Reggie x Veronica

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Reggie POV:

It's not exactly a secret that Veronica and I had something going on. The only thing I'm confused about is, what is going on between us.

We have been flirting back and forth for months now but we haven't seemed to escalate any where yet.

It was currently Sunday and I pulled out my phone. I found Veronica's name and sent her a message, not expecting a reply back so fast.

( Reggie and Veronica's messages )

Hey Ron. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date tonight?

Hey Reg, I'd love to.

Great! Meet tonight at Sweet Water River

Okay cool, I can't wait! Xx ❤️🥰

( end of messages )

I was jumping with joy. I can't believe she actually agreed to go out with me.

I ran around my house trying to find something to wear. I looked around for an hour and I finally found something that Veronica had told me she liked once before. I quickly put that on and fix up my birds nest of hair.

I went into the kitchen and created a little picnic for us. I also found some candles that would be great for tonight.

I got out a blanket and put everything into my car and began driving to the location.

I was on my way there when I saw a little flower shop. I pulled over and looked through the store, trying to find roses that I knew Veronica loved.

I finally found a beautiful bunch and payed for them.

I arrived at Sweet Water River and set up the blanket along the sand. I lit up a few candles and waited for her to arrive.

I was a little nervous but the sound of the soft crashing of the water was calming.

It had been about fifteen minutes when I heard the sound of wheels rolling over gravel. I turned my head and saw Veronica.

She stepped out of the limo and walked up to me. She was wearing a stunning dark purple dress that went up to her knees. Her hair was perfectly straightened and her favourite pearl necklace hung from her neck.

Reggie: you look beautiful Ronnie. I say while handing her the roses I bought her.
Veronica: these are amazing Reggie. She says while looking up to me.
Veronica: you look handsome. She said with a small blush.

I took her hand and lead her to the blanket. Her jaw dropped once she saw everything I had set up.

Veronica: this is perfect. She said as we took a seat on the blanket.

As the evening went on we flirted with each other and talked about old memories of us. We laughed about all the stupid things we've done together and all the weird things we were going to do then realized how insane it sounded.

It was perfect spending the evening with her. Her beautiful laugh made the night so much better.

It was the end of the night and I looked into her beautiful eyes.

Reggie: Veronica would you like to be my girlfriend? I asked and she smiled.
Veronica: I would love to Reggie. She said while placing a soft and lingering kiss on my lips.

I know it's short and bad but oh well 😂
I have better stuff coming soon!

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