Betty x Malachi

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Inspired by: bugheads_swetty

Betty POV:

I paced around Jughead and I's shared apartment that lays on top of the Wyrm.

Jughead has been down at the bar all night with Sweet Pea.

Jughead is abusive. He doesn't need to be drunk, he doesn't need a reason. He just likes to hurt me.

When he's drunk it's a lot worse for me though. It's like the whole world stops as he tries every technique to make me feel the most pain.

I peaked through the door and I could see Sweet Pea and Jughead finishing there last round of drinks.

I paced around the room, not knowing what to do.

The last time he came home drunk I pretended to be asleep, I thought he would show some mercy. How I was wrong.

He pulled me out of bed by by hair.

I could hear the sound of his footsteps so I quickly sat on the couch and picked up a book from the coffee table.

He walked through the door and I looked up to him with a smile.

He stumbled into the lounge and sat beside me on the couch.

Jughead: sit in my lap. He said.
Betty: Jughead let me take you to bed. It's late. I said.

He let out a growl as he stood up and hovered over me.

Here it comes.

He raised his hand and slapped it across my face. I could instantly feel stinging.

Jughead: I'll have to teach you how to listen. He said angrily as he punched my stomach.

I was laying on the floor in pain as he began kicking me.

It lasted for about ten minutes I'm assuming.

He usually doesn't do it for too long but he's strong.

He left me on the floor, crying as he walked off to our bed.

I painfully pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the only person I thought might help me.


He probably, well definitely hates me but I really need him right now.

I went into my contacts and pushed Malachi's number.

It rang for only a few seconds until I heard the sound of his voice.

( Betty and Malachi on the phone )

Malachi: Betty what do you want? He asked uninterestedly.

Malachi and I's friendship didn't end well at all. It's my fault.

I fell for Jughead, Malachi obviously didn't approve and said that if I continued dating Jughead. We would no longer be friends.

I stupidly chose Jughead over my best friend.

Betty: I'm really sorry. I sobbed into the phone. He let out a sigh.
Malachi: what are you talking about? He asked.
Betty: I shouldn't have chose Jughead, I'm so sorry. I sobbed.
Malachi: Betty what's going on? Where are you? He asked, sounding worried.
Betty: I'm at the Wyrm. I sobbed out.
Malachi: tell me what happened? He asked sternly.
Betty: Jughead. I said.
Malachi: has he hurt you? He asked angrily.
Betty: yes. I sobbed out.
Malachi: okay Betty listen to me. Stay outside of the Wyrm and I'll come and get you. He said into the phone.
Betty: I'm so sorry. I said.
Malachi: Betty don't apologize, just please stay safe. He said as he hung up.

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