Betty x Malachi

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Betty POV:

I had just broken up with my boyfriend Jughead, I found him at the Wyrm, kissing some girl.

I walked up to him and yelled at him. I saw a drink next to him so I picked it up and spilled it over the both of them.

I left as I yelled 'fuck you' at the both of them.

I decided that I needed the comfort of my best friend, Malachi.

Since we were young, we've both lived next door to each other.

He's the leader of the Ghoulies, but I'm not apart of them. I asked him once to let me join, but he wouldn't let me. He wants to keep me safe he said.

I arrived at the lair and walked in.

Usually, if you don't have the Ghoulie tattoo or jacket, they'd kick you out. But Malachi has made it very clear to everyone that I'm allowed here and I have to be treated with respect.

Otherwise he'd kill them.

I walked up to his office and walked in.

He turned his attention from his computer to me and I gave him a pout.

Malachi: what's wrong? He asked softly.
Betty: Jughead and I broke up. I said. He let out a sigh as he stood up and walked over to me, embracing me in a tight hug.

He lead me over to the couch he has in his office and sat me in his lap.

Malachi: want me to kill him? He asked seriously. I let out a chuckle.
Betty: no, but can we please not talk about him. I said.
Malachi: gladly. He said making me giggle.

I sat peacefully in his lap as my head rested on his shoulder.

Betty: let me join the Ghoulies. I said to him. He looked down at me and rolled his eyes.
Malachi: we're not having this conversation again Betts, you're not joining. He said sternly.

I moved my head so I was staring directly into his eyes.

Betty: I am joining. I said sternly back.
Malachi: under my dead body. He said back angrily.

I could tell that I was making him really mad, but I have the right to make my own decisions.

Betty: Malachi, I have the right to make my own decisions. I yelled at him.
Malachi: of course you do, but when this decision is going to hurt you, I'm obviously not going to let you do it. He said and I let out a loud groan.
Betty: well good thing I don't need your opinion than. I yelled.
Malachi: don't you? How else do you think you're going to join my gang? He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: I hate you. I yelled at him as I stormed out of his office and to my car.

I drove to my house and quickly went inside. Right now I couldn't be anymore thankful that my parents were at a work conference in another state.

I closed the door and I immediately broke down into tears.

I lost my boyfriend and my best friend hates me. Why am I such an idiot?

My body had somehow moved itself onto the couch as I sobbed, I knew there was definitely mascara running down my face.

I heard someone knock on the door after I had been crying for an hour. I tried to stay as silent as possible, I didn't want anyone to see the horrible mess that is me.

Malachi: Betts I'm sorry. I heard him say through the door.

I stayed in my spot, not wanting him to see me like this. Although he's seen me crying many times before.

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