Betty x Jughead x Malachi x Sweet Pea // (siblings)

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It's another hospital story because I said so 😂
Also, people always say that these are their fav one shots, so here you go. Enjoy.

Betty POV:

Betty: Sweet Pea. I said, tears rolled down my face as I walked into the hospital room.

My three bothers Jughead, Malachi and Sweet Pea had been out doing something Serpent related. And apparently it's ended up with him being shot.

Sweet Pea: hey, calm down. I'm okay. He said as I wrapped my arms around him.
Betty: you're not okay, you're hurt. I said as I looked to his shirtless body.

There was a bit of blood on his chest but the bullet wound was now stitched up and being covered by padding.

Sweet Pea: barely felt it. He winked.

I know he was trying to make me feel better but it wasn't working.

Sweet Pea: sit. He said as he tapped the free space next to him on the bed.
Jughead: why does she get to sit on the bed? These chairs are so uncomfortable.
Malachi: yeah! He said.
Sweet Pea: because she's our sister, we look after her first. He said.

Sweet Pea is the oldest, 21, Jughead and Malachi are non identical twins and are 19. I'm the youngest, 18.

Sweet Pea: why don't you guys go and get some food for you three? He said to Malachi and Jughead.

They nodded their head and soon left, leaving Sweet Pea and I in peace.

Betty: they sure are annoying. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: that's for sure. But they're not intentionally trying to be dickheads. He said making a small smile form on my lips.

I moved my hand and rested it over his. He gave me a soft smile.

Betty: is dad coming? I asked.

Our dad is currently in New York.

Dad is meeting up with the Serpents based there. They're trying to sort out a deal or something. They don't really tell me much of what is going on. They want to keep me safe.

Sweet Pea: he tried to, but the absolute earliest flight he can get is in two days. I gave him a sorry look.
Sweet Pea: Betts I'm fine, I promise. He said as he connected our hands, giving me a reassuring squeeze.
Betty: I don't like seeing you hurt. I said.
Sweet Pea: and I don't like seeing you upset. He said.

The boys soon came back and handed me a burger and chips.

Betty: thank you. I said to the boys.
Betty: you want some? I asked Sweet Pea. I doubt any of this hospital food would be enjoyable.
Malachi: if you are, you're not having mine. He said.
Jughead: or mine. Sweet Pea let out a chuckle.
Sweet Pea: I'm fine, thank you Betts. He smiled.
Betty: no, please eat. I wouldn't be able to finish this all anyway. I said.

The four of us sat in his room as we all ate in a peaceful silence. It's like for a few minutes we could forget why we were actually here.

It was around 9:26 pm when a brunette haired nurse walked in. She needed to check up on him and make sure that all his vitals and blood pressure were normal.

As soon as she left the room, the three boys all gave each other a smirk.

Betty: animals. I said, making them all laugh.
Malachi: getting shot doesn't seem too bad if she's my nurse. He said and Jughead agreed.
Betty: if any of you ever get shot I'll make sure I find the oldest nurse in this place and get them to look after you. I warned them.

It started getting later and we were all exhausted. It's been a long and scary day.

Sweet Pea: Jughead and Malachi, take her home. He said and the boys nodded their heads.
Betty: but I don't want to leave. What if something happens? I said.
Sweet Pea: if anything happens I promise you'll be the first one to know. He said.
Jughead: he's right Betts, it's better if you get a good nights sleep and come back tomorrow. Malachi nodded his head.
Betty: fine, but I want you to know that I'm not happy and I'll be here as soon as I wake up. I said. Sweet Pea let out a chuckle and nodded his head.
Betty: I love you. I said as I squeezed his hand and then got off of the bed.
Sweet Pea: I love you too Betts. He said.
Sweet Pea: look after her and don't do anything stupid. He said to the boys.

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