Betty x Sweet Pea

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I will give a warning that this is incest. Please don't judge people's kinks because they probably only like this topic in Wattpad world, anyway, here I go.

Betty POV:

I was standing outside of school in my cheerleading uniform as I waited for my older brother, Sweet Pea, to get changed out of his football uniform.

We had just had a game which the Bulldogs had won by a long shot.

The cold breeze brushed against my body making me shiver. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to get any source of warmth.

Soon Sweet Pea walked out and came up to me. He must have instantly noticed how cold I was as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.

Sweet Pea: I told you to bring a jacket. He said with a chuckle. I let out a giggle as we walked to the car.
Betty: thank you. I said and he gave me a smile.
Sweet Pea: do you want to grab dinner at Pops? He asked as I got into the passengers seat and he in the drivers seat.
Betty: yep. I said and he nodded his head.

We enjoyed a peaceful ride to Pops.

Within no time we arrived at Pops and walked into the warm feeling diner. I took a seat as Sweet Pea ordered our food.

He soon came and sat opposite me as we talked about the game and other random things.

Sweet Pea and I are the children of a single mother, Alice Smith. Mum is currently two towns over for a week. She's at a conference for work.

Sweet Pea is older then me by a year and we're extremely close. We're always hanging out together and in a way he kinda acts like he's my dad. I think he feels bad that I've never had a dad figure in my life so he took that role. I love Sweet Pea.

It reached 12 am and we called it a night. We got into the car and I instantly fall asleep as Sweet Pea started driving.

The next morning I woke up cuddled into my blankets, Sweet Pea must have carried me to my room last night.

I rolled out of bed and changed into one of Sweet Pea's jumpers that I've stolen and a pair of sweatpants.

I walked downstairs and made myself some breakfast.

Once I had finished making it I moved to the couch and sat next to Sweet Pea as I ate.

Sweet Pea: how'd you sleep? He asked
Betty: good. I said with a smile as I finished my toast.

I put my plate in the sink as I returned back to the couch and sat in his lap. I dug my head into his neck but I still had a clear view of the tv. He wrapped his arms tightly around me as he knew I liked it.

If I am honest, I've always had a crush on Sweet Pea. He's the most handsomest and caring guy I've ever met. He makes me feel so happy.

I've been feeling like this towards him for a year, but the thing is he only sees me as his baby sister that he needs to protect. I want him so badly.

I want to feel his soft yet dominating lips against mine. I want to cuddle him when we go to sleep. I want to jump into his arms and tell him how much I love him and appreciate him. I want to feel his length in my hands and in my pussy. I want him to pound me like I'm the only girl he'll ever fuck.

My mind drifted back to reality as I began dragging my fingers in a circular motion on his bicep. He didn't seem to mind.

We finished watching the show we were watching when he faced me.

Sweet Pea: I'm going to take a shower okay? He said. I nodded my head with a smile as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

That's also another thing I do a lot when we're alone. Any contact I have with him sends tingles to my core.

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