Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you all enjoy ❤️
Ps. Toni is a Ghoulie here.

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea: we're over. He yelled at me.
Betty: Fuck you. I yelled back at him.

I ran out of his trailer and got into my car. As soon as I did tears ran down my cheeks, how could he do this to me?

Sweet Pea and I had only been dating for a month. Our relationship was kinda lowkey as we didn't tell anyone about it. We were just trying to get to know each other before we had outside pressures trying to assume things about us and our relationship.

Now to the break up, how did we end up here? I don't even really know. We got into an argument over our relationship. I said I wanted to take us slow and he thought I was ashamed of him or something. He thought I didn't want to introduce him to my family because I was embarrassed. That is completely wrong. I was trying to protect him for a little from my brother who would kill him. Malachi is my older brother who would do anything to protect me.

I wanted Sweet Pea to be apart of my life but I needed time. One month is nothing.

I don't even know anymore, nothing makes sense.

I'm now in my car, crying and driving home.

As I arrived home the tears were stronger then ever. I ran into the house, running into Malachi. I was glad mum and dad were out at dinner. I didn't want them worrying about me.

All I need to worry about is how Malachi will react.

Malachi: hey, what's wrong? He asked as he instinctively wrapped his arms around my back, keeping me close to him as possible.

I cried into his chest as he lead me over to the couch. We took a seat and he rubbed my back.

Malachi: it's okay, I'm here Betts. He said soothingly into my hair.

For the next twenty minutes I cried into his chest. He whispered soothing things to me as he rubbed my back in circular motions.

Betty: my boyfriend broke up with me. I said in a whimper. He immediately looked angry.

I knew he wasn't angry at me for not telling him, but angry at Sweet Pea for hurting me.

Malachi: who the fuck hurt my little sister and thinks they can get away with it? He said angrily.
Betty: can we please not talk about him Kai? I said while looking up to him with sad eyes. His glance softened and held me tighter in his arms.
Malachi: of course. He said with a soft look.

We had been on the couch for about ten minutes when Malachi suddenly got up and left. A couple minutes later he came back with junk food. I smiled.

I love him.

Betty: I love you. I said to him.
Malachi: me and dad are the only men you're allowed to love, but I love you too. He said making me giggle.

We put on a movie and ate junk food together until mum and dad came home at about 12 am.

Alice: why are you kids still up? She asked as she placed kisses on both of our heads.
Betty: we were hungry? I say as they looked at the junk food we had out.
Hal: well this mid night snack is over. You have your first day of high school tomorrow, and Malachi will look after you. He said to me softly.
Malachi: of course. He said happily.
Alice: now come on, bed. She said with a laugh.

Mum and dad soon said good night to us as we both headed off to our rooms.

Betty: night Chai. I said just before we each entered our rooms.
Malachi: night Betts. He said as he closed his door.

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