Betty x Sweet Pea

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I'm too tired to function!

Betty POV:

Hal: Baby are you ready? I heard my dad yell from the lounge.
Betty: coming daddy. I called from my room.

I picked up my Serpents jacket and quickly ran downstairs.

My father is the Serpent King and I'm the Serpents Princess. Tonight we're going out to dinner with Fp Jones, the Ghoulie King. Sweet Pea, the Prince and Jellybean the Princess.

We're going out to dinner so we can talk about possibly joining forces with each other. There's rumour of another gang coming to Riverdale, one that is definitely not here just to see the sights. They want to destroy our town, so we've decided that it might be in our best interests to join gangs.

Hal: you look beautiful hunny. He said with a smile as he kissed my head. I looked to him with a smile.

We were both ready and headed to the car.

We enjoyed the peaceful drive to a secretive restaurant that not many people knew about. We don't need people knowing about our business.

We arrived at the restaurant and my father opened the door for me. I gave him a smile as we walked to the table where the Jones were already sitting.

My father is such an honourable man and I look up to him for everything, he really is the best father. He's had to look after me on his own since I was born, my mum left us both.

I love my dad more than anything.

As we arrived at the table, dad and I took a seat next to each other.

As my dad and Fp began talking about a deal, I briefly listen to their conversation as I flickered my attention to the two kids. Sweet Pea is around my age and Jellybean would be about 6 or so years younger.

It was interesting, watching the way that Fp's kids spoke to him, they were pretty rude and disrespectful. I don't think I'm going to like them.

Dad and Fp came to an agreement, after an hour of making negotiations, that the Ghoulies and Serpents will team up together.

It's been a month and so far the Ghoulies have stuck to their side of the deal. I've also became close with Sweet Pea, god knows how that I now consider him my best friend.

It was now the end of day and I was taking my bag out of my locker.

Malachi: Betts. I heard my boyfriend call from behind me.

I turned around and smiled, leaning into kiss him, before he stopped me. I gave him a confused look.

Malachi: we're over Betty, it's better for us both.
Betty: no Kai, I love you. I said as tears brimmed at my eyes.
Malachi: I don't anymore, I'm sorry. He said as he walked off.

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I tried my best to hold them back.

I quickly got my bag and ran out to my bike.

I soon arrived home and walked inside. I wiped my eyes as I headed towards my dads office.

I walked to his office and walked inside. As soon as he saw me, he could see my face that was all red and puffy.

Hal: what's wrong darling? He asked immediately as he got up and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his shoulder as I let out my next sentence.

Betty: M-Malachi broke up w-with me. I sobbed out.
Hal: Betty, I'm so sorry. He said as he held me tight and rubbed my back.

Somehow we were now in the lounge as tears still kept leaving my eyes.

Hours went on where I had finally stopped crying and I was now just sad. I loved Malachi.

It was around 6pm when I heard the doorbell ring. It was Sweet Pea. Yesterday we decided that we were going to see a movie tonight. I definitely don't want to do that anymore.

Hal: do you want me to tell him you're busy? My dad asked me. I shook my head.
Betty: it's fine dad, anyway, you have work you need to do. I said as I now felt bad for disturbing him.
Hal: you know you always come first, okay? He said with a soft smile. I nodded my head.

Dad headed to his office as I walked up to the door. As soon as Sweet Pea glanced at me, he knew I had been crying.

Sweet Pea: hey? What's wrong? He asked softly as he took my hand and lead me to the couch.

I told him everything I had told dad. Sweet Pea was so sweet and caring, I couldn't help but smile at this side of him.

It's now been two months after Malachi and I broke up and I honestly feel great.

I was in my room watching a movie with Sweet Pea when he turned to me with a scared look. He had been acting off ever since he arrived here.

Betty: Pea! What's wrong, you've been acting weird. I say with a pout.
Sweet Pea: I need to tell you something. He said scaredly.
Betty: don't tell me you've found another best friend. I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.
Sweet Pea: I like you Betty. He said shyly.
Betty: I like you too. I said.

Ever since Malachi dumped me I've been able to see Sweet Pea in a different light. He's cute, funny and caring.

Sweet Pea: wait really? He asked in shock. I nodded my head.
Betty: really. I said with a smirk as I straddled him and threw my lips onto his.

I hope you enjoyed my tired mess of a one shot

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