Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: what's going on? I asked worriedly.

I was standing in the Wyrm, my ex boyfriend's bar.

We broke up about a month ago, because I wasn't spending as much time with him as I wanted.

During a week, we'd probably only see each other about three times.

I love Sweet Pea and not seeing him that often was really hurting me.

Toni: ever since you guys broke up, he hasn't been the same. She said.
Jughead: please talk to him, he's miserable. He told me and I nodded my head.

When we broke up, we said that we would still be friends. That didn't work out. I tried texting him but he never answered back.

I knocked on his office door and he growled out 'leave'.

I walked in and saw him sitting in his chair. He looked up to me, surprised to see that it was me.

Betty: hey. I said with a soft smile.
Sweet Pea: what are you doing here? He asked sternly.
Betty: can't I just say hello? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: don't. He warned me.
Betty: don't what? I said as I sat on his desk, facing him.
Sweet Pea: don't act like this is normal or that we're okay. He said as he stood up.
Betty: come on Sweets, we agreed that we'd still be friends. I told him.
Sweet Pea: well I don't want to be just friends and you know that. He said as he ran his hand through his hair.
Betty: Sweet Pea stop acting like this. I said as I walked up to him and rested my hand on his arm.

He let out a sigh as he pushed me up against the wall.

He licked his lips as he trapped me between his arms.

Sweet Pea: leave. He growled.
Betty: why? Scared you'll do something that you won't regret? I teased him.
Sweet Pea: you're killing me. He said as his head moved up closer to mine.
Betty: look Sweet Pea, all I'm looking for is to be friends. Nothing more. I said.
Sweet Pea: well I'm looking for you to be my girlfriend. He said.
Sweet Pea: just say yes and we can go back to what we had. He said.

I could see the desperation in his eyes. I wanted him too but I also knew that we'd fall into the same cycle again.

There's no point starting something that I know won't last.

Sweet Pea: you know what you want. He said as he connected our lips in a hot and heated kiss.

I kissed back, I couldn't resist him.

Sweet Pea: jump. I did as he said and wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.

He pushed open the door and took us into his apartment.

He slammed me down onto the bed as he looked at me with hungry eyes.


I was about to get up and put on my shirt went I heard his voice.

Sweet Pea: don't, stay. He said.
Betty: we're hurting each other again. I said as I turned to face him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his naked chest.

Sweet Pea: you're the one hurting yourself. He said.
Betty: so me wanting to actually spend time with my boyfriend is a crime? I said annoyedly.
Sweet Pea: look, I know I didn't spend enough time with you but I would make sure things change. I just want you in my life, as my girlfriend. He said desperately as he kissed my shoulder.
Betty: don't make promises you can't keep. I told him.
Sweet Pea: Betty I know I will spend more time with you because this past month has been hell. I hate that you haven't been in my life. I love you more than any guy possibly could, so please, I'm begging you. Take me back. He pleaded.
Betty: I want you to spend the whole day with me. I don't care if we stay here all day or whatever. I just want you to spend the whole day with me, without involving yourself with the Serpents. If you can do that, we'll get back together. I said making him smile.

He held me tight into his chest, making me squeal.

Sweet Pea: oh baby girl, we're going to be back together in know time. He said making me giggle.

After we had both calmed down, we put our clothes back on and he made breakfast for the both of us.

I wanted to help him but he insisted that I relaxed. So I sat at the kitchen table as I watched him make toast, eggs and bacon.

Betty: thank you. I told him as he plated breakfast in front of me.

We ate in a peaceful silence.

I always loved spending time with him, I didn't care what we were doing, as long as we were together.

Unfortunately, our time was usually cut short, being interrupted by the Serpents.

Sweet Pea: I've really missed you. He said as he played with his food. I moved my hand onto his, lacing our fingers together.
Betty: why didn't you ever text me back, or call? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: I knew I wouldn't be able to see you without wanting you back. He told me.
Sweet Pea: how come you came here? He asked.
Betty: honestly, I got a call from Toni. She was worried about you. It also gave me a good enough reason to come see you. I told him
Sweet Pea: you're always welcome here. He said. I let out a chuckle.
Betty: what about when you told me to leave. I teased him.
Sweet Pea: one off. He joked back.
Sweet Pea: but I really did miss you. He said so softly.
Betty: I missed you too. I said as I leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek.
Sweet Pea: no kiss on the lips? He questioned.
Betty: calm down tiger. I smirked as I picked up both of our plates and did the cleaning up.

Sweet Pea helped too as we engaged in natural and fun conversations. I've missed this. This is what I've wanted. Just me and him spending time together.

After we finished washing up, we decided to stay home the rest of the day and have a movie day.

I brought out some of his blankets and placed them all over the couch, jumping under them.

Sweet Pea: do you need that many blankets? He laughed as he threw one of the pillows I brought out at me.
Betty: yes. I giggled.

Sweet Pea put in the movie and I moved the blanket so he could sit next to me. He did and I wrapped the blanket around him.

He wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

He looked down at me and I looked up at him.

Sweet Pea: you're beautiful. He smiled. I blushed as I hid my head in his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: you're so cute. He smiled as he kissed the top of my head.

The movie began and I finally dug my head out of his shoulder.

We watched the movie in a calming silence as I enjoyed being in his muscular arms.

We got through most of the movie when his phone went off.

I saw the name and it was Fp, another high up Serpent. I looked from the phone to Sweet Pea, seeing what he'd do.

I watched as he declined the call and texted Fp, telling him that he and Tall Boy had to deal with it.

He put away his phone and caught me looking at him, I had a smile and blush covering my face.

Under the blankets, he attached his hand under my thighs and his other around my back, pulling me into his lap.

Sweet Pea: I want to make everything between you and I right. He said and I gave him a soft smile and slight nod of my head.
Sweet Pea: take me back Princess? He asked. I nodded my head.
Betty: I love you. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: I love my girlfriend. He said making me smirk.

We both leaned in and placed a series of soft, loving kisses against one another's lips.

Sweet Pea: this is all I've wanted. He breathed out.

I placed a final kiss on his ear as I snuggled back into his chest.

Betty: me too.

Hey, I love you ☺️

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