a North Sider doing here? I asked Fangs. He just shrugged.

I watched them as Fp came over and the blondie and himself hugged. What the hell is going on?

I ignored them for the rest of the night and headed home at 3 am.

By 3am I was drunk and Fangs and I had played so much pool that we left the bar with the same amount of money we had walked in with, minus all the money we spent on alcohol.

I arrived home to my trailer and layed down on my couch, being to lazy to reach my bed.

I took off my jacket and used it as a make shift blanket.

I woke up the next day and after rushing around the house, I made my way to school.

I walked in and saw Fangs, Jughead and Toni all talking by one of their lockers.

They all greeted me and went back to their conversation.

Class unfortunately soon started and I had it with Jughead.

Sweet Pea: who was that Blonde North Side chick you were talking to at the Wyrm yesterday? I asked and he let out a chuckle.
Jughead: you really never listen when I speak. He said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

I usually don't listen because he has nothing interesting to say.

Jughead: that was Betty, my soon to be step sister. I said.

Fp is marrying someone?

How much have I missed out on because of my selective hearing?

Sweet Pea: so your dad is marrying a North Sider? I asked and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: and this Betty chick is going to become the Serpents Princess? I asked.
Jughead: Probably. He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Sweet Pea: great. I mumbled under my breath.
Jughead: Sweet Pea she's really nice. He said.
Sweet Pea: I don't do nice. I said as I ended the conversation.

For the rest of the lesson I wondered, why do these North Sider's have to come into our territory. First Jughead and now his preppy soon to be sister.

Betty won't last in this world, she's to Princessy to survive.

( time skip )

Fp and Alice had gotten married a month ago and they moved into the Cooper's house, well I guess now the Jones'. Alice took Fp's last name.

I was in my last class for the day when an announcement came over the intercom.

Apparently our school was being closed down and we're all moving to Riverdale High. That means I'll have to see North Sider's everyday.

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