Betty x Sweet Pea

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I haven't edited this to much. Hope it's okay ❤️

Betty POV:

It's the night just before I start high school. I was trying to go to sleep but my anxiety was keeping me up.

I didn't know if I'd fit in, make any friends, like any of my teachers, in all honesty, I was a mess.

I was going to a catholic school although I'm Atheist, apparently I'll have a better education then the public school which is closer.

I wake up the next morning, anxiety still within me.

I dragged myself out of bed and had a quick shower. I put on my oversized uniform and walked into the lounge where my mother and father gushed over how I looked.

My mother pulled out her phone and began taking photos of me as I put on a fake smile.

It wasn't my idea to go to this school, in fact I was given no choice whatsoever. I would have gone to the public school where all my best friends went, although I didn't really have many.

I use to have a lot but people changed, they started talking behind my back or tried to become popular, it didn't work out for them. Even people I had known since the beginning of our time at primary school, they would say stuff about me and even draw ugly pictures of me. So much for friends.

Ever since that horrible experience happened I changed but stayed the same, if that makes sense. I kept my personality but my interests and likes changed.

Unfortunately one of the guys who bullied me was going to my new school. I mean he didn't bully me to bad, he just drew an ugly picture of me and said stuff behind my back. It doesn't matter. The part that is the most fucked up, I have a crush on him, Sweet Pea.

What type of idiot am I to like the guy who's hurt me? Well sometimes he's nice. It still doesn't take away the stuff he's said but I guess that's how life works.

There were two bullies, Sweet Pea is the name he goes by as you know, and Joaquin. Imagine that, Sweet Pea has that terrible name but I'm the one who gets bullied.

Thankfully there's one thing I no that can get me through this rough day, the Serpents. I'm the Serpents Princess and thankfully some of my Serpent friends are attending this school. The only part of my uniform that actually fitted was my Serpents jacket when I think about it.

After all the photos were taken I took the bus to school. I sat on the 30 minute bus ride that felt like an hour. I didn't know the route and I barely even knew what the school looked like. It was just big.

My mum met me there, she wanted me to get the bus so I'd be use to it.

I walked into school with my mum by my side, just like all the other new kids.

As we walked into the building we unfortunately ran into Sweet Pea and his mum. They're best friends.

My mum and Sweet Pea's mum talked about how exciting our first day was going to be. 

Our mums soon finished talking and left together. I started walking inside to find my friends when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around and saw that it was Sweet Pea. Just what I wanted.

I quickly pull my arm from out of his grip and roll my eyes at him. He was definitely shocked by my strength. He also doesn't know I'm a Serpent, I never told anyone. But now that's it high school I'm wearing my jacket with pride. I love seeing how happy I make dad when I wear it.

Betty: what do you want? I asked uninterestedly.
Sweet Pea: what's your problem? He asked angrily.
Betty: you, are you dumb or something? I asked.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry you have an attitude, I literally did nothing to you. He said.
Betty: don't fucking mess with me, and while you're at it, don't touch me.

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