Betty x Sweet Pea

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Short and sweet x

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I were in his room, getting ready to leave. We were going to head to a remote beach that no one knows of.

We were going to have a little picnic out on the sand where we'd watch the fireworks go off, entering the year 2020.

Sweet Pea: ready bub? He asked as I walked out of our bathroom.

Sweet Pea is 21 and I'm 20. We both live at his mum's house still as we are trying to save money to buy our own house and one day start a family together.

Betty: yep. I smiled.

I extended my hand to his and he connected our hands. I let a small smile form on my lips as he kissed my temple.

Sweet Pea: you're adorable. He said making me giggle.

We walked out of his room and into the lounge, saying goodbye to his mum Samantha and younger brother James.

Sweet Pea: we're heading out. He told them.
Samantha: have a good night and stay safe. She said with a smile.
James: can I come? He asked excitedly.
Sweet Pea: no! Sweet Pea immediately interjected.
James: but what about my good night kisses? He asked worriedly. I let out a chuckle.

Whenever he goes to bed he always requests that I tuck him in and give him kisses.

I let go of Sweet Pea's hand and walked over to James.

I kissed his cheek and embraced his small body in a hug.

Betty: there's your good night kiss, be good okay? I said and he nodded his head with a smile.

I walked back to Sweet Pea and he connected our hands once again.

We said our final goodbyes and headed out to my car.

Sweet Pea was driving so I sat in the passengers seat and he in the drivers.

Sweet Pea: he's an attention whore. He said annoyedly. I laughed.
Betty: he's six babe. I said.
Sweet Pea: still, he's a brat. I rolled my eyes playfully.

We enjoyed the peaceful ride down to the beach as his hand rested on my thigh, every now and then rubbing his thumb in circular motions. The action was calming and only made the night feel more special.

When we arrived at the beach, he opened the door for me and wrapped me up into his side.

We brought everything down to the beach and set it all up.

We took a seat on the blanket, me making sure that I was cuddled up into his arms.

We both were silent for a few moments, admiring our surroundings and the fact that it was only us here.

Soon after, we began eating some of the snacks we brought along with us and talked about our future.

Sweet Pea and I plan on being together for the rest of our life's.

He's my baby boy who has done nothing but support me and love me ever since our first date.

Sweet Pea: five minutes until the new year. He grinned as I moved myself in between his legs.
Betty: new year and the only thing that will change is the more love I'll have for you. I said making him blush.
Sweet Pea: you don't know how much I love you sweet angel. He said as he held me tighter and kissed my temple.

We cuddled under the stars as we soon began to hear the loud sound of fireworks going off. The bright bursts of lights lit up the night sky beautifully.

Sweet Pea: Happy New Year Princess. He smiled.
Betty: Happy New Year my love. I said as we both leaned in and embraced each other's lips in a soft kiss.

The kiss was slow and filled with nothing but love and passion.

Our lips danced together as we both craved the sweet taste of one another.

I was straddled in his lap as his arms pushed me taught against his chest.

Betty: I love you. I said into the kiss.
Sweet Pea: I love you too. He said as we broke the kiss for some air.

We went back to our earlier positions and I rested my head in his lap.

Betty: Sweet Pea, can we make a deal? Every New Year's Eve we come out here, just me and you watching the fireworks? I asked and he smiled.

He raised his hand to the side of my face and brushed some hair behind my ear.

Sweet Pea: of course. He said making me smile.

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