Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: I want cuddles. I said to my boyfriend who was sitting next to me.
Sweet Pea: okay, any particular reason why? He asked with a chuckle as he pulled me into his arms.
Betty: not really, I just love you. I said with a smirk. He smiled and placed a kiss on my temple.
Sweet Pea: I love you too. He said with happiness radiating off his face.

I cuddled into his chest as I took the time to think about how lucky I am.

I'm 16 and have found the love of my life, in which is whom I live with. My dad was an alcoholic who didn't come home most nights and my mum left him for it.

I was left alone, but my hero came and saved me, Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea's parents left him from the beginning. He was put up for adoption. Now he's 18 and was able to leave his horrible family. They only wanted him for money.

I want to tell him everyday how much I love him and how much he means to me. He deserves so much better then what has happened to him. He always tells me not to dwell on the past, so I try my best not to. I try my best to show him how much he means to me and how much I need him.

Betty: my handsome boy. I said with a smile as I kissed his head.
Sweet Pea: I love you like this, all happy and cuddly. He said out. I melted into his embrace.

Sweet Pea radiates sternness and control when he's out in public, but when we're alone, he is as soft as a marshmallow.

Sweet Pea wasn't raised in a place that provided him love or attention, so sometimes he can be a little insensitive or not know how to express his emotions. But he does try for me, and that's all I can ask for.

It started getting late when I noticed that he has been coughing every now and then.

Betty: do you feel okay hun? I asked as I felt his forehead, he was burning.
Sweet Pea: I'm fine. He said. I raised an eyebrow.
Betty: babe you're burning up. Go to bed and I'll get you some medicine and something to eat. I said.
Sweet Pea: Betty it's fine. I'll get some medicine later. He said. I gave him a half smile.

We both knew he was shutting me out again. He's use to looking after himself which makes me so sad. I wish we had known each other longer. I wish I could have been there to comfort and look after him.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He said. I smiled and caressed his cheek.
Betty: it's okay, I understand. I said softly.
Sweet Pea: can I still take you up on that offer? He asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

He really does try for me.

Betty: of course. Go to bed, I'll be there soon. I said as I kissed his forehead.

He did as I asked and slowly dragged himself to bed.

I got him some medicine, a glass of water and made him some toast. I knew he probably wouldn't have that big of an appetite.

I walked back into our room and gave him his medicine and then his food.

Sweet Pea: thank you. He said softly. I smiled.

After he had finished eating I suggested that he went to sleep. It was night time anyway.

Sweet Pea: come closer. He whispered with his eyes closed. I smiled as I moved myself into his arms.
Sweet Pea: thank you for looking after me although I'm an idiot. He said and it instantly removed the smile from my face.
Betty: bubba no, don't say that. I said sadly.
Sweet Pea: I'm right Betty, I'm fucked up beyond repair- He started before I cut him off.

He must be insane if he thinks I'm going to let him talk himself down.

Betty: Sweet Pea I don't know how you don't see it but you're the most amazing person. You've always helped me and been by my side and I'll always be here for you. You're my handsome bubba. Don't say stuff like that Pea, because when I think of you, I think of an amazing and caring guy. He just looked at me and nodded his head.

I know this situation will probably occur multiple more times in the future, but he'll work on it.

Sweet Pea: I love you and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. He said. I smiled and cuddled myself more into his chest.
Betty: you need rest, night Pea. I said softly, knowing that we were both exhausted. He nodded his head and held me tight in his arms, like he had to protect me or I'd leave him.

As a couple we face our challenges but that's what makes us human.

A short one ❤️ remember to vote

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