Betty x Sweet Pea

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Enjoyyyyyy. Also, you guys better hype this up as much as you did my last one shot 😂

Betty POV:

I layed on the couch in Sweet Pea's two story house with a pair of black lingerie on.

Over it I was wearing one of his flannels and a pair of pink velvet shorts.

I was watching tv when I heard the door downstairs open, meaning Sweet Pea was home.

Sweet Pea owns a multi-million dollar business. Everyone in his industry wants to be him or work for him. He's the best of the best.

I've known Sweet Pea since I was 19, I'm now 26.

Sweet Pea and I aren't dating though, I'm more like his sex slave, to put it in terms.

When I was 19 I signed a contract with him, he gets sex whenever he wants and I get to live here, get payed half a million a year, as well as unlimited access to his credit card.

That was something I definitely wanted in on.

As I was deep in thought I saw as Sweet Pea and some brown haired girl walked passed me, to his room.

She was clinging to his body and his hair was a mess.

This instantly sparked anger and jealousy within me.

When I started working with him we made up a contract that both suited us.

We're allowed to sleep with anyone we want, I just had to make sure that I was there if he ever wanted me.

At the time, it seemed like a good idea, but now I've grown up. That was 7 years ago and my priorities in life have definitely changed.

I let out a sigh as I decided to call it a night.

I turned off the tv and walked into my bathroom which is connected to my room.

I washed my face and applied some other parts of my skincare routine and then slipped into bed.

I rested my head and let sleep take over me.


I woke up the next morning and had a shower.

I quickly washed my hair and body before I changed into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I was planning on staying home all day anyway, no need to dress up.

After I was done getting ready, I picked up my phone and headed downstairs for breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen and said hello to all his kitchen staff. They greeted me with a smile as they told me to sit and that breakfast would be ready soon.

I took a seat at the dining table and went onto my phone. I saw that I had a couple messages from my best friend Veronica.

She mainly sent me some TikToks and then videos on Snapchat of her husband, Archie Andrews, snoring loudly.

I let out a chuckle as I messaged her back.

I soon put down my phone as a whole assortment of food came out.

I truly am spoiled living here.

I chose a few of the pastries and ate them in a peaceful silence.

I was about half way through my last pastry when I heard the sound of heels walking down the hallway. I turned my head and saw the girl that Sweet Pea had brought home last night.

We both made eye contact and she gave me a sweet smile.

Emma: hello hunny, are you Sweet Pea's daughter? She asked me.

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