Betty x family

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Did I just make Fp and Hal gay lovers? Yes.
But let me explain. I couldn't choose who I wanted Betty's dad to be out of Fp and Hal. So I decided to use them both lol.

Betty POV:

I had just finished school and arrived home.

Betty: dad, can Sweet Pea stay the- I started until I entered the lounge.

I saw my two dads, Fp and Hal, standing opposite my mother Alice.

Hal and Alice are my biological parents. But my mum abanded me when I was only one years old.

She left, not even saying goodbye to me. I hate her.

Fp is my dad, Hal is my dad. I don't consider Alice to be my mother.

Betty: what is she doing here? I said as I stood beside Fp.
Alice: honey, I want to take you home. Home with me and Jason. She said softly.

Jason is her husband.

Betty: I'm home here. I said to her.
Alice: Betty you need a mother and father, not two dads. She said.
Betty: yeah I did need a mum, and she left me. I said angrily.
Alice: I'll make it up to you back in New York. She told me.
Hal: she's not going anywhere. She's staying with Fp and I. My dad said.
Alice: you can't offer her a proper family. Jason and I can. She said sternly.
Betty: I'm staying here and that's final. I yelled at Alice as I stormed up to my room.

The thought of ever being away from my dads is terrifying.

My home is in Riverdale with them, with the Serpents and my boyfriend Sweet Pea. I am home.

Both my dads lead the gang, I've been brought up in that environment since I was five.

I had been in my room for about ten minutes when I heard a gentle knock on my door.

The door slowly opened, revealing Fp.

He took a seat on my bed next to me.

Betty: I want to stay here. I said to him. He gave me a soft smile.
Fp: don't worry, you're going to stay here with us. He said.
Betty: promise? I asked him.
Fp: promise. He smiled.

I instantly wrapped my arms around him, holding him in a tight embrace.

Fp: everything's going to be okay. He said as he rubbed my back.
Betty: how come you weren't saying anything downstairs? I asked him.
Fp: it's not my place to get involved. It's between your parents. He said.
Betty: you and dad are my parents. I said as I cuddled into him more.
Fp: I love you honey. He said proudly as he kissed my forehead.
Betty: I love you too dad. I smiled.

It had been a little longer when Hal soon walked in. I could tell he was frustrated but relief was on his face.

Betty: is she gone? I asked dad. He nodded his head.
Betty: I don't want her in my life. I said as he came and sat on the other side of me.
Hal: and I promise she won't be. He said as I wrapped one of my arms around him.
Betty: good. I said as we were now in a group cuddle.
Betty: can we have pizza for dinner? I asked, feeling hungry.
Hal: of course honey. He smiled.

We all went downstairs and ordered pizza as we began watching a movie.

I had nestled myself in between my two dads. Both of them rolling their eyes playfully.

Fp: you're annoying. He joked.
Betty: I could never be annoying. I said cockily.
Hal: that's a lie and you know it. He smirked, my jaw dropped.
Betty: I thought my dads loved me. It's all a lie. I said dramatically. They both just laughed at me.
Betty: fine, laugh at my pain. I'll just be traumatised for the rest of my life. I said.

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