Betty x Sweet Pea

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Okay so I have a genuine question I really want you all to answer. Why do you read my one shots? Like do you read it because you want to explore all ships. You prefer a certain ship and you only read for them? Or anything else. I'm just curious tbh.

Veronica POV:

I walked into the Pembrooke and heard the voice of two very familiar people. Betty, my girlfriend and Hiram my dad.

I followed the yelling voices and it let me to my dads study. I rested my ear against the door and listened to what they were yelling about.

Betty: I swear Hiram, you dare pull a stunt like that and you'll really see my dark side. She threatened my dad.
Hiram: oh please, I had nothing to do with your little drug bust. He said with a chuckle.

Betty is the queen of the Serpents, she runs the gang. Her dad, Fp, gave the role to her last year.

Betty: don't bother lying to me. She growled angrily.
Betty: I don't have time for your games and neither do my Serpents. Try something on us again, and I guess I'll just have to get some of my Serpents to show you what we're capable of. She said with the most evil laugh.

I instantly stormed into the study. Betty basically just threatened to kill my father, I'm not just going to stand here and let her say that.

Veronica: what the hell is going on? I yelled angrily at Betty.
Hiram: your so called girlfriend is threatening to kill me. He said as I walked over to him.
Betty: oh please- She started before I cut her off.
Veronica: Betty I think you should leave. I said sternly. Her face dropped.
Betty: baby- She said and I rolled my eyes.
Veronica: how can you say that when you just threatened my dad? I said angrily.
Betty: Veronica can't you see, this is exactly what he's been trying to do to us since we got together. He wants to turn you against me so you don't marry his damn enemy. How can't you see that? She said desperately.
Veronica: daddy would never do that. I said as I crossed my arms.
Veronica: leave now. She said.
Betty: fine, but when daddy's little Princess finds out about what he really does, don't bother coming back to me. She said as she walked out.

I instantly hugged my dad, making sure he was okay.

Hiram: see darling, I only tried to protect you from her. He said and I nodded my head.
Veronica: I'm sorry I never listened daddy. I said and he gave me a small smile.
Hiram: all that matters is that you two are over. He said and I nodded my head.
Hiram: go get some rest love, it's been a long day. He said softly as he kissed my cheek.
Veronica: night dad. I yawned as I walked to my room.

I changed into my pyjamas and layed in bed.

I'm obviously upset that Betty and I broke up but she was threatening to hurt my dad. That's not on.

She knows how important my father is to me but she still threatened him. She is in no way a good girlfriend and my dad was right. Being with Betty was a big mistake.

Betty POV:

I can't believe Veronica broke up with me, especially since she doesn't know the truth of why I threatened to kill her killer father.

Her father planted drugs in my bar. I have it on tape, his men planted it around the outside. How could he think we wouldn't find out?

Also in the past he's shot at my Serpents. He's done so much to hurt me and my Serpents, yet I still loved his daughter like she was the only thing worth living for. And she has the audacity to not even hear me out.

Shows how much she actually cared about me.

I can't wait till Veronica gets hurt by him and sees everything he's been hiding from her over the years.

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