Betty x Sweet Pea

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This is a cute lil chapter

Betty POV:

I sat nearly on Sweet Pea's lap as we were in his truck. My head rested on his shoulder as he wrapped his left arm around my shoulder, keeping me as close as possible to him.

The heater was blasting, due to my request as we sat in a comfortable silence.

We sat quietly as we drove to this old and abandoned park. It's a place we like to go to once a week so we can admire the stars and just have some times for ourselves.

It's important to Sweet Pea and I that we both get to have quality time together, where we're not surrounded by people, just us, under the stars, wrapped in one another's arms.

We arrived and he turned off the engine. We both stepped out of his car, quickly walking to each other's sides as we connected hands.

We brought a picnic blanket out with us and found a perfect spot to place it.

We sat down on it as he pulled me into his lap and kissed my head.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much Betty. He said with a smile.
Betty: I love you too buba, so much. I said as I dug my head into his chest and gave him a really tight hug. He let out a chuckle as he too held me tight.

Sweet Pea: how was your day? He asked as he kept one arm wrapped around me and the other playing with my hair.

Sweet Pea and I unfortunately go to different schools. He's from the South Side and I'm from the North.

We first met at the Wyrm. I was reconnecting with my old best friend, Jughead.

Once he left the North Side to go to the South Side, we unfortunately stopped talking until one day we saw each other at Pops.

Sweet Pea and I saw each other a few times at Pops, we'd both stare at each other, blushing whenever we caught one another.

We were both to shy to talk to each other, so Jughead thankfully set us up. I need to thank Jughead for that for the rest of my life.

After Jughead set us up, we became inseparable. We always spent our free time together, we hated being away from each other.

I love my beautiful boy so much, although he does have some trust issues.

Since Sweet Pea was 15, he had been living on his own. His parents decided to skip town and leave their beautiful son behind. How could they do that to such a sweet boy?

Sweet Pea and I have a great relationship, although he has his moments where he thinks that I'm going to leave him or that I'm not committed to him as he is to me. He can say some hurtful stuff but I know he doesn't mean any of it. Also, once he's calmed down, he looks at me with soft puppy eyes, telling me how sorry he is for what he said.

I know my baby is just scared to be left all alone again, not that I could blame him. But I would never hurt him. He's too important to me.

Betty: it was okay. I said although I lied.

Unfortunately my family situation isn't any better.

My dad is a serial killer and my mother and sister joined a brainwashing farm. I tried for so many months to show them that the farm is dangerous, but they chose to leave their daughter and sister for a bunch of strangers.

During that whole ordeal, Sweet Pea saw me at one of the weakest points in my life, but he stayed.

Whenever I needed to vent he'd sit and listen. Whenever I needed to cry, he would wrap me up in his arms and calm me down. Whenever I needed space he'd give it to me, although he really didn't want to leave me alone.

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