Betty x Malachi

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I need to stop writing one shots and start the next chapter of 'Am I Even Living?' But each time I come back to one shots 😂

Malachi POV:

I was sitting in my office as I did work behind my computer.

I was finishing up some Ghoulie business when I saw the large brown door to my office open, revealing a beautiful blonde. To be more specific, my beautiful blonde.

She looked to be with her sweetest and softest smile.

Betty: Kai Kai, we need to have a serious talk. She said. She still had a smile on her face so it couldn't be anything to bad.
Malachi: okay. I said as I tapped my lap, telling her to sit.

She walked over to me and sat in my lap.

Malachi: so what's going on inside that beautiful head of yours? I asked as I put all my attention on her.
Betty: well I've been thinking. We've been together for the past five years and I don't see myself with anyone but you. We've finished high school so it's perfect.- she started until I cut her off.
Malachi: you want a kid? I asked confusedly.

I love this girl to death, but a kid is not something we're ready for at all.

Betty: no! She said. Relief filled my body.

Betty has a not so good talent of making me do whatever she wants.

If she wanted a baby, by the end of the month she'd have it.

I hate disappointing her, I want her being happy and all giggly.

Betty: I want a puppy. She said in a high pitched voice.
Malachi: seriously? I asked as I rolled my eyes.

We don't need a furry mutt running around the house.

Betty: I've always wanted one and it would be like our fur child. Almost like the step before a child. Please Kai? She asked excitedly.
Malachi: a dog is to much work. I said to her.
Betty: it would make me really happy if we got one. She said.

No more than half an hour later we were at the pet shop.

She was sitting in a pen filled with annoying little mutts jumping all over her.

Mark: let me guess, you're the boyfriend that doesn't want to get a dog. He said with a smirk. I let out a chuckle and nodded my head.
Mark: you're not the first and definitely not the last person with that same problem. He chuckled.

We began having a conversation as I left Betty to figure out which puppy she wanted.

Me and this Mark guy had been talking for about half an hour when I heard Betty call my name.

Betty: Kai, I want this one. She said as she carefully held a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in her arms like it was a baby.
Malachi: okay. I said.

We then walked around the store as she held the puppy and I carried its bed, toys, food and whatever else this dog needed. I personally think it's getting spoilt, but Betty is determined on getting absolutely everything Buddy, as that's what she's calling it, needed.

We went up the register and the total came out to be $457 dollars.

Malachi: all that for a mutt? I asked in shock, making Mark laugh.
Betty: Buddy is not a mutt. He's a sweet boy. She said as she patted his head.
Malachi: you've known it- I started until she interrupted me.
Betty: He has a name. She said.
Malachi: whatever, let's just go home. I said.

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