Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

It was the end of the day and I was closing my locker, getting ready to meet Sweet Pea somewhere outside.

I walked down the corridor and threw my bag over my shoulder.

I was about to turn the corner when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Toni.

I stopped as we both greeted each other with a smile.

Toni: do you have time to talk? She asked.
Betty: uh a little, Sweet Pea and I are gonna grab dinner. I said.
Toni: it'll only take a second. She said and I nodded my head.
Toni: I just wanted to know that you and Sweet Pea are a real thing. I don't want what happened with Josie to happen again. It destroyed him. I know he does this whole bad boy act but he's a real sensitive and sweet guy. I don't want to see him that hurt again. He was a mess. She said.
Betty: he told me about everything that went down between him and Josie. I said with a sigh.

She wanted a fling and he wanted more.

She broke up with him and the next day, he saw her kissing Archie Andrews, my best friend.

Sweet Pea isn't exactly the happiest about it but he knows that Archie and I have been friends since we were born.

Betty: I promise that what Josie did to him is something I would never and could never do. I truly am happy with him and plan on spending the rest of my life with him. I said and she smiled.

She was about to say something when we both heard Sweet Pea's beautiful voice.

Sweet Pea: bubba, what are you doing? He asked sadly.
Betty: sorry to keep you waiting bubs, I was just talking to Toni. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.
Sweet Pea: is she annoying you? He asked me.
Toni: hey. She said. I let out chuckle.
Betty: of course not.
Sweet Pea: ready to go? I looked to Toni and she nodded her head.
Betty: yep, see you later Toni. I smiled.
Toni: bye guys. She said as we headed in separate directions

Sweet Pea walked us out to his bike and he looked down at me as he pulled me into his chest.

Sweet Pea: what did Toni want? He asked me.

I had a feeling Toni wouldn't want me discussing our conversation for two reasons. One being that she didn't want him to know that she cares, they have like a sibling relationship. You secretly love each other but you pretend to hate each other. And secondly, she wouldn't want him to feel that he can't trust her.

Betty: just school work. I said as I shrugged my shoulders. His face dropped into a frown.
Sweet Pea: I don't like when you lie to me. He said sadly. I let out a sigh but caressed his cheek.
Betty: I promise it's nothing bad baby, it's just talk between me and Toni. He still looked sadly at me.
Betty: I promise. I repeated as I kissed his cheek.
Sweet Pea: okay. He sighed.

He picked me up by my hips and placed me on his bike. He put his helmet over my head and got on in front of me.

I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly and we sped off to Pops.

I always love our dinner dates so much.

The inner sweet and sensitive man comes out of him.

We arrived at the most known diner in town and he opened the door for me, earning a kiss to his cheek.

We walked to our booth, it's where we had our first date.

It was honestly so amazing.

I took a seat next to the window and he sat beside me. I don't know why, but he always insists that he sits on the outside.

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