Betty x Malachi

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Another one 😂
Idk I've such felt inspired by them

Malachi POV:

Malachi: get out! I yelled at the two men who gave me no useful information.

I slammed my hand against my desk and began typing something onto my computer.

I had been in my office for another half hour when I heard another knock at the door.

Malachi: what! I yelled.

The person who walked into my office was my beautiful girlfriend.

Malachi: Princessa. I said as she took a seat in my lap.
Betty: hey Kai. Are you coming to bed soon, it's late. She said with a tired yawn.

I turned my head to my computer and noticed that it was already 1 am.

Malachi: I'm sorry I can't Princessa. Go to bed, I'll be there as soon as I can. I said and she nodded her head.
Malachi: good night, I love you. I said while placing a kiss on her perfectly soft lips.
Betty: I love you too. She said with a sad expression and got up off my lap and left.

I let out a sigh but went back to finishing stuff up on my computer.

By the time I was finished it was four am. I turned everything off and headed to my apartment that was no more then twenty steps away.

I walked into my apartment that I shared with Betty and saw that she had left some food for me on the table.

I quickly warmed it up and ate it in the lounge. I finished up and washed it before I headed to bed with Betty.

I walked into our room that smelt exactly like her. She was cuddling into the blankets as she slept peacefully.

I took off my shirt and layed in bed next to her. I waited for Betty to cling herself to me like she usually does. Tonight she didn't.

I knew she was awake since every time I came to bed late she always wakes up.

Malachi: Princessa? I whispered. She didn't say anything.
Malachi: Betty, what's wrong? I say once again softly.
Betty: you never want to spend time with me anymore. She said sadly as she faced away from me.
Malachi: Princessa, come here. I said softly.

She came closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her.

Malachi: I'm so sorry that I haven't been spending enough time with you baby. I've been to busy with the Ghoulies when I should be spending way more time with you. Let me make it up to you. Can I take you on a date later today? I asked. She formed the biggest smile on her face.
Betty: really? She asked excitedly.
Malachi: yes baby. I love you so much. I said as she wrapped her arms around me.

I lifted her up so she was resting on my chest, her favourite place to be.

Betty: I love you too Chai. She said tiredly.
Malachi: come on, let's go to sleep. She nodded her head.

She rested her head on my chest as we both kept our arms wrapped around one another.

I woke up the next morning to Betty softly playing with my hair.

Malachi: morning Princessa. I said while kissing her lips.
Betty: afternoon silly. She said with a giggle. I gave her a confused look.
Betty: it's 2 pm. She said as she continued playing with my hair.
Malachi: why didn't you wake me up? I asked.
Betty: you needed your rest, and you looked to cute to wake up. She said with a giggle. I let out a chuckle and kissed her head.

We got out of bed and we walked into the kitchen so we could grab something to eat.

Malachi: Princessa sit, let me do it. I said as I placed a kiss on her head. She smiled and nodded her head.

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