Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: family meeting in the kitchen. I told dad and Fp as they were working in Fp's office.

I was currently at Fp's house. Sweet Pea, his son, is my boyfriend and he has a little sister, Jellybean.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Sweet Pea and Jellybean sitting there.

Sweet Pea: lap. He said. I smiled as I sat in his lap.

I let out a laugh as I heard Jellybean let out a groan.

Jellybean: I use to be happy. She sighed.
Betty: what changed? I smirked.
Jellybean: Everything. Why do you two have to date? She said.
Betty: because I love him. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: she's alright. My jaw dropped and I crossed my arms.
Betty: fine, be a bitch. I said.
Sweet Pea: kidding. He laughed.
Betty: you think you're so funny, you're not. I said as I looked away.
Sweet Pea: bubba I didn't mean that. He said.
Betty: but you said it and that hurts. It proves you don't love me.
Sweet Pea: baby you're the only person I love. He said as he began kissing me everywhere.
Jellybean: oh for fucks sake, we know you idiots love each other. She said as Hal and Fp walked in.

Hal is my dad, the most amazing person alive.

He's raised me on his own since I was born. I truly admire him.

Hal: you realise you can't just say that we're family because you want us to be, right? He said as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: within the next seven years we'll be family. I said.
Fp: you've already thought about getting married? He smirked.
Betty: of course, although I'm questioning it at the moment. I said as I glared at Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: I said I'm sorry. He mumbled.
Hal: why did you call this meeting? He laughed.
Betty: well, just because we're going into self isolation, doesn't mean we should be doing nothing. The Serpents need to stay in line and the only way we can do that is if you two work together to make sure everything is how it's supposed to. I said.
Fp: your point? He asked.
Betty: I think dad and I should move in during this quarantine. I said.
Sweet Pea: agreed. He said.
Fp: sure, not like you don't live here anyway. He joked. I smirked.
Jellybean: I'm fine with Hal living here, but not Betty. She said.
Betty: what. I said.
Jellybean: I love you Betty but I don't like that you and Sweet Pea are always making out. And the sounds you guys make at night. She said and my jaw dropped.
Betty: Sweet Pea and I do not make sounds. I said.

Sweet Pea and I are both virgins, so I really don't know what she's talking about.

Jellybean: I hear things Betty. She said.
Betty: well it's not what you think. Sweet Pea and I have never done that. I said. Fp and my dad both raised an eyebrow.
Hal: you're saying you guys have never done it? He asked unconvinced.
Betty: of course we haven't, I'm only 16. I said.

I love Sweet Pea and do plan on having sex with him, but 16 is too you for me.

Sweet Pea: and I'm 17 and horny. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: keep being mean to be and we're not having sex till marriage. I said and his jaw dropped.
Sweet Pea: please tell me you're joking? He said so mortified. I shrugged my shoulders.
Hal: is this conversation over, can we leave? He asked.
Betty: yep, have a good day. I smiled.
Fp: you're an evil kid. He joked making me laugh.
Betty: thank you. I smirked.

My dad, Jellybean and Fp all left. Leaving me with my mean boyfriend.

Sweet Pea: I love you Cuddlebug. He said.
Betty: mean it? I asked.
Sweet Pea: of course. My perfect angel. He said making me smile.

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Sweet Pea suddenly stood up and I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.

Betty: what are you doing? I giggled.
Sweet Pea: we're going upstairs to make some noise. He winked.

We went up to his room and he sat in his bed. I was sitting in his lap as I straddled him.

Like usual, we got into a heated make out session.

I was grinding down on him as his tongue slipped inside my mouth.

We had been making out for about 15 minutes when I pulled away.

Betty: can I ask you something? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: now? He said as he raised an eyebrow. I nodded my head.

I worry sometimes that I don't make him as happy as a girlfriend should.

I know other kids my age are having sex, and as much as I trust Sweet Pea. I really don't feel comfortable enough.

I know he's ready to do it and I don't want to disappoint him.

We only ever have intense make out sessions, we then stop and watch a movie or talk.

Sweet Pea: well what's up? He asked as he layed down on the bed and I layed on top of him.

I looked into his eyes, I didn't know how to start this conversation.

Sweet Pea: bubba you look pretty sad. Has something happened? He asked, a sad look forming into his face.
Betty: are you okay with us not having sex? I asked nervously.
Sweet Pea: is this what you're worrying over? He asked and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: angel I'm so sorry for making you feel that way. He said disappointedly in himself.
Betty: no bubba, it's just that I, I always want you to love me and I always want to be your priority. What if I can't give you what you want but another girl can? I said as tears formed in my eyes.
Sweet Pea: hey, no, sweet girl don't cry. He said as he wiped my eyes.
Sweet Pea: you're so pretty, sweet, cute, kind and overall someone I'm so proud to call my girlfriend. I don't care if we wait to have sex until we're 30. I just want you to be happy, safe and comfortable. He said as he kissed my temple.
Sweet Pea: never doubt what we have. He said

I cuddled more into his chest.

Sweet Pea: see, you're the most adorable angel. He said making me blush.
Betty: thank you, for everything. I said as I leaned up and placed a peck on his lips.
Sweet Pea: I'd do anything to make my gorgeous girl happy.

I feel like the last half is similar to another one shot that I've done, but oh well.

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