Betty x Sweet Pea // sibling relationship (friendship)

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I'm obsessed with this idea and I finally wasn't being lazy and actually made it.

Betty POV:

I looked through my closet, trying to find a dress for my date with Fangs tonight.

I pulled out a simple black skirt and a white lace at the top of the shirt, the rest being silk.

I put it all on and looked in the mirror. I liked the look so I moved into my bathroom and straightened my hair.

That took nearly an hour and by the end my arms were exhausted.

I looked at the time and saw that I should leave within the next ten minutes.

I picked up my stuff and began walking to the door.

My parents were out on a date night right now so I thought I was going to get out of the house question free. I was wrong.

I have an older brother Sweet Pea. He's 25 and I'm 18. He doesn't really like me though.

I also have an older sister named Polly. She would be 28 this year. Unfortunately when she was about 10, her and Sweet Pea were playing on the side of the road when the ball got hit into the middle of the street. She ran to get it when a car struck her. She died immediately on the spot.

I don't remember much about her but I know her and my brother were really close.

Ever since I can remember, he's always hated me and tried to avoid me.

It really hurts when I think about it too much. Why did he love her and not me?

I was brought into reality when I heard Sweet Pea stand up.

Sweet Pea: where are you going? He asked sternly.

That's another interesting thing about Sweet Pea. He never talks to me unless he's protecting me.

It doesn't make any sense at all. He always protects me but that's where our relationship ends. He's confusing and mean.

Betty: I'm going out. I said.
Sweet Pea: who with? He asked.
Betty: a friend. I answered back.
Sweet Pea: boy or girl? He questioned.
Betty: none of your business. I said annoyed as I walked past him.

He quickly gripped onto my arm, not tight enough to hurt me but tight enough so that I couldn't escape.

Betty: let go of me. I yelled at him.
Betty: why do you always have to be such an asshole? I yelled.

I could see that he definitely wasn't impressed by that.

Sweet Pea: I asked you a simple question so I expect an answer. He warned me.
Betty: You're not my dad, and barely a brother. I don't owe you anything. I said so angrily.

I had never seen him more angrier.

In one swift move, he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. What the fuck is he doing?

Betty: Sweet Pea put me the hell down now. I said sternly. He ignored me so I began kicking and hitting at him.

He put me in the bathroom and pulled out his hand.

Sweet Pea: phone. He warned me.

I was scared of what he'd do if I didn't, so I pulled out my phone and placed it in his hand.

He closed the door and locked it from the outside. I have no idea how he does it. There's only a lock on the inside.

I took off my jacket and placed it on the floor. I sat on the floor, my back leaning against the door.

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